
Losing a kidney really has no effect on the body? Consider the doctor's analysis

A high-end smart phone, a new tablet, let a teenager lose his kidney. Such a funny thing has been staged in real life. For tens of thousands of dollars, someone sold his kidney.

The reason for this is that in their view, people have two kidneys, and even if they lose one kidney, the other kidney can do the work.

Losing a kidney really has no effect on the body? Consider the doctor's analysis

What do you think? Doesn't that sound very exciting? Selling a kidney, you can still live, you can still be healthy, and you can get a huge fee, even a salary that you may not earn for several years!

But is it really that simple? Does losing a kidney really have no effect?

Losing a kidney really has no effect on the body? Consider the doctor's analysis

First of all, the kidney is the most important metabolic organ of the human body, its basic function is to generate urine, the kidney will continue to filter the blood, the blood in the water and other substances intercepted to form urine.

Through the production and discharge of urine, the metabolic waste and toxins in the body are excreted from the body, while it can also retain substances that are beneficial to the body, such as glucose, proteins and amino acids.

It can be said that the kidneys are the key to maintaining the balance of water and electrolytes. Not only that, but the kidneys also have endocrine functions. It not only ensures the stability of the body's internal environment, but also allows metabolism to proceed normally.

Losing a kidney really has no effect on the body? Consider the doctor's analysis

Secondly, there are indeed two kidneys in the human body, and the kidneys work non-stop for 24 hours, and the blood units flowing through the kidneys every day reach about 1500 liters. If you convert it to 20 liters of water per bucket, that is equivalent to about 75 barrels.

However, the two kidneys do not work at the same time, under normal circumstances, one kidney has 1 million units, and only about 500,000 units are put into work at each time period, and the other units are "resting";

Losing a kidney really has no effect on the body? Consider the doctor's analysis

However, this does not mean that removing the kidneys will not affect the human body. You know, after one kidney is removed, it undoubtedly increases the workload of the other kidney. Moreover, when one kidney is removed, the other kidney can only use the reserve function in the kidney in order to maintain the stability of the body and meet the normal body metabolism, which will instantly increase the metabolic burden of the kidney.

The kidneys continue to be in a high-loaded working state, will become more and more tired, prone to a variety of problems. Even the development of chronic kidney disease, renal insufficiency, kidney failure, and after entering the terminal stage of renal failure, it is the well-known uremia period;

Losing a kidney really has no effect on the body? Consider the doctor's analysis

To be more specific, although the two kidneys do not work at the same time, they are double insurance for the body. When another kidney is lost, even if the remaining kidney is functioning normally and can complete basic work, it is not excluded that it will be affected by the outside world in the future, and other diseases may also cause kidney damage.

Once the remaining kidney problems, especially after the development of kidney failure, is an irreversible process, and eventually the patient can only choose dialysis, kidney transplantation and other ways to survive.

Losing a kidney really has no effect on the body? Consider the doctor's analysis

Even if there is a choice of kidney transplantation, can the kidney source wait? Can you make up for the cost of transplants, surgeries, and future anti-rejection drugs? It's all unknown! Even if the kidney replacement is successful, the safety of life and quality of life in the later stage will also decline to varying degrees.

Finally, I leave you with a question to think about: compared with tens of thousands of dollars, which is more important, health and money?

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