
Jetway Auto unveils a new strategy

On January 10th, China's first Travel + Conference & Jietu Automobile Brand Night event was held in Fuzhou. In this future travel technology show with the theme of "Our New Journey", Jietu Automobile released a new product strategic plan, comprehensively upgraded the "Travel +" strategy from the brand, product and marketing dimensions, further consolidated the "Travel +" travel ecological leader position, and jietu "New Journey" officially entered a new stage of development.

Jetway Auto unveils a new strategy

Yin Tongyue, Chairman of Chery Holding Group, said: "As the innovation pioneer of Chery Group, Jietu Automobile will meet market challenges with continuous brand innovation, product innovation and marketing innovation, and build the 'Travel +' ecosystem into a new benchmark for user experience in the automotive industry." ”

Jetway Auto unveils a new strategy

Layout full scene travel, guard the boundless journey

At this conference, Jietu Automobile officially released the layout of X, T, P and V product sequences, which mainly feature SUVs, hardcore off-road, hardcore pickup trucks and MPV models. The release of the new "Travel +" product strategic planning marks the official opening of the "4+3+N product matrix" era of Jietu Automobile, namely the SUV series (Jietu X-1, Jietu X-2, Jietu X70, Jietu X90), cross-border series (Jietu Hardcore Off-Road, Jietu Hardcore Pickup Truck, Jietu MPV), Hybrid Series (all series of products synchronous planning hybrid and living space series).

Jetway Auto unveils a new strategy
Jetway Auto unveils a new strategy
Jetway Auto unveils a new strategy

At the event site, Jietu Automobile, Together with Fangte, Qiuyedi and other partners of the "Travel +" ecosystem alliance, carefully created a cross-border display, showing the diversified and personalized scene experience of future travel. At present, Jietu Automobile has built 80 "Travel +" ecological alliance units, and according to the plan, it will be expanded to 100+ in 2022.

Jetway Auto unveils a new strategy

Bao Siyu, deputy general manager of Chery Holding Group and general manager of Jetway Automobile, said: "Jetway firmly implements the 'Travel +' strategy, continuously expands the 'Travel +' ecosystem, enriches the 'Travel +' products, expands the 'Travel +' station, and upgrades the 'Travel +' platform, bringing more surprises and joy to users during their travels, broadening the boundaries and horizons of Jetour, and providing more development possibilities." ”

Intelligent health upgrades, leading the new driving fun of travel

China's first Travel+ Conference is the beginning of a new journey, showcasing jetour's industry-leading heavyweight technologies and products. Relying on Chery's more than 20 years of car-making technology, Jietu Automobile has always adhered to the independent research and development of car-making ideas, focused on the "travel +" market segment, continued to create "travel +" product characteristics, and strengthened the intelligent and healthy product label.

Jetway Auto unveils a new strategy

The Kunlun architecture that debuted this time is an important achievement of Jietu Automobile's intelligent empowerment of "Travel +". Kunlun architecture combined with Chery Group platform architecture and "travel +" positioning to build, support the iterative capabilities of 5G intelligent driving, the use of industry-leading central computer and Gigabit Ethernet, with high computing, high bandwidth, high security industry-leading at the same time, but also the "travel +" intelligent ecology to provide standard expansion port, can self-evolve, connect unlimited possible travel scene needs, can be called super brain wisdom cockpit.

Jetway Auto unveils a new strategy

Zhou Dinghua, deputy general manager of Jietu Automobile and general manager of R&D center, said: "Based on Chery's long-proven modular platform and intelligent total technology, Jietu will upgrade its digital architecture platform, carry out in-depth excavation and expansion in intelligent driving and intelligent ecology, and then work with first-class ecological partners to jointly develop industry-leading intelligent architecture, and continue to bring safe and reliable travel protection to customers in terms of intelligent ecological services, intelligent driving, and healthy cockpit." ”

Jetway Auto unveils a new strategy

At the press conference, the T-X concept car codenamed Jietu was officially unveiled. The T product sequence aims to broaden the boundaries of travel, combined with the user's functional and scenario-based experience during the travel process, to create an off-road "solution" that is extremely safe to protect and release driving pleasure. In the future, the product sequence will launch a variety of models such as hardcore off-road, intelligent off-road, luxury off-road, etc., with vehicle lengths ranging from 4.6-5.1 meters, covering a price range of 150,000-300,000 yuan to meet the off-road travel needs of different consumers.

Jetway Auto unveils a new strategy

T product series in terms of power will include 1.0T, 2.0T, 3.0T fuel version and hybrid, pure electric and other options, at the same time, the use of a differential lock with four-wheel drive system, including mechanical four-wheel drive and electric four-wheel drive version, the body also includes load-bearing or non-load-bearing two body structures. According to the plan, the first model of the T product series, the T-1, will be launched in 2023. Based on the strong extensibility of the intelligent architecture of the T product sequence, the same platform pickup truck models will also be launched in the future.

Jetway Auto unveils a new strategy

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