
If Liu Bei unified the world, he would definitely kill these two people, Zhuge Liang had already seen through it!

Liu Bei was the founder of the Shu state during the Three Kingdoms period and established the Shu Han regime, Liu Bei's life is very legendary, bearing the identity of the Han family, but he can only live by selling grass mats in the folk. Later, after pulling open the banner, he was beaten and fled from the east to the west, and successively defected to a number of forces, but he has not settled down. The first half of Liu Bei's life can be described as turbulent and displaced, but fortunately, he got Zhuge Liang in Longzhong, and with zhuge Liang's help, Liu Bei got Yizhou and finally had his own place. Liu Bei's goal was to unify the world and support the Han Dynasty, but Liu Bei did not succeed in the end. If Liu Bei dominates the world, the first thing to kill must be these 3 people, and Zhuge Liang will not say that he will break it.

If Liu Bei unified the world, he would definitely kill these two people, Zhuge Liang had already seen through it!

There are many examples of cunning rabbits dying, running dogs cooking, and killing heroes in history, that is, Liu Bang, the founding emperor of the Han Dynasty, killed a large number of founding heroes after the unification of the world. Although Liu Bei seemed to be very benevolent on the surface, if he really got the world, three people would definitely die.

Guan yu

If Liu Bei unified the world, he would definitely kill these two people, Zhuge Liang had already seen through it!

The first to be killed was Liu Bei's brother Guan Yu, who had always been in love with Liu Bei, and many people did not believe that Liu Bei would kill Guan Yu. However, In the later period, Guan Yu became very arrogant, which made Liu Bei very unhappy. After sealing Guan Yu as the General of the Five Tigers, Guan Yu was ashamed to be in the company of Huang Zhong, and he also had to enter Chuan to test martial arts with Ma Chao. Liu Bei had just taken the throne at this time, and all the matters had not yet settled down, and it was very unreasonable for Guan Yu to find trouble at this time, so he dared to confront Liu Bei at this time, and when Liu Bei died, he would have to pay it back, in order to protect Liu's Jiangshan, Guan Yu was one who would die.

Ma Chao

If Liu Bei unified the world, he would definitely kill these two people, Zhuge Liang had already seen through it!

The other is Ma Chao, Who is the son of Ma Teng, Xiliang, and has not been used by Liu Bei for many years, because Ma Chao's strength is too strong. At any time, he could get rid of Liu Bei alone, and with his past connections and prestige, it was not impossible to kill back to Xiliang, so after unifying the world, Ma Chao was also doomed to be killed.

Zhuge Liang

If Liu Bei unified the world, he would definitely kill these two people, Zhuge Liang had already seen through it!

Finally, there is the powerful minister Zhuge Liang, after Liu Bei's death, Zhuge Liang controlled the government, which made many ministers dissatisfied, although Liu Chan did not have any ability, but the good villain was also the lord of the Eight Classics of Zheng'er, and here in Zhuge Liang, Liu Chan almost had no status. In the case of a critical situation, Liu Bei entrusted Zhuge Liang alone, if the world is really unified, Liu Bei's most uneasy person is also Zhuge Liang, and he will inevitably kill Zhuge Liang and clear the way for his son.

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