
Sharing the "pressure" of the market? Nissan medium and large MPV or introduced into the country

In the domestic medium and large MPV market, the new domestic Syna has gained a foreseeable explosion after its listing, but from the market demand of the general price increase of 50,000 or 60,000 yuan to queue for a long time, and the delivery volume of less than 3,000 in December, this market obviously needs more high-quality models to share the "pressure".

Sharing the "pressure" of the market? Nissan medium and large MPV or introduced into the country

This is not recently on the Internet has exposed Nissan's new medium and large MPV - the new Nissan Elgrand rendering, the car in the Japanese market is directly competing with Alpha, is also Nissan's flagship MPV, is expected to be officially launched in 2023, looking at the domestic market demand so strong, the future it is also likely to enter the domestic market.

Sharing the "pressure" of the market? Nissan medium and large MPV or introduced into the country

To say that in the MPV model of the background, Nissan in the country is not as strong as toyota, Honda, which are also Japanese brands, but there have also been many models that impress domestic users, such as Junyi, NV series and guishi that mainly focuses on the high-end market, so Nissan wants to launch a medium and large MPV in China, and its gimmicks and attention should not be too low.

Sharing the "pressure" of the market? Nissan medium and large MPV or introduced into the country

From the exposure of the rendering, the appearance of the car design is still relatively avant-garde, a large area of gray trim occupies most of the area of the front face, the split headlight design shape is very sharp, the gray trim plate surrounded by the lower is also slightly forward tilted, a bit similar to the design of the wind plate, increasing the sense of movement of the whole vehicle.

Sharing the "pressure" of the market? Nissan medium and large MPV or introduced into the country

And in the collocation of body colors, the two-color body and a large area of chrome decoration also make the whole car look more fashionable. The shape of the body side is relatively traditional, as a medium and large MPV, spacious and regular space and practicality are the focus. You can also refer to the design of the current Nissan Elgrand, which is still more aggressive in comparison.

There is not much information disclosed in the power part for the time being, but the new car may also be equipped with Nissan's latest e-POWER hybrid technology, after all, a smoother and quieter power output is still very important for a main household MPV.

Sharing the "pressure" of the market? Nissan medium and large MPV or introduced into the country

The heat of Xena in the domestic market is still very high, of course, the accompanying price increase also makes many users resentful, and more importantly, the car that needs to wait for a long time for the price increase is more headache. The main reason is that the domestic medium and large MPV market models are still relatively small, Honda Odyssey and Alexand are relatively small, The price of Jawa is also large, but the brand factors and actual experience have not met everyone's expectations, Buick GL8 positioning is too business, so the country really needs a model that can be competitive, Nissan Elgrand is a good model.

However, it is worth mentioning that the car is planned to be launched in 2023, and then it will be introduced into the country, that is to say, domestic users want to get him and he still needs to wait for two or three years, and the time in between is also mixed with a lot of uncertainties, whether there will be other brands to enter first, or there is no markup and so on.


Although the popularity of Nissan Elgrand in China is not as high as that of Sai, the name of Nissan Large Sofa is also attractive enough. The only regret is that the launch of the car is indeed too late. As for how the new car is introduced into the country, there is still official news from Nissan, so let's look forward to it!


Sharing the "pressure" of the market? Nissan medium and large MPV or introduced into the country

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