
Why is Chinese history and Western history not the same thing at all?

Chinese is very different from the Westerners' understanding of many things.

For example, there is a saying in the Us Declaration of Independence called "all men are created equal", in fact, the original English meaning is that god created people are equal to all people. The "people" that Westerners think only include those who believe in Christianity, and it is difficult to say whether those who do not believe in Christianity are not people, but they are inferior to those who believe in Christianity. This is Chinese is different from the Western understanding of "man" and "equality".

Another example is the understanding of "good people". Chinese believe that as long as a person does good things, he is a good person. Westerners advocate "justification by faith", and even if a person is a living thunderbolt who does good deeds every day, if he does not believe in Christianity, he is not a good person, or even a person.

Similarly, the "history" of Chinese and the Westerners is completely different.

1. Chinese understand that history is what happened in the past, both ancient and modern, and must be true. Authenticity is greater than anything.

Why is Chinese history and Western history not the same thing at all?

For example, Chinese like to study the "historical truth" and like to use excavated cultural relics and more real historical materials to overthrow historical common sense. The records of authoritative historical books such as the "Historical Record" and the "Zizhi Tongjian" are also often questioned by updated historical materials. For example, recently Tsinghua University came to a conclusion based on "Tsinghua Jane", saying that "Xuan You is the son of the Yellow Emperor".

In short, it must be true, even if the real history is unbelievable, even if it will "hand a knife" to foreigners, which is not in the interests of the nation, it must be told and written into the history books. There are even people who specialize in this kind of thing.

The history understood by Westerners is that the history of our Westerners must be free, democratic, and scientific, and must not conflict with the teachings of the Bible. Only history that meets the above conditions is true, and what does not meet is false. History can be falsified according to the above conditions, and more pseudo-history can be derived according to the forged history, and pseudo-history is true history if it is said ten thousand times, as long as the people believe it is true history.

Western countries have carried out archaeology according to the Bible, and there are countless archaeological achievements, such as the discovery of the "Dead Sea Scrolls", the record of the prehistoric Flood, the discovery of the "Inscription of David's House" and the "Boat of Galilee", and the discovery of the Hittite civilization.

Why is Chinese history and Western history not the same thing at all?

2. Chinese understand that history must be true, even if it is backward and decaying compared to other countries, it does not matter.

Chinese history truly records how backward and poor China was during the Ming and Qing dynasties, how absurd the emperors and scholars were, and how poor the combat effectiveness of the army was. Even to the point of being overly real.

The history that Westerners understand is that we Westerners must be the best in the world and must suppress Asian, African and Latin American countries, especially China. How can we, the people of God, the Chosen Ones, fall behind Chinese?

Frankly, this has not always been the case in the West, and Westerners have acknowledged that the European Middle Ages were dark and backward. Goethe also once admitted that "when Chinese already owned novels, our ancestors were still living in the woods." Since then, Westerners have become more and more arrogant, no longer admitting that they were once backward, and gradually elevating themselves. Recent decades have been particularly serious.

Today's Westerners continue to prove that the West has been the most advanced and civilized in the world since ancient times. How glorious ancient Greece was, the entire Mediterranean and Black Sea coasts were colonies of ancient Greeks, Alexander the Great fought all the way to India, the Buddha statues in Afghanistan had a Greek style, the Greeks guided the Qin Dynasty to make terracotta warriors, and China's Xia Dynasty was ancient Egypt. Ancient Rome was even more cattle, Roman law, Roman baths how cattle, Rome has already built concrete.

Why is Chinese history and Western history not the same thing at all?

The Middle Ages are no longer dark and backward, but there are many advanced things, and the maritime civilization and commercial civilization in southern Europe are the prototypes of modern times, which eventually promoted Europeans to come to modern times and opened the era of great navigation.

3. Chinese the study of history is generally based on ancient classics such as the "Twenty-Four Histories" to compile history textbooks, and regular history books and teaching materials must mark the source and source of each historical fact. The source is preferably an authoritative text.

The history textbooks of Westerners basically all use the research results of Western historians in modern times, exalting the West and demeaning Asia, Africa and Latin America, and most of the regular history books in the West do not indicate the source, even if the source is marked, it is generally a reference to the historical research results of modern people, rather than the original works of the ancients.

Of course, this cannot be blamed on Westerners, there were no historians in the ancient West, and there were no historical works that could benchmark China's "History", "Shang Shu", "Zuo Zhuan" and so on.

4. The scope of chinese history records mainly records the historical facts within the territory of China, and at most records the situation of some neighboring countries and vassal states. This range does not expand or shrink rapidly.

The West was originally a concept that only appeared in modern times, and there was no concept in ancient times. In modern times, the West originally included only Britain, France, Germany and other Western powers, and over the past hundred years, the scope of the West has been expanding, not only encompassing the whole of Europe, but also counting the history of ancient Egypt, ancient Babylon, Persia, and even India as Western history.

5. The historical record of China is evidenced by detailed archaeological data and excavated cultural relics. China has unearthed countless valuable cultural relics, and Chinese archaeological discoveries, generally inadvertently discovered during construction projects, can unearth millions of various cultural relics at a time, including cultural relics in all aspects of life. Each cultural relic is exquisitely made and of great value, such as the Mawangdui Han Tomb, the Tomb of the Marquis of Haidu, and the Tomb of the King of Nanyue.

Why is Chinese history and Western history not the same thing at all?

Ordinary people have a strong possessiveness when they see such cultural relics, and taking a random one can make ordinary people eat and drink for a lifetime.

The history of the West is not evidenced by sufficient archaeological data and excavated artifacts. Archaeological sites in the West are generally fixed, such as Pompeii in Italy, the tombs of ancient Egyptian pharaohs, the wilderness of ancient Greece, and the recent rise of the Israeli desert.

In the fixed archaeological sites of the West, several cultural relics are excavated every year, generally clay tablets, murals, metal utensils, papyrus, mummies, etc., with few types, rough production, and no beauty. Looking like a modern industrial defect, it is worthless to look at, and it is not wanted for free.

It is reasonable to say that there are so many cultural relics unearthed in China, and the number of excavations in a year is catching up with that of the West for a hundred years, and Chinese cultural relics should not be worth much. But on the contrary, Chinese cultural relics are worth more than foreign cultural relics.

In short, the history that Chinese understand must be true, the truth is the most important, and if it is not true, it is not history. The history understood by Westerners must be free, democratic, scientific, brilliant, and more advanced and democratic than China everywhere, and the only deficiency is that it is not very true.

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