
Five years ago, an 83-year-old woman in Guangzhou poisoned her 46-year-old son, and the court sentenced her to a suspended sentence: she was out of love

On May 4, 2017, 83-year-old Huang Ruolan let his 46-year-old youngest son, Li Lin, drink a bowl of honey water (both mother and son are pseudonyms). Five minutes later, the son closed his eyes and fell asleep in his mother's arms.

Mother Huang Ruolan took out a long silk scarf from her arms, slowly wrapped around his neck, and tightened it little by little, at the same time, Huang Ruolan pressed her face tightly to Li Lin's face, and her tears flowing wantonly also covered the pillow towel under her son's head.

Li Lin did not struggle at all, and soon fell into a permanent slumber.

Five years ago, an 83-year-old woman in Guangzhou poisoned her 46-year-old son, and the court sentenced her to a suspended sentence: she was out of love

Two days later, Yuexiu District police arrested Huang Ruolan for intentional homicide.

On the afternoon of October 26, 2017, the Yuexiu District Court rendered a first-instance judgment on the case:

The judgment clearly states: "The defendant illegally deprived others of their lives and caused death, and his conduct has constituted the crime of intentional homicide." ”

The court's verdict was that defendant Huang Ruolan was convicted of intentional homicide and sentenced to three years' imprisonment with four years' probation.

After hearing the verdict, the audience in the audience came back from the sighs, and there was a burst of applause, and people sighed that the old lady was a "good mother" and "a good person".

Five years ago, an 83-year-old woman in Guangzhou poisoned her 46-year-old son, and the court sentenced her to a suspended sentence: she was out of love

Killing people pays for their lives, and when the old lady is old, she can give extrajudicial grace and reduce the punishment, which does not violate the spirit of the rule of law.

However, after all, the old lady committed the crime of murder, why did she still get high praise from the masses, saying that she was a "good person"?

Besides, the ancients Yun "tiger poison does not eat children", as a mother, personally killed her own son, how to say that she is ashamed of the sacred title of mother, why do the masses say that she is a "good mother"?

Five years ago, an 83-year-old woman in Guangzhou poisoned her 46-year-old son, and the court sentenced her to a suspended sentence: she was out of love

Huang Ruolan, born in 1934, went to work at a radio factory in Guangzhou at the age of 18.

At the age of 20, Huang Ruolan fell in love with a young man from Qingmei Bamboo Horse and Li Da, who also worked at a radio factory, and entered the marriage hall.

In 1957, their love crystallized and their eldest son Dawn fell to the ground, making the home more warm and full of laughter.

Husband and wife are both employees of state-owned enterprises, after marriage, they gave birth to a big fat boy, and the relationship between the two is so good, such a family is indeed happy, so that neighbors are very envious.

In 1970, Huang Ruolan and his wife heard people talking about the state's future family planning, so they had the idea of having a second child. At that time, Huang Ruolan was 36 years old, past the optimal age of childbearing, and was already considered an elderly mother, which was more dangerous for mothers and babies. Huang Ruolan considered from the perspective of a mother, if she did not give birth at this time, she would have no chance in the future.

The couple still made the decision to ask for another one.

In May 1971, their second child, Li Lin, was born.

Five years ago, an 83-year-old woman in Guangzhou poisoned her 46-year-old son, and the court sentenced her to a suspended sentence: she was out of love

In July of that year, the State Council promulgated the "Report on Doing a Good Job in Family Planning Work", which included the indicators of controlling population growth into the national economic development plan for the first time. Therefore, relatives and friends are glad for the birth of huang Ruolan's second child, saying that they are blessed as a couple.

The child was born with a weight of 9 pounds, white and fat, and looked very healthy.

For most people, do not pursue the family wealth, nor do they expect their children to grow up to be able to honor their ancestors, as long as the family is safe and sound, and the children grow up healthy and healthy, they are already very satisfied.

Watching the children grow up day by day, a smile was written on the faces of Huang Ruolan and his wife.

The weather is unpredictable, and huang Ruolan and his wife, who do not have excessive luxury in life, the god of luck coldly closed the door to them.

Mr. and Mrs. Huang Ruolan soon found that their son was somewhat different, and the baby born with their son could walk at the age of one, and their baby could not stand at this time.

Five years ago, an 83-year-old woman in Guangzhou poisoned her 46-year-old son, and the court sentenced her to a suspended sentence: she was out of love

At the age of one and a half, the child could not walk, and the couple was in a hurry, so they carried the child to the hospital.

Doctors say that babies' physique varies from person to person, walking late and early, and walking at two years old is not uncommon. However, until the child is three years old, the little one will not walk alone, and will fall without the support of his parents.

Not only that, the younger son's mouth is also very "stupid", and he will not call out to his parents at the age of two.

This made Huang Ruolan look in his eyes and be anxious in his heart.

The mother-in-law did not know, has been muttering, in front of relatives and friends accused the daughter-in-law of not taking good care of the child, Huang Ruolan is also very distressed, repeatedly reviewing herself, what exactly is wrong.

The husband disputed the mother's statement: Your daughter-in-law is not the first child, and the eldest son is smart and healthy, how can she not take care of the child? It wasn't her fault.

The comfort from her husband did not alleviate her wife's psychological burden in the slightest, and Huang Ruolan was impatient.

Relatives and friends have comforted them, saying that the children will definitely be better when they are older, and you are not close relatives married, how can the children have problems?

The couple thought the same thing, maybe with the passage of time, the son's condition will change.

Five years ago, an 83-year-old woman in Guangzhou poisoned her 46-year-old son, and the court sentenced her to a suspended sentence: she was out of love

After another two years, the kind couple had to face disappointment again, and Li Lin could not walk independently until he was four and a half years old, but he fell one step at a time, and his parents were distressed.

Compared with his athletic ability, Xiao Lilin's language ability is even worse, and he still can't even shout his parents.

The couple panicked and began to go to major hospitals.

Some people say that the couple's heart is also too big, and they should have shown their children a long time ago. In fact, they can't all blame them, the scientific parenting knowledge of couples in that era was relatively poor, and no one was better than anyone else.

Soon after arriving at the hospital, the results of the examination came out, Li Lin's brain was stunted and he had Down syndrome.

Down syndrome is a disease caused by chromosomal abnormalities, with obvious intellectual backwardness, special appearance, growth and developmental disorders, and multiple malformations.

Its external features are: the baby's face is flat, the eyes are narrow and long, the bridge of the nose is wide, and the back of the head and neck is flattened. Mental retardation and slow physical development.

The familiar Zhouzhou is a Tang'er, and the facial shape of a certain animated movie that has recently been widely complained about is also considered to be very close to the characteristics of Tang'er.

Many Down babies may suffer from congenital heart and other organ defects at the same time. Male Down babies will not be fertile even if they reach puberty.

There is currently no effective treatment for Down syndrome, and after the hospital has checked it out, it is usually recommended that pregnant women terminate their pregnancies early.

In the 1970s, China's diagnosis and treatment equipment was relatively backward and could not be detected in the early stage of the fetus, and similar tragedies could not be avoided.

After learning the seriousness of the disease, the couple's heart was extremely heavy, but they held the attitude of trying it out and asked for medical treatment everywhere.

Five years ago, an 83-year-old woman in Guangzhou poisoned her 46-year-old son, and the court sentenced her to a suspended sentence: she was out of love

And those charlatans and scammers, that is, seize their psychology and claim that they can cure the disease. Therefore, Huang Ruolan and his wife spent a lot of unjust money, and the child's symptoms did not improve in the slightest.

Relatives and friends have persuaded the couple to take advantage of their youth and have another child. But Huang Ruolan has become an elderly mother, if there is an accident when giving birth to a child, who will take care of Xiao Lilin? Even if she can give birth to a child smoothly, Huang Ruolan's energy will be scattered and she will not be able to concentrate on taking care of Xiao Lilin.

In order not to let the younger son be wronged, they gave up the plan to have three children.

Children with Down syndrome are not only language and movement disorders, but also mentally inferior, generally only 4-year-old children's intelligence, and will never make the slightest progress.

What is even more frightening is that such children are often difficult to take care of themselves and have poor survival ability.

This means that once there is no need to leave the care of their parents, it is a problem for children to survive.

The more you know about the condition, the deeper the pain of the couple, the more they love their children, and the more afraid they are of the future.

Five years ago, an 83-year-old woman in Guangzhou poisoned her 46-year-old son, and the court sentenced her to a suspended sentence: she was out of love

Later, after the doctor's order, Huang Ruolan wanted to open.

The doctor said that the incidence of Tang children in China is one percent (now one percent of eight percent), and there are thousands of families like you, so you should accept the reality calmly and let your children live a better life.

Although Huang Ruolan is not suddenly cheerful, at least she is no longer blindly entangled, pessimistic and disappointed, she thinks that since he has come to this world, he should care more for his children in his limited life and let him suffer less grievances.

So she began to be herself with her heart, cherishing every minute of her time with her children.

In order to avoid one day that she is no longer there, so that her son can survive independently, she takes care of the child at the same time, while paying attention to developing her son's intelligence, cultivating the child's mobility, exercising his physique, and wanting him to slowly learn to take care of himself.

She greeted her children first regardless of fatigue after work, even if the children did not understand, when doing housework, she would take time to chat with her son. Even if you have been wronged in the factory and are in a bad mood, you must wipe away your tears and give your child a smiley face before entering the house.

Why didn't Huang Ruolan quit her job and take care of her children at home? Maintaining a family requires enough income, chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea, which does not need money!

In order to take care of the children, she paid for a nanny, and in those days, only the families of cadres could afford a nanny.

She smiled and said to her son, "You enjoy the treatment of the young master of the landlord's family." ”

Listening to his mother's words, the son seemed to laugh incomprehensibly, and seeing his son's laughter, Huang Ruolan's fatigue disappeared.

With the passage of time, Li Lin is also slowly growing, although the intelligence does not grow, but the bone and muscle development has not stopped, and it is getting fatter and fatter. In this way, taking care of children also requires more physical strength, and the general nanny cannot take this hard work, and several nannies are changed in a row, and they do not stay long before they resign.

In desperation, Huang Ruolan had to apply with the leader five times, and at the age of 44, he went through the retirement procedures.

As soon as the word "retirement" was mentioned, Huang Ruolan felt a pang in his heart. Before I felt that I was still young, I did not expect that I would also enter the retirement list, and in a flash, people would be old.

People have bad luck, and as they grow older, no one dares to guarantee that they will live to what day.

Five years ago, an 83-year-old woman in Guangzhou poisoned her 46-year-old son, and the court sentenced her to a suspended sentence: she was out of love

At this thought, a sense of crisis suddenly emerged, and she began to race against the clock to "train" her children. In her own words, 24 hours a day, there is not a single second that is not "early education" except cooking and sleeping.

On Li Lin's 13th birthday, Huang Ruolan bought a cake for the child, and the son finally squeezed three words out of his mouth: "I want to eat." ”

After hearing this, Huang Ruolan burst into tears. In her opinion, these three words are clearly natural sounds.

Soon after, Li Lin took the first step in his life with support. Immediately after, the son will also take things with his hands.

This made Huang Ruolan, who has been living in the haze for a long time, see a glimmer of hope.

In the blink of an eye, Li Lin has passed 25 birthdays and become a big guy. Children his age have already married and had children, but their own children are still alone.

At this time, Huang Ruolan was also over the age of flower nails, walking and panting, waist and back pain, and her physical state was not as good as a day.

She knew that she was doomed not to accompany her child to the end of her life, and after she left, she would definitely not be able to rest assured of him.

Huang Ruolan is determined to find a personal partner for Li Lin to relieve his worries.

Huang Ruolan is a dual worker, and has saved some money over the years. She began to run around, begging for her confidants, classmates, relatives and friends, and even ran to the marriage agency to find a partner for her youngest son.

But after half a year, there was still no result. Huang Ruolan finally understood that this was not something that money could solve.

I heard that my parents were all city people holding iron rice bowls, and there were also girls who were touched, but when they saw Li Lin's appearance, they turned their heads and left. One girl even scolded the matchmaker, saying that she did not have long eyes and deliberately pit people.

Realistically speaking, as long as it is not disabled, who wants to marry such a man?

Huang Ruolan also knows that those physically disabled girls often can't even take care of themselves, how can they take care of their "husbands"?

There was a township cadre's daughter in Huang Ruolan's hometown who was mentally abnormal, and the township cadre found a decent job for the man before marrying her daughter. The Huang Ruolan couple obviously did not have such an ability, and marrying their son was obviously a dream of Nan Ke.

In the face of setbacks, Huang Ruolan finally woke up, she was no longer whimsical, and finally gave up the idea of marrying a wife for her son.

Since this road is not passable, there is only one way left, to accompany his son to the end of his life.

As time went on, her heart became heavier, and the worries of the old days resurfaced. Because he is 37 years older than his son, he must walk in front of his son, and he is gone, what will his son do?

Just when Huang Ruolan was worried, in 2003, the 32-year-old Li Lin woke up suddenly delirious, unable to get up, and could only lie in bed, and his physical condition and intelligence seemed to have suddenly regressed to childhood.

As we all know, people who are bedridden for a long time are most afraid of pressure sores, and once this happens, they will soon reach the end of their lives.

The only way to avoid pressure sores is to turn over frequently, turn over every hour and a half, and sleep without interruption. According to this calculation, Huang Ruolan has to turn over her son at least a dozen times a day. How difficult it was for an old lady in her seventies.

Five years ago, an 83-year-old woman in Guangzhou poisoned her 46-year-old son, and the court sentenced her to a suspended sentence: she was out of love

At that time, it had entered the 21st century, nursing homes were all over the place by welfare homes, as long as there was money, they could be sent, why didn't Huang Ruolan send her son there?

In fact, relatives and friends and the staff of the street office have also persuaded more than once, hoping that Huang Ruolan will do this, and Huang Ruolan has also moved her heart, but when she sent her son to the door of the welfare home, she suddenly changed her mind, and she could not bear it.

Serving the patient is a conscience to make a living, she is a mother, of course, she will never tire of it, the son arrived at the welfare home, who will take care of him like himself? Every night he certainly couldn't sleep and was tortured.

Instead of that, keep him around. Except for himself, no one else can have the patience to send him to the welfare home, I am afraid it will not take long to "confess".

Huang Ruolan pushed the child into the house again.

Someone asked, isn't Huang Ruolan's husband helping his wife?

The husband suffered from cerebral hemorrhage and died ten years ago, and the responsibility of caring for the children fell on Huang Ruolan's weak shoulders.

With the growth of age, their various diseases have also followed, diabetes, emphysema, hypertension, tachycardia and other problems have come to the door.

In this situation, she felt increasingly overwhelmed.

Not only are the old eyes dizzy, walking can not see things clearly, but also often hit the wall, and the legs are trembling, the arms have no strength, sweeping the ground will be tired and breathless.

She seemed to have heard the call of Heaven and felt that she had gone to no more.

In this case, the problem that has plagued him for many years is once again in front of him:

I'm gone, what does he do?

Five years ago, an 83-year-old woman in Guangzhou poisoned her 46-year-old son, and the court sentenced her to a suspended sentence: she was out of love

Due to the slow atrophy of his muscles, Li Lin, who was lying on the bed, had to moan in pain all day and keep shouting "Mom". Each sound was like a knife, piercing her heart, stimulating her fragile nerves.

What is even more frightening is that probably because the pain is unbearable, the son began to "go on a hunger strike" consciously or unconsciously, and he did not know how to open his mouth when feeding.

Huang Ruolan was completely desperate when she saw this, and her tears had dried up. In the long run, his son's body could not last long. At this thought, her hand also became weak, and she dropped the bowl on the ground and smashed it.

While cleaning up the pieces, she saw a bottle of medicine under the coffee table, and the thought grew like a weed, and it was already more and more firm in her heart.

The medicine has been put away for some time, it is a bottle of sleeping pills, which I used to use as an excuse to let the doctor prescribe it to me and accumulate it again and again.

The purpose of her accumulation is to enable her son to leave "happily" one day and end all suffering.

She had picked up the medicine bottle countless times, but she always couldn't make up her mind, and she always felt that she could wait a little longer, do a little more effort, and let him feel more maternal love.

This time she finally made up her mind, and if it wasn't like this, I was afraid it would be too late.

When the old lady poured out the pills, a question suddenly came to mind.

Five years ago, an 83-year-old woman in Guangzhou poisoned her 46-year-old son, and the court sentenced her to a suspended sentence: she was out of love

If the younger son is gone, he can't bear it himself, and he also follows, will it affect others? Could someone say that family members killed their youngest son in order to compete for inheritance?

The old lady calmly wrote a suicide note to the effect that my son was a down-of-the-road patient, and now his condition has deteriorated, and he cannot take care of himself, and as a mother, I am also plagued by diseases, the oil is exhausted, and my life has come to an end. So I decided to end his life and have nothing to do with others.

Late at night on May 9, 2017, the old lady poured the pills into a cup with trembling hands and put them in boiling water. When I picked up the cup and was about to feed it to my son, I suddenly thought, will the pills be very bitter, can my son bear it?

She squeezed a slice into her mouth and chewed it, not too bitter. Still, she added a little honey to the cup and mixed it up.

After the old lady fed her son with a small spoon, the son's eyes widened, as if to ask, "Mom, what is this, why have I never drunk it?"

The old lady was afraid that the child would not drink, so she comforted and said, "This is a fairy medicine, and you can walk after drinking it." ”

Li Lin seemed to understand his mother's words and drank them very obediently.

After about five minutes, Li Lin closed his eyes and snored like thunder.

Seeing that her son was sleeping soundly, the old lady covered his mouth with a handkerchief, and then trembled and took out a long silk scarf that had been prepared from under the bed, circled it around her son's neck, and began to strangle hard. Until the son stops breathing.

At this time, her face could not tell whether it was sweat or tears, and this Le seemed to have exhausted her life's strength.

The next morning, the old lady, accompanied by her eldest son, went to the police station to turn herself in.

When stating the motive for the murder, the old lady said a sentence that made the interrogators almost burst into tears:

I'm dead, what about my little son? Who can take care of him like I did?

The state has the state law, the family has family rules, and Huang Ruolan was still arrested according to law.

Five years ago, an 83-year-old woman in Guangzhou poisoned her 46-year-old son, and the court sentenced her to a suspended sentence: she was out of love

The law itself has its own humane side, and the circumstances of the crime must be considered.

In July of that year, when the procuratorate filed the prosecution, it stated its opinion:

"There is a clear difference between killing children and vicious violent crimes."

"Considering Huang Ruolan's motives for committing the crime and not being harmful to society, it is recommended that Huang Ruolan be given a suspended sentence."

The 160 neighbors on the street also jointly wrote to the court, saying that the old lady was the best mother in the world and hoped that the court would consider it when sentencing.

Five years ago, an 83-year-old woman in Guangzhou poisoned her 46-year-old son, and the court sentenced her to a suspended sentence: she was out of love

On October 26, the Yuexiu District Court rendered a first-instance judgment on the case, and the defendant Huang X committed intentional homicide and was sentenced to three years' imprisonment with a four-year suspended sentence.

"The defendant illegally deprived others of their lives and caused their deaths, and their actions constituted intentional homicide." However, considering that the defendant had voluntarily surrendered, the confession was sincere. And at the time of the crime, he was 75 years old (already 83 years old), and at the same time received forgiveness from the victim's family (his eldest son) and other circumstances, and was given a lenient punishment:

"Although it violates the law and constitutes a crime, it is sad and pitiful."

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