
The World's Most Painful Suicide: How Funny Is it that a Japanese Man commits suicide by cutting his abdomen? Someone cut three times without success

We Chinese believe that "the parents who receive the skin of the body do not dare to destroy it." Our bodies, hairs, and skin are all given to us by our parents, and we must cherish him. Because a healthy body and mind is the most basic condition for doing things, loving and caring for it is the beginning of our filial piety, especially suicidal behavior, which is regarded as a manifestation of cowardice and incompetence in China.

The Japanese, on the contrary, initially advocated loyalty, etiquette, and shame, but the Japanese bushido spirit, as a product of the politics of the feudal shogunate era, only absorbed the surface of our Chinese Confucian and Taoist thought, and did not understand the true meaning of it. The King of Japan demanded absolute loyalty to all his subjects, even if they died, to achieve their goals, so cutting themselves off became a way for them to express their resolve, and if anyone disobeyed, it would be considered shameful. So we often see Japanese people on TV killing themselves without moving, which is just a way for them to self-identify.

The World's Most Painful Suicide: How Funny Is it that a Japanese Man commits suicide by cutting his abdomen? Someone cut three times without success

oneself up

The origin of self-suicide by cutting the abdomen

The Japanese have to start with a story that portrays a person who commits suicide as a tragic hero whose soul can be liberated. During the peaceful period of Japan, there was a nobleman named Fujiwara Yoshi, who maintained the image of a polite gentleman during the day, but at night, he became a man who burned and plundered without evil. When his atrocities were finally discovered, a large number of troops went to arrest him.

The World's Most Painful Suicide: How Funny Is it that a Japanese Man commits suicide by cutting his abdomen? Someone cut three times without success

However, in the face of the soldiers who surrounded him layer by layer, Fujiwara Yoshi was very calm, opening all the doors and windows, acting like an empty city plan, but he was obviously not as smart as Zhuge Cheng Xiang. Only to see him leisurely blowing the whistle, when the song was finished, he showed a slender samurai sword, and without hesitation, he cut through his stomach, and then threw his internal organs to the soldiers outside. After his death, everyone was shocked, and not only forgave him for all his crimes, but also spread the act of cutting his abdomen to all of Japan (really lacking in morality).

The most painful way to commit suicide

Hanging, poisoning, wrist cutting... There are thousands of ways to commit suicide, so why choose the most painful way to commit suicide? Could it be that the Japanese are braver than other peoples? Not really.

First of all, the sword is a symbol of the Japanese samurai, so suicide must use one's own samurai sword; secondly, the fullness of the soul in the Japanese heart is the most important, in the Japanese concept, the soul is not a vain thing, nor is it located in the head or heart, but in the stomach. So only by cutting oneself out of one's stomach can you satisfy these two requirements: use your most precious sword, cut off your soul from your stomach, and then throw it to those who question you, so that they can see that only your own soul is innocent...

The World's Most Painful Suicide: How Funny Is it that a Japanese Man commits suicide by cutting his abdomen? Someone cut three times without success

Why is it that suicide by cutting one's abdomen is the most painful? Because no matter how many knives are cut in the stomach, people will not be killed immediately, at least they can persist for 5-6 hours before going to see the emperor, the pain during this period can be imagined, if you accidentally scream out, then how to remain heroic? Isn't it white? Where there is demand, there is supply. At this time, a new profession came into being.

The "shadow" behind the samurai

The Japanese call it "the wrong person", in order to solve their own worries about cutting their own abdomen and committing suicide (committing suicide incompletely), the abdominal cutter will find a close confidant to be his own intermediary, help behead himself after completing the abdomen, and give himself a hard time: as long as the samurai uses a wooden knife and a bamboo knife to symbolically scratch the abdomen, the wrong person will take the knife and behead the abdomen cutter, but externally it must be declared to cut the abdomen.

The World's Most Painful Suicide: How Funny Is it that a Japanese Man commits suicide by cutting his abdomen? Someone cut three times without success

After World War II, the U.S. government forced the Japanese emperor to issue the "Declaration on The World", denying that he was a "god of the world" and admitting that he was a human being like a commoner... At this point, the Japanese emperor was finally pulled off the altar, and the spirit of self-suicide in Japanese Bushido also fell.

However, there are still people who want to restore the spirit of Bushido, such as Yukio Mishima, who ran to the Japanese Self-Defense Forces to give a speech in a vain attempt to launch a coup d'état and restore the spirit of Bushido, but people no longer believe this and mock him for his illness. In order to wake up the sleeping Japanese, she began to cut her own abdomen, and the result was also that the wrong person executed the beheading, but the person he chose was a bit unreliable: the first knife only cut his left shoulder, the second knife only cut his right shoulder, and the third knife finally cut the neck, but the knife was too light, the strength was not enough, and Yukio Mishima, who could not bear the pain, tried to bite his tongue and commit suicide, and the result was that the person next to him could not see it, helped cut down the fourth knife, and finally gave Mishima his life.

The World's Most Painful Suicide: How Funny Is it that a Japanese Man commits suicide by cutting his abdomen? Someone cut three times without success

The so-called "samurai among men, cherry blossoms in flowers", Japan's national essence is worth preserving, but many people only pay attention to its form, and ignore the fact that it is hidden under the form: cherry blossoms are only the most gorgeous when they bloom, and the rest of the time they are silently drawing nourishment; for life, it should not be so disrespectful, only emphasizing the splendor of the moment and not enjoying the process.

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