
After Tesla, the United States has its eye on Airbnb?

After Tesla, the United States has set its sights on Airbnb, a global homestay short-term rental apartment booking platform.

The latest reuters news said that two US congressmen expressed so-called "concerns" about Airbnb's business activities in China's Xinjiang on the 7th local time. The anti-China forces in the United States have always been prejudiced and paranoid on Xinjiang-related issues, as well as their intention to exert pressure on enterprises, have once again been exposed.

After Tesla, the United States has its eye on Airbnb?

Reuters: U.S. lawmakers express (so-called) "concern" about Airbnb's business in Xinjiang

The two lawmakers are Democratic Senator Jeff Merckley and Rep. Jim McGowan. They wrote to Airbnb asking about some of the company's listings and other questions in China's Xinjiang.

The two Democratic members serve as chairman and co-chair of the U.S. Congressional and Executive Committee on China (CECC). But not only are they fussing about Xinjiang-related issues, but according to Reuters, they are also reaching out to the upcoming Beijing Winter Olympics to take advantage of the opportunity to speculate — claiming to "raise 'questions' about Airbnb's human rights and anti-discrimination commitments in China because the company sponsored the Beijing Winter Olympics."

These anti-China forces have repeatedly linked Xinjiang to unwarranted Western allegations of "human rights violations," implying that the intention of exerting pressure has become worse and worse. Reuters said the Chinese Embassy in Washington again denied the existence of so-called "abuses" in Xinjiang on Friday and said some members of Congress had "repeatedly hyped up the issue and put pressure on businesses," the statement said, adding that some lawmakers had "malicious intentions to use political conspiracies to kidnap businesses and use the Xinjiang issue to suppress China."

In the face of some people in the United States and the West maliciously hyping up the Xinjiang issue, the Chinese side has already made clear responses on many occasions and exposed its lies through a large number of facts. The Spokesman of the Chinese Foreign Ministry has repeatedly affirmed that the US side maliciously slanders the human rights situation in Xinjiang, seriously violates international law and basic norms governing international relations, and grossly interferes in China's internal affairs. The so-called existence of "forced labor" and "genocide" in Xinjiang is a vicious lie concocted by anti-China forces. The United States itself has a bad record, and it is a slippery slope to accuse and smear China on the issue of human rights.

Previously, Tesla was also besieged by anti-China forces in the United States for opening a store in Xinjiang, China. The Global Times commented that Washington has concocted a "terrible" story of Xinjiang, and that all the crackdowns are based on this absurd story. Therefore, Washington's threat to intimidate Tesla is to create an atmosphere of terror and deter more "retrogrades" from appearing. But this kind of political high-profile is actually an extreme lack of heart.

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