
Prostate cancer is coming, pee prophet? Doctor's reminder: There are 2 abnormalities in urination, which are cancer signals

Master Zhang, 52, is a security guard at a factory in Guangzhou, most of the time, he sits in the duty room, although the salary is average, but the pressure is not large, he is quite satisfied with the status quo.

However, in recent months, he has had symptoms such as frequent urination, urgency, dysuria, and recently blood in the urine.

Prostate cancer is coming, pee prophet? Doctor's reminder: There are 2 abnormalities in urination, which are cancer signals

Colleagues suggested that Master Zhang go to the hospital for examination, so he came to the hospital to see the Department of Urology, and the doctor gave Master Zhang a digital examination, prostate puncture biopsy and other detailed examinations. Finally, after reading the pathology report, the doctor told Master Zhang that the diagnosis was prostate cancer. Master Zhang was very devastated, he usually did not smoke and drink, how could he get cancer?

Doctors explain that in the early stages of prostate cancer, the symptoms are not obvious or there are almost no symptoms, which is very similar to some symptoms of prostatic hyperplasia. Many men will have the "unspeakable secret" of the prostate after the age of 55, some may be just a benign disease of prostatic hyperplasia, and some may be prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer is coming, pee prophet? Doctor's reminder: There are 2 abnormalities in urination, which are cancer signals

As the tumor with the highest incidence of male reproductive organ tumors, prostate cancer may not have any symptoms in the early stages, or it can be said that the symptoms are not obvious and are often ignored. Even some friends have developed symptoms, but still delayed again and again, unwilling to seek medical treatment, until the tumor has multiple metastases, and then regret it. The incidence of prostate cancer is lower in men under 50 years of age, while the incidence of over 50 years of age increases gradually. There may be 2 abnormal situations of urination in the early days, and I hope that everyone will pay attention to them.

Doctor's reminder: There are 2 abnormalities in urination, which may be prostate cancer signals

1) Dysuria

Prostate cancer and prostatic hyperplasia may be due to the gradual enlargement of the prostate gland oppression of the urethra resulting in difficulty urinating, progressive exacerbation, often manifested as fine urine line, short range, slow urine flow, urine flow interruption, post-urine drip, incomplete urination, laborious urination and other symptoms, in addition, there may be frequent urination, urgency, increased nocturia, and even urinary incontinence.

2) Hematuria

With the aggravation of tumor invasion, symptoms such as urinary tract obstruction and hematuria will gradually appear, which is often advanced. And it may be accompanied by other symptoms. For example, the tumor may compress the rectum, vas deferens, nerves, etc., and symptoms such as difficulty in stool, intestinal obstruction, lack of ejaculation, and pain in the perineum will occur. Distant metastases may also occur, invading seminal vesicles, bladder, lymph nodes, bones, etc., causing corresponding symptoms.

Prostate cancer is coming, pee prophet? Doctor's reminder: There are 2 abnormalities in urination, which are cancer signals

For prostate cancer, screening is important because early prostate cancer can be treated by surgery or radiation therapy, and the 5-year survival rate can reach more than 90%. And the screening of prostate cancer is also very simple, that is, to detect the peripheral blood prostate cancer tumor marker - prostate-specific antigen (PSA), and draw a tube of blood. Therefore, it is recommended that men over the age of 50 undergo regular physical examinations every year for PSA examinations. Especially in high-risk groups with a family history.

Prostate cancer is coming, pee prophet? Doctor's reminder: There are 2 abnormalities in urination, which are cancer signals


In life, some of the signals sent by the body can not be ignored, if these symptoms must be taken seriously. Prostate cancer is a problem that plagues men's health, and prevention and screening are very important. Therefore, it is recommended that male compatriots pay attention to developing good living and eating habits, sit soon, do not hold urine, for men over 50 years old must be regular prostate cancer screening, especially people with family history, so as to achieve early detection, early diagnosis, early treatment.

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