
He played a Japanese devil in China for 15 years, but after returning to China, he was beaten up and resolutely let his daughter become a Chinese citizen

The modern history of China since 1840 is a humiliating history, where compromise and struggle coexist, and in several wars the Qing government signed several treaties that humiliated the country, resulting in the cession of Chinese land and the plundering of silver. The people of the world have suffered great disasters, countless people have lost their lives, they have been displaced, and the world economy has been destroyed; there is no country where the people of no country do not hate war, and even Japan, the aggressor country, has ordinary people who love peace and deeply dislike this unjust war of aggression.

It is said that film and television culture originates from life and reflects life, and film and television dramas with the theme of the War of Resistance Against Japan have become an important part of Chinese film and television works in recent years, and these anti-Japanese dramas reflect the heroic history of the Chinese people in resisting the Japanese invaders. Koji Yano is an unknown actor in Japan, who came to China by chance to be introduced to filming, but his acting career in China was not smooth.

He played a Japanese devil in China for 15 years, but after returning to China, he was beaten up and resolutely let his daughter become a Chinese citizen

After the end of the Second World War, the people of the world reflected on the war and loved peace even more, and the German government made many sincere confessions for the crimes of Nazi Germany and prayed for the victims of the war. However, Japan did not repent of the crimes committed by the fascists, nor did it apologize to the Chinese people, but instead tampered with the history textbooks of middle schools in an attempt to erase the crime of aggression against China.

He played a Japanese devil in China for 15 years, but after returning to China, he was beaten up and resolutely let his daughter become a Chinese citizen

After Yano Koji came to China, because the Chinese people not only hated the Japanese because of the history of the war of aggression against China, but also because the Japanese government did not repent and tampered with and covered up the history of the invasion of China, And Yano Koji's identity as a Japanese made him very prejudiced when he first arrived in China, and often did not receive the drama. After learning about the history of the Chinese nation's indomitable and arduous struggle on Chinese soil, he admired it even more and was determined to learn from Chinese and gain a deeper understanding of the culture of this ancient nation.

He played a Japanese devil in China for 15 years, but after returning to China, he was beaten up and resolutely let his daughter become a Chinese citizen

In 2001, Koji Yano came to Beijing to study Chinese, and as he Chinese his understanding of Chinese culture became more and more profound. At the time of the popularity of the anti-Japanese drama, he also found a role positioning for himself, that is, to play the image of the Japanese in the anti-Japanese drama. With several opportunities to get the role of Japanese, he carefully pondered, portraying the cunning and vicious image of Japanese officers into three points, his fame grew, and he participated in many film and television drama works that were loved by the audience, such as the well-known "Little Soldier Zhang Ga", in which he played the role of Saito. At the same time, he also joined the Hunan TV Tiantian Upward Program Group in 2008 as a host.

He played a Japanese devil in China for 15 years, but after returning to China, he was beaten up and resolutely let his daughter become a Chinese citizen

As his fame spread back to Japan, after the Japanese people learned about his role positioning, some netizens often attacked him, believing that he had slandered Japanese soldiers and smeared the image of the Japanese, and even his family in Japan did not understand and did not support him. But Koji Yano insisted on staying in China, and he worked hard to portray every character and bring high-quality film and television works to the audience, while committing to the relationship between China and Japan, expressing his apologies to the Chinese people in his own way for the history of aggression, and at the same time calling on the Japanese people to face up to history.

He played a Japanese devil in China for 15 years, but after returning to China, he was beaten up and resolutely let his daughter become a Chinese citizen

However, after more than ten years, when he stepped on the plane back to Japan again, he just landed in Japan, and was beaten by some radicals and injured in many places, and this behavior of the Japanese people was strongly condemned by the Chinese people. Koji Yano not only learned about Chinese culture on Chinese soil, but also met love, his wife is from Chongqing, China, and his cute little daughter was born in 2010, and he also gave his daughter a Chinese nationality.

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