
Whether a man is enough to love, the key lies in these "three points"

Whether a man is enough to love, the key lies in these "three points"

When men come and go with you, they say "I can't do without you, I only love you alone", and they are willing to give you some small gifts, give you some companionship, help you do some things, and seem to love you very much.

However, when you need a man to give too much, the man will lose patience, feel displeased, find reasons to avoid you, or even more, blame you for being "insatiable"; or, after you point out the man's faults, ask the man to correct the mistakes, and restrain his behavior, the man will lose patience with you and complain that you "interfered in his affairs".

Obviously, men are only willing to give you some low-cost payment, but they are not willing to pay too much to you, and men have such an attitude, which is obviously not deeply affectionate to you and does not love you enough.

The man who really has a deep affection for you, with you in his heart, his affection for you can withstand the test, when you need him to pay a lot, men will be willing to give everything to you, will not blame you; when you point out the shortcomings of men, or ask men to help you do a very difficult thing, men will rarely let you down.

For women, they are most afraid of marrying the wrong man, and they should choose a man who treats her sincerely. Whether a man is enough to love, the key lies in these "three points", how many points can your family do?

Whether a man is enough to love, the key lies in these "three points"

1. Whether you dare to love and take responsibility, to be good to you.

When a man interacts with you, he does not dare to show love to you, afraid of taking responsibility, afraid of being involved by you, holding an evasive attitude towards you, and when you need his help, he always can't find his shadow, and the man releases such a signal, indicating that there is no place for you in his heart, and it is not rare for you.

The man who truly loves you deeply is most afraid that he will miss you in this life, he will dare to love you, and dare to take on his responsibilities, be good to you, and love you without distraction.

In daily life, he will take good care of you, not only to give you material help in life, but also to give you spiritual companionship. He has the courage and determination to be with you, and he will support his belief in love with actions: treat you gently, give you happiness, and accompany you until old age.

Whether a man is enough to love, the key lies in these "three points"

2. Whether you can accept you, respect you, and make you feel comfortable.

When a man interacts with you, he always makes you uncomfortable: he loves to focus on your shortcomings, likes to find your stubble, and contradicts you.

When you show a little deficiency, he will count you down, say that you are not, ridicule you, and say something that hurts your self-esteem. What's more, on this grounds, to break up with you, is not willing to give you the opportunity to correct, and has no patience for you. And when he shows his deficiencies and does wrong things, you give him an opinion, ask him to pay attention to it, let him take into account your feelings, and he is always unwilling to listen to your opinions and is not willing to improve himself for you.

When men interact with you, they will put on the above postures, obviously not taking you seriously.

The man who really loves you deeply will respect you, he will listen to your opinions, restrain his behavior for you, correct his mistakes, make himself better, at the same time, for your shortcomings, he can tolerate and accept, because he wants to carry out love with you to the end, wants to stay with you for a lifetime, so you live with him, often live comfortably, don't realize it.

Whether a man is enough to love, the key lies in these "three points"

3. He is able to prioritize you in important moments.

When a man interacts with you, he always seems "unreliable" at some key moments and disappoints you.

When you are sick, you need him to take care of you, but he does not care about your illness, you are in trouble, hope that he will pull you, for you to support the bottom, but he is afraid of being tired of you and chooses to avoid you; on some holidays, you want him to accompany you, give you some warmth, but always do not see others.

When he is faced with some choices, men have never heard of your opinions, often ignore your feelings, do things that harm you, and even more, when there are twists and turns in the feelings between you, they will choose to give up the feelings between you, and men dare to treat you like this, obviously they do not take you seriously.

The man who really loves you deeply will put his mind on you, for your things, he will be extremely concerned, in some important moments, he will always show you his boy's responsibility, he will put you in a priority position, can do everything to you, first take into account your feelings, the man releases such a signal, indicating that there is your place in his heart, don't realize it.

Whether a man is enough to love, the key lies in these "three points"

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