
Talking about Guan Yu again: In "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Ben is a person who has praise and depreciation, and can fight a good war

The Three Kingdoms Guan Yu has always been respected by posterity as "Guan ShengDi", which is equal to Confucius, on the one hand, it has its own reasons, on the other hand, the various good stories widely circulated by the people have also played a great role, and Luo Guanzhong's "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" has always been the positioning of Guan Yu's personal image.

Talking about Guan Yu again: In "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Ben is a person who has praise and depreciation, and can fight a good war

The reason why it was called "martial saint" by later generations was that the root cause was the word "loyalty", so that later feudal kings used it to educate their people. But it is not Guan Yu's fault to become a tool of feudal rule, and it was criticized during the "Cultural Revolution", but today we must expound it from a dialectical historical materialist point of view. Leaving aside literary works, guan yu is only looking at from history, and his "loyalty" is indeed recorded in the history books, and the Chronicle of the Three Kingdoms has a record: "... In the fifth year of Jian'an, Cao Gong went on a crusade, and the first lord Ben Yuan Shao. Cao Gong captured Yu to return, worshiped as a partial general, and the etiquette was very thick. Shao sent the general Yan Liang to attack Liu Yan at Dong Commandery (東郡太守) Liu Yan (劉延) on Baima (白馬), and Cao's envoys Zhang Liao (張辽) and Yu (羽) were the vanguards. Yu saw Liang Li Gai, and he beheaded him among the multitudes, and shao zhuan was unable to do so, so he lifted the white horse siege. Duke Cao was made the Marquis of Hanshouting. At the beginning, Cao Gongzhuangyu was a man, and he did not have the intention of staying long in his heart, saying zhang Liaoyue: "Qing tried to ask with affection." Since Liao Yi asked Yu, Yu sighed: "I know very well that Cao Gong treats me thickly, but I have received great favor from General Liu, and I swear to die together, and I must not betray it." I will not stay in the end, I will be effective to repay Cao Gong Nai. "Liao repaid Cao Gong with a feathered word, and Cao Gongzhi was righteous. Nai Yu killed Yan Liang, and Cao Gong knew that he would go and repaid the reward. Yu did his best to seal what he had given, prayed to the book and bid farewell, while Ben was the first to take over Yuan Jun. Left and right want to chase after him, Cao Gong said: "He is his master, do not chase after him." From this, it can be seen that Guan Yu's loyalty to Liu Bei has a history, and even Cao Cao, who is not at odds with him, has been stained with his righteousness.

Talking about Guan Yu again: In "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Ben is a person who has praise and depreciation, and can fight a good war

Although the image of Guan Yu that we usually leave in our minds is no longer a simple historical record, but has been artistically processed, and has been integrated by posterity with many beautiful contents. Single-knife visits to the meeting, flooding the Seventh Army, thousands of miles of single riding, etc., although many of them cannot be verified in history, basically maintain the actual situation of Guan Yu himself. 『...... Twenty-four years later, the first lord was the king of Hanzhong, and Bai Yu was the former general. At the age of one, Yu led the crowd to attack Cao Ren Yu Fan. Cao Gong dispatched him to the Forbidden Aiding Ren. In autumn, the rain was heavy, the Han River overflowed, and the Seven Armies of the Forbidden House were gone. Forbidden to descend feathers, feathers and beheaded general Pound. Liang, Wu, and Lu Hun were thieves or remotely received the Feather Seal number, and they were supported by the party, and Yu Wei shook Huaxia." This is Chen Shou's "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" record and evaluation of the Battle of Guan Yu Fancheng. Although we cannot fully conclude whether Yu Ban's defeat was due to Guan Yu's strategy, the four words "Wei Zhen Huaxia" are agreed upon by both historians and writers. How many people in history can shock China?

Guan Yu in the novel has an arrogant and arrogant description, and Guan Yu in history also has this record, which is not a fabrication of the literati. Zhuge Liang subdued the famous Western Liang general Ma Overtime, Guan Yu was arrogant and arrogant, and the history books recorded: "... The first lord of The Western Dingyi Prefecture, Bai Yu Dong oversaw the affairs of Jingzhou. Yu Wen Ma Chao came and fell, the old non-deceased, Yu Shu and Zhuge Liang, asked "Who is the super talent comparable to"? Liang Zhiyu defended the front, nai replied: "Meng Qi is both a scholar and a martial artist, a heroic and outstanding person, a master of the first life, a disciple of Tuo and Peng, when he competes with Yide and drives the first, he has not yet reached the absolute Yiqun of hair." "Feathers and beards, so bright hair." Yu Province Book Dayue, to show the guests." And like "how can a tiger girl marry a dog", dissatisfaction with Feng Huangzhong as a "five tiger general" is only literary words, or there is no accurate record in the history books, Sun Quan wanted to marry his son to Guan Yu's daughter, and the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" only has eighteen words "First the right to send an envoy as a son Suo Yu," Yu insulted his envoy, and did not allow marriage.'

Talking about Guan Yu again: In "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Ben is a person who has praise and depreciation, and can fight a good war

In fact, Luo Guanzhong's Guan Yunchang was a person who had praise and depreciation, and who could fight a good war, that is, he described his benevolent image of being loyal and courageous, mighty and unyielding, and rich and uninspiring, and also wrote out his arrogance and arrogance, empty eyes, and other shortcomings that all ordinary people can have, that is, he sang the image of a hero, but did not mythologize it. However, various reasons of later generations, or personal preferences, or political needs, imposed on Guan Yu's head.

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