
During the Kangxi Dynasty, yongzheng changed its purpose to destroy evidence

The Song Fold was unique to the Qing Dynasty, a tool for dialogue between monarchs and subjects; there was a "Song Fold Politics" during the Yongzheng Period. Yongzheng stipulates that ministers must "play the fold" when they speak to the emperor; at the same time, it is also a symbol of honor, indicating that they have the right to speak to the emperor; for example, some local officials were given the right to "play the fold" by Yongzheng; however, before this, the fold was a very mysterious document, which was dedicated to the minister to "inform" the emperor, especially to report someone or something; whenever he saw the emperor Zhu Ping, he knew that someone was going to be unlucky; after Yongzheng ascended the throne, in order to cover up some of the "secrets" that Kangxi had said, he ordered the repossession of the kangxi years. It also implies that he was in a bad position; how did things go? Let's take a look!

During the Kangxi Dynasty, yongzheng changed its purpose to destroy evidence

In the Yongzheng Dynasty, the recitation was a very common and important thing; according to the "Draft History of the Qing Dynasty", on February 16, 1723, yongzheng issued an edict to the officials of the Road of Discipline: "Respect for the unification, everything is observed into the constitution, especially the urgency of seeking words... Make erkodo fold one person a day, take turns to play, fold only one thing, no matter how big or small... It is not known that it is not known;"

During the Kangxi Dynasty, yongzheng changed its purpose to destroy evidence

This means that in the Jingman han ministers and the governors of other provinces, inspectors, and other high-ranking officials, as well as the inspectors, section and Dao officials, no matter how big or small, must play the folds every day, but also write in detail; in this way, every day, the overwhelming folds flew towards the Yangxin Hall; Yongzheng was also very diligent, and zhu approved these folds day and night; the governor of Yungui, Ortai, seized the opportunity and often paid tribute to Pu'er tea; and finally the dream came true, making Pu'er a royal tea.

During the Kangxi Dynasty, yongzheng changed its purpose to destroy evidence

Yongzheng also gave some low-ranking ministers the grace of "Shangsheng Fold"; these minor ministers either had a special relationship with Yongzheng, such as touching relatives and bringing old deeds, or gaining favor when introduced; these young ministers were naturally overjoyed to be honored with the favor of writing and folding; Yongzheng was useful in doing so, and he used the unique status of the minor ministers to restrain and supervise their superiors.

In the capital, officials above the Jingtang and Hanzhan Kedao could write recitals, and they had to write them every day; if they did not write for a few days without reason, Yongzheng would take back the official's right to write the recitals, so that he could never talk to the emperor; according to the Zhu Zhi ZhiZhi, the number of people playing the folds during the Yongzheng period was as high as more than 1,000.

During the Kangxi Dynasty, yongzheng changed its purpose to destroy evidence

The Song Fold was a product of the Shunzhi period of the Qing Dynasty, and the previous number was very small; initially it was a special document for "hitting small reports"; for example, in the later years of Kangxi's life, when the princes were competing for the throne, there were often folds in and out of the Yangxin Hall; the small folds made the Attitude of the Kangxi Emperor uncertain, and at the same time concerned the fate of everyone; perhaps Kangxi would reveal some information in the secret fold; this mysterious document planted a thorn in Yongzheng's heart; Kangxi Sixty-first Year (1722) On November 27, when Yongzheng succeeded to the throne for only eight days, he moved the "Sonata Fold" of thoughts;

During the Kangxi Dynasty, yongzheng changed its purpose to destroy evidence

According to the Yongzheng Shangyi, "The Prime Minister's Affairs Wang Chancellor ... All the Imperial Examination Zhu's decrees, all respectfully sealed into the present... If the copy is preserved, hidden and burned, and later found out, it will not be lenient..." Yongzheng returned all the secret folds of Kangxi, and it was obvious that he was a manifestation of weakness in his heart, afraid that Kangxi had said that he did not agree to be emperor and the like; he was even more afraid that Kangxi had mentioned in the secret fold which brother he belonged to.

During the Kangxi Dynasty, yongzheng changed its purpose to destroy evidence

Yongzheng hurriedly destroyed evidence in order to preserve his throne, which was suspected of covering up the throne, and it can be seen from here that he fought for the throne so hard; and judging from Yongzheng's "twisting politics", regardless of whether his throne came from the right path or not, his very diligent administration is worth affirming!

[References: "Zhu Zhi Zhi Zhi", "Yongzheng Shang Zhi", "Qing History Draft"]

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