
【Weekend reading】There is too little happiness because I think too much

Text/Lin Yutang

The writer Ge Ruoning recounted one of his experiences. Once he waited at the airport for a plane that could not land because of bad weather and had been circling for a long time.

Time passes by hour by hour, hour by hour. Mr. Ge noticed the extreme anxiety of a young man waiting for his fiancée.

With each second that passed, his condition deteriorated.

The famous writer knew that it would be useless to persuade the young man not to worry.

So he took a different approach, and he went up to talk to him and asked about his fiancée.

What does she look like? How did they meet? So the young man spoke very vigorously of his fiancée, and soon his sorrow was forgotten for a while.

【Weekend reading】There is too little happiness because I think too much

Before he knew it, the plane had landed.

Mr. Ge's method is to put positive thoughts in the minds of young people.

If you have negative thoughts in your head, you can use the same method to focus your attention on the things that make you happy and hopeful.

Where is the usual focus of your attention? Is it to notice your faults, or your contributions? The criticism or praise you received? Focus on your worries and fears, or your hopes and dreams? Is it thinking of failure or success? Think of the obstacles you will encounter, or the purpose you want to achieve?

What you think will determine your attitude, and your attitude will determine your destiny. Your posture will influence your mood.

Spreading on a chair will make you feel tired, and when you stand up your chest, you will feel energetic. Sitting weakly will have a feeling of weakness, and standing upright will be happy and full of vitality.

Your voice can also affect your emotions. The voice is soft, the mind will be calm, and when you say sharp words, you will have a feeling of anger. If you hesitate to speak, you feel unsafe. A firm voice is full of confidence.

Your manners, the way you walk, the way you speak, and the tone of your writing will all affect your mood. By controlling your appearance and demeanor, you can indirectly renew your heart.

When doing things, if you are skilled and do it without stress, you will not feel tired easily, your energy will be full, and you will be more likely to become a happy, healthy and successful person.

【Weekend reading】There is too little happiness because I think too much

Dr. Sai Yi of monterio university said: "Everyone has a natural stress level, and to this extent, his physical and mental role is the most effective. If any external force is applied to cause him to leave this basic level, adverse effects will occur. ”

Dr. Sai Yi is an authority on the pressures on people. He said: "It is equally bad to pressure a person who is born lively and energetic to make him slow, and to make a person who is born slow to move faster." ”

Forcing oneself to work at a speed that does not match one's personality is the most unwise act that destroys the tranquility and causes worry.

Experiment to find the speed that best matches your needs. Once you've decided on the most effective pace, follow the beat and don't change it.

No matter what happens, as long as you choose happily, you can eliminate the feeling of being forced, which will also make you change your attitude.

Experts in brain science have found that new knowledge and sensations enter the mind through our senses within the first thirty to sixty minutes and are not deeply inscribed in the mind, and that it is easiest to ignore or forget them at this time.

One expert said that when a person receives bad news, they don't immediately react emotionally to it. There was nothing but a sad picture in my mind.

If this vision is allowed to transmit its information to the cerebellum, the cerebellum transmits it to the automatic nervous system, and a feeling of worry occurs.

【Weekend reading】There is too little happiness because I think too much

Anchor: Little Monkey

Editor: Ji Kejun

Editor-in-Charge: Sun Changfei

Editor: Yang Sen

Editor-in-Chief: Zhang Zhihong