
"Every Monday" White Dew Season Meal: Green Papaya shrimp salad

author:Shanghai Yueyang Hospital
"Every Monday" White Dew Season Meal: Green Papaya shrimp salad

White dew

As the saying goes: "White dew autumn equinox night, one night cold night." "Entering the white dew festival, it is the beginning of the real cool season, and the summer wind is gradually replaced by the winter wind, and the temperature drop rate often accelerates. At this time, the diet should pay attention to nourishing yin and clearing heat, moisturizing and quenching thirst, fresh and calm, and it is advisable to choose foods such as zibai, pumpkin, lotus seeds, honey, and white fungus.

Green papaya shrimp salad

raw material:

1/2 green papaya, 10 shrimp, 1 tomato, 1/4 lemon, 1/4 red pepper and 1/4 green pepper, a pinch of green onion, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 tablespoon of fish sauce, chili paste, vegetable oil, 2g salt.

Preparation Method:

1. Cut the papaya and tomato into strips, chop the green onion, garlic and green and red peppers, and scorch the shrimp and remove the shell.

2. Heat the pan with oil, fry the minced green onion until crispy, then add the minced garlic and sauté until slightly browned, then add salt, fish sauce and minced green and red pepper

3. Pour the juice into the shredded papaya and mix well, then add the tomato shreds and mix well, put on the shrimp, squeeze some lemon juice, sprinkle with fried green onion.

Medicinal DietAry Effects:

Green papaya is the fruit of a tropical evergreen small tree of the papaya family, because the outer skin is yellow when it is ripe to the ground, so it is called green papaya. Green papaya mild taste acid, returned to the liver, spleen meridian, has a healthy spleen digestion to help digestion, lubrication of the skin, milk and other effects, is suitable for autumn vegetables to eat. This salad meat dish is crisp, sour, spicy and sweet, and very appetizing.

Expert introduction


Doctor of Clinical Nutrition, Deputy Chief Physician, Deputy Director of the Department of Nutrition of our Hospital, Youth Member of nutrition committee of Chinese Association of Integrative Traditional and Western Medicine, member of Anti-aging Committee of Chinese Association of Women Physicians.

Nutrition Specialist Clinic Hours:

Wednesday Afternoon (Big Cypress General Hospital)

"Every Monday" White Dew Season Meal: Green Papaya shrimp salad

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