
The Korean War was the most arrogant and powerful country, with the prince in command, sending 1,000 troops and more than 300 leaders

In June 1950, North Korea crossed the 38th Line, and war between the two Koreas resumed.

As South Korea's big brother, the United States could not sit idly by, and on July 7, without the participation of the Soviet Union, the United States forced the United Nations Security Council to pass the decision to form a "United Nations Army."

Because the United States was not affected by World War II, the Americans were able to make a lot of money and make a lot of money.

After the war, the United States quickly replaced the old world power, the Empire that never sets, and sat on the top of the capitalist camp and became the world hegemon.

It has become the object of competition among all countries!

The Korean War was the most arrogant and powerful country, with the prince in command, sending 1,000 troops and more than 300 leaders

Pictured| U.S. President Harry S. Truman (center)

The big brother of the United States raised its arms under the banner of the "United Nations Army", and the younger brothers of britain, France, Canada, Turkey and other young brothers echoed.

For a time, the guns that came out and the guns that had guns could make the Americans happy.

As everyone knows, what awaits the "United Nations Army" will be a fat beating!

Among the many younger brothers in the United States, Britain and Canada are the most troop-contributing, and Turkey is the most ruthless.

If they are compared to Thailand, they are very inferior.

Thailand should be the most arrogant of the many young brothers in the United States!

Let's talk about how arrogant Thailand was in the Korean War!

The Korean War was the most arrogant and powerful country, with the prince in command, sending 1,000 troops and more than 300 leaders

Pictured| Thai troops participating in the war

The United States used $10 million as bait, and Thailand sent the army, navy and air force to the war

In fact, Thailand in history, and China is a friendly neighbor, in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Thailand (Siam) many times sent envoys to China to pay tribute, Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang even gave the Thai king "Seal of the King of Siam", in order to determine the status of Thailand's vassal state.

During Zheng He's voyage to the West, Zheng He led a fleet to Siam.

Since then, the two countries have maintained friendly relations, and during the Ming and Qing dynasties, Thailand, like North Korea and Ryukyu, was a friendly neighbor of China.

So why did China and Thailand turn against each other in the Korean War?

In fact, the reason is very simple, Thailand wants to hold the thighs of the United States!

The Korean War was the most arrogant and powerful country, with the prince in command, sending 1,000 troops and more than 300 leaders

Pictured| U.S. President Harry S. Truman

Since the end of World War II, Thailand has pursued a pro-American policy, and the United States has seized this opportunity to build a huge military network in Thailand.

Including 11 air bases, naval bases and more than 10 various military stations.

These have become important strongholds used by the United States to restrict China!

In 1950, before the outbreak of the Korean War, the United States promised Thailand $10 million in aid.

However, this promise has not been fulfilled by the United States for a long time.

In fact, the United States turned the $10 million into bait that prompted Thailand to participate in the Korean War!

On July 7, 1950, when the U.S.-led United Nations passed a resolution to form a "United Nations Army," Thai politicians keenly sensed an opportunity to show loyalty to the United States.

The Korean War was the most arrogant and powerful country, with the prince in command, sending 1,000 troops and more than 300 leaders

Pictured| MacArthur leading the "United Nations Army"

In July, Thailand's Foreign Ministry sent a phone call to the U.S.-led United Nations to say Thailand supports the UN Security Council resolution to form a "UN army."

Subsequently, the Thai government promised the United States that it would send 4,000 troops of the 21st Regiment to fight in Korea.

In order to cater to the United States, Thailand has also made a bloody investment, in addition to the army, Thailand has also dispatched 3 frigates and an air transport squadron.

It is one of the few countries in the participating countries where the three armies of the navy, army and air force have sent troops to participate.

On October 22, more than 1,000 people from the 1st Battalion of the 21st Regiment, which joined the Thai war, arrived in South Korea under the transport of the navy.

Due to various conditions, Thailand has never been able to send more than 4,000 people of the 21st Regiment to the battlefield, but only sent more than 1,000 people from the 1st Battalion of the 21st Regiment to participate in the battle.

The Korean War was the most arrogant and powerful country, with the prince in command, sending 1,000 troops and more than 300 leaders

Pictured| Thai military ground

The prince was in command, sending 1,000 troops, and the leadership alone accounted for more than 300 people

The 1st Battalion of the 21st Regiment sent by Thailand had more than 1,000 people, but there was a lot of potential.

Commanding this force was Maj. Gen. Di ShiGunn, the prince of Thailand.

Within the Thai royal family, Descone was very prestigious and spoke of military theory.

After Thailand decided to send troops to participate in the war, Di Shi Gunn took the initiative to ask for help, intending to win glory for Thailand on the Korean battlefield and make a military achievement.

This can be said to be a luxurious lineup of Thailand, a true royal style!

In addition to Thailand, I would like to ask which of the participating countries has also sent a royal prince to the first level of missions!

The Korean War was the most arrogant and powerful country, with the prince in command, sending 1,000 troops and more than 300 leaders

Pictured| thai royal family

In addition to Prince Di Shigunn, there was Colonel Zali, the commander of the 21st Regiment of Thailand, and Lieutenant Colonel Ko Anan, the commander of the 1st Battalion.

These three people can be regarded as the main leaders of Thailand's entry into the Korean War, in addition, the headquarters of the Thai Army has a rich leadership personnel and a complete range of departments.

At the headquarters of the Thai Army, there are military medical officers, military judges, financial officers, quartermaster general officers, adjutants-general, plus counterparts of the Red Cross and various international medical charities.

The total number of officials is more than 300 and has a large leadership.

In the Thai army that entered the Korean war, there is no shortage of officials, and there is no shortage of officials!

On November 7, the Thai army entered the "United Nations Army" barracks at Daegu University. Under the leadership of Thai Prince Di Shi Gunn, the Thai army held a flag-raising ceremony.

The Korean War was the most arrogant and powerful country, with the prince in command, sending 1,000 troops and more than 300 leaders

Picture | "United Nations Forces" Participating in the War

Subsequently, the Thai army uniformly replaced advanced American weapons and organized a three-week military training.

After entering North Korea, the Thai army was equipped with heavy howitzers and tanks, which can be said to be well-equipped.

With high-standard command personnel and advanced equipment, Thailand is indeed arrogant enough!

When the Thai soldiers saw the flag that had just been raised and held the American equipment that had just been changed, they could not resist the joy in their hearts!

They are eager to go to the front line as soon as possible, defeat the volunteer army on the battlefield, and let the Thai army show its face internationally!

But it wasn't until they fought the volunteers that they realized how ignorant they were!

The Korean War was the most arrogant and powerful country, with the prince in command, sending 1,000 troops and more than 300 leaders

Pictured| Thai Army

A tank battle was staged between China and Thailand, and the Thai army was annihilated by more than 900 people, 9 tanks and 6 howitzers were captured

In the early days of the Korean War, because New China had just been established and its material foundation was relatively weak, the volunteers who entered the Korean War were far behind the enemy army in terms of weapons and combat readiness and logistical supply capabilities.

The first batch of volunteers to resist US aggression and aid Korea still used weapons from the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation, and there were no perfect logistical supply lines.

At that time, the volunteer army fought a bloody battle with the "United Nations Army" armed to the teeth when there were not enough weapons and food!

It is precisely because our volunteers are limited in weapons and logistics that many "Un troops" do not take the volunteers seriously, including the Thai army.

The Korean War was the most arrogant and powerful country, with the prince in command, sending 1,000 troops and more than 300 leaders

Figure | Volunteer Army entered the Korean War

After the Thai army entered the war, it has long wanted to find an opportunity to compete with the Chinese army on the battlefield.

In October 1951, the opportunity came!

Due to the heavy casualties of the US Third Division, under the unified command of the US Army, the Thai Army was ordered to take over the 190.8 Heights garrisoned by the US 3rd Division.

The Thai Army sent a reinforced company of troops to garrison Hill 190.8, and in order to ensure that nothing was lost, 9 tanks and 6 howitzers were sent to garrison the vicinity of the heights.

In the eyes of the Thai army, the volunteer army is at most a millet plus rifle, and there is no heavy weapon, so there is no fear in the process of garrisoning.

As everyone knows, after nearly a year of war, Our country has captured a lot of tanks, coupled with Soviet aid and China's imitation tanks, China's military equipment has achieved rapid upgrading.

The Korean War was the most arrogant and powerful country, with the prince in command, sending 1,000 troops and more than 300 leaders

Pictured| Volunteer Tank Unit

Under the cover of night, the armored units of our army launched a surprise attack, and with the assistance of tanks, regiments quickly pounced on the 190.8 heights.

Many Thai troops went to heaven in their sleep, and our army destroyed the reinforcement company on the high ground in less than half an hour!

Seeing that the volunteers had dispatched tanks, the Thai army quickly sent tanks to meet the battle.

However, the thin M-24 Xiafei tank equipped by the Thai army is no match for the thick-skinned T-34 tank equipped by the volunteer army.

Soon after the battle, many tanks of our army were wounded.

The Korean War was the most arrogant and powerful country, with the prince in command, sending 1,000 troops and more than 300 leaders

Pictured| destroyed enemy tanks

Seeing that it had suffered defeat, the Thai army retreated in a daze, but its rear road had been blocked by our army.

Want to close the door to fight the dog, catch the turtle in the urn!

The first time he fought with the volunteers, he was hit in the head and was beaten by the volunteers!

In this battle, the Thai army equipped with 9 tanks and 6 howitzers were all captured by our army, which can be described as a lot of oil and water!

The Thai army suffered more than 900 casualties and heavy losses in this battle.

The Korean War was the most arrogant and powerful country, with the prince in command, sending 1,000 troops and more than 300 leaders

Pictured| Korean battlefield

After that, the Thai army no longer dared to fight the volunteers independently on the Korean battlefield.

Even so, the Thai army still suffered from the volunteer army on the Korean battlefield!

By July 1953, the two sides had ceased hostilities, and the Thai army had a total of 1273 casualties, disappearances, and captives, and there were few Thai soldiers left, and almost the entire army was destroyed.

This prince of Thailand personally took command, and the well-equipped participating countries were beaten to no end since the volunteer army!

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