
Cheapest Apple 5G phone! Cheap iPhone Re-Exposure: SexualIty Pressure Android Flagship

As is customary, Apple will hold a spring new product launch in March and April, bringing some relatively less important products. Recently, Bloomberg reported that this year's first Apple conference will be held in the spring, officially launching a new iPhone SE model that supports 5G.

In fact, the news about the new iPhone SE has been exposed before. To summarize simply, the iPhone SE3 will use A15 chips, support 5? G, other aspects are basically the same, the shape is still the mold of the iPhone 8, the full screen and Face ID are not.

Cheapest Apple 5G phone! Cheap iPhone Re-Exposure: SexualIty Pressure Android Flagship

The iPhone SE2 was released in the spring of 2020, and it's been nearly two years. The iPhone SE can basically be seen as a replica of the iPhone 8, upgraded the chip, other aspects of the basic unchanged, Apple even castrated the 3D Touch.

The main advantage of the iPhone SE2 is still the price, the strongest performance at that time and the price of about 3,000 yuan, so that it has a good cost performance. At the same time, its emergence has also filled the gap of the iPhone at this price point.

Now, the iPhone SE3 is undoubtedly its replacement, and support for 5G networks should be a particularly important feature. After all, in today's 5G so popular, whether there is 5G has a great impact on the user's willingness to buy.

Cheapest Apple 5G phone! Cheap iPhone Re-Exposure: SexualIty Pressure Android Flagship

Judging from the existing revelations, the selling point of the iPhone SE3 is actually performance, 5G and price. The third-party channel price of the iPhone 13 mini is about 4,000 yuan, which is still a lot of price space from the mid-end market. If the iPhone SE3 can kill the price of 3,000 yuan, or even the third-party channel presses to the price of 2,000 yuan, it will be another dimensionality reduction blow to Android products.

Of course, the iPhone SE3 product strength itself is lackluster, and it is likely that it will not be the protagonist of the spring conference. According to the convention, Apple should launch new products such as iPad and Mac at this conference, and the iPhone SE3 is estimated to be only mentioned in passing. Xiao Lei personally still hopes that even if it is a cheap iPhone, he can change the mold and not keep matryoshka dolls.

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