
Another member of the core-making army! Midea will join the field of automotive chips

At present, the shortage of the automotive chip market is visible to the naked eye, under such a premise, in addition to automobiles, mobile phones and other enterprises in the self-developed chips, many home appliance industries have also begun to step into the chip market, such as Gree, Hisense video, and we are familiar with the United States.

On January 10, Midea said in an interview on the public platform that the company entered the chip field in the second half of 2018, mainly put into production MCU control chips, and achieved mass production in 2021, with a global mass production of about 10 million pieces, and this year's target shipment of 80 million pieces, but the company's future plans are more than that, and the future will continue to increase chip production, and enter other home appliance-related chip products such as power and power, and the most important thing is that the United States will lay out automotive chips in the future.

Another member of the core-making army! Midea will join the field of automotive chips

It is reported that in December 2018, midea group through its midea innovation investment co., LTD. established Shanghai Meiren Semiconductor Co., Ltd., focusing on the development and sales of industrial semiconductors, development to the present, there are still some achievements, the main products are covering the whole category of home appliance chips four product series, including MCUs, power chips, power chips and IOT chips. At present, midea's MCU is used for its own home appliances, in this regard, there are also industry insiders who say that this is an entry-level product, which is different from the types of chips used in the car, and the current car chips are mainly designed by foreign manufacturers.

Midea is not the first time in the automotive field to have a purpose, in the very early days, Midea with the help of the Midea Group's Midea mechanical and electrical business group into the automotive field, undertaken by the auto parts parts company - Welling auto parts, Welling Auto Parts Company released three major product lines, namely auxiliary automatic driving systems, drive systems and thermal management systems, are closely related to auto parts.

Another member of the core-making army! Midea will join the field of automotive chips

As for the chip, midea is also a multi-track simultaneous force, in 2019, midea loT company released a special smart chip for home appliances HolaCon, as well as a high-performance low-cost intelligent connection module equipped with HolaCon chip, and now these chips have been fully applied to midea's full range of smart home appliance products, or let everyone see the strength of midea in chips; next, last January, midea group registered and established Meken Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd., directly domineering wholly owned.

About this Meiken semiconductor company, there is still a bit of talk, according to reports, this company in 2009 began to set up the project, only in 2011 out of the first IPM, in 2014 began to apply in large quantities, by the first half of 2021 has been a cumulative application of 17.58 million pieces.

Another member of the core-making army! Midea will join the field of automotive chips

From the 10 million chips produced in 2021, in fact, it is not a great achievement in the field of semiconductors, let alone how much interest there is, and may not even have turned a profit, so from this point of view, midea in the field of chips, whether it is its own home appliance industry or the automotive industry to be affected in the future, midea is not yet mature. However, there are also professional industry insiders to analyze, the current layout of the United States semiconductor is actually the most wanted is not the interests, but to ensure that their own industrial chain in the key links of the independent controllability, in the future days will not be because of the supply chain of emergencies and very difficult, about the layout of the United States in the car chip, or it is still worth looking forward to, maybe in the future it is possible to see the United States in the automotive industry has more achievements.

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