
Awesome! Writer Ouyang Mingxi has won two provincial literary awards

#湖北日报 #

Awesome! Writer Ouyang Mingxi has won two provincial literary awards
Awesome! Writer Ouyang Mingxi has won two provincial literary awards

Recently, the Hubei Provincial Reportage Literature Society launched the first "Red Mark" Reportage Award in Hubei Province, and chibi writer Ouyang Ming's "A Veteran's War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea" won the first prize.

At the same time, the Hubei Provincial Federation of Literature and Literature and the Hubei Provincial Federation of Trade Unions jointly held the 10th Hubei Industry (Xing) Industry Literature and Art Chutian Award (Exhibition, Literature) Award, and Ouyang Ming's poetry collection "Time Falls Without Dust" won the finalist award.

A relevant person in charge of the Hubei Provincial Writers Association said that it is extremely rare for a writer to win two provincial literary awards at the same time.

Awesome! Writer Ouyang Mingxi has won two provincial literary awards

It is reported that the first "Red Mark" Reportage Award in Hubei Province is a selection award organized by the Hubei Provincial Reportage Literature Society, and the scope of participation is all kinds of reportage works published in the province since the reform and opening up. The award-winning authors will also be included in the key talent pool of the Hubei Reportage Society.

The 10th Hubei Industry (Industry) Industry Literature and Art Chutian Award (Exhibition, Literature) Award is jointly sponsored by the Hubei Provincial Federation of Literature and Literature and the Hubei Provincial Federation of Trade Unions. After the preliminary evaluation and final evaluation, the results of the award are divided into two parts: the shortlisted works and the award-winning works. The 10th Hubei Industry (Industry) Industry Literature and Art Chutian Award aims to reward enterprises and industries for literary and artistic creation, develop enterprise and industry culture, cultivate literary and artistic talents in enterprises and industries, enrich the cultural life of grass-roots workers, and carry forward the spirit of high spirit, unity and progress, pioneering and innovative in the development of enterprises.

Awesome! Writer Ouyang Mingxi has won two provincial literary awards
Awesome! Writer Ouyang Mingxi has won two provincial literary awards

Introduction to writer Ouyang Ming

Ouyang Ming, formerly known as Ouyang Mingming, is a native of Chibi (formerly Puxi) City, Hubei Province, a member of the Chinese Writers Association, and the president of the Chibi Academy of Literature. He has published literary works such as "People's Literature". Four collections of poems and one reportage have been published. There are poems, essays, literary criticism, and reportage that contain many domestic texts. The poetry collection has been collected by the National Library of China.

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