
The "god ship" in ancient Greek mythology - the Argo

The Argo is a ship in Greek mythology. It was built by the shipwright Argos, with the blessing of the goddess Athena. Ancient Greek mythological heroes Iasson and Hercules piloted a "god ship" to start a legendary adventure.

The "god ship" in ancient Greek mythology - the Argo


The hull of the Argo is made of wood that never decays, and the bow is equipped with sacred wood to predict the future. The "Divine Ship" is commanded by Iasson, with Tifis at the helm, The discerning Linkos as the port conductor, the famous hero Hercules in charge of the foreground cabin, and many other heroes participating in the adventure.

The "god ship" in ancient Greek mythology - the Argo


This tortuous adventure was originally led by heroes helping Iasson to obtain the Golden Fleece in exchange for the throne. But then Iasson betrays Medea, abandons his wife and children, and the adventure story gradually leads to a tragic ending. The Argo, which completed its mission, transformed into the celestial constellation, the constellation of Southern Ship. Susan was once the largest constellation and was later split into The Constellations of Vela, Velas, Stern, and Compass.

The "god ship" in ancient Greek mythology - the Argo

South Ship's seat

Argo's crew includes many famous heroes and demigods, collectively known as argo heroes. Later many Greeks also claimed that their ancestors were the crew of the Argo. The story was widely circulated, and the Argo boat mobile game fgo was made into a dress card.

The "god ship" in ancient Greek mythology - the Argo

Mobile game fgo cards

Although the Argo is a mythical and legendary ship, the reality is that this type of ship is real - the ancient Greek three-oared warship.

The "god ship" in ancient Greek mythology - the Argo

The general captain is 37 meters long, and the weight of the ship can reach about 45 tons. Since there are about 170 oarsmen (one person per oar) rowing at the same time, the speed of the boat can generally reach about 7 knots very quickly. Its large eyes are full of seduction, and its pointed chin is very cute, but it is used to hit other ships.

The "god ship" in ancient Greek mythology - the Argo

Such warships were widely used by ancient Western civilizations such as Phoenician, Greek and Roman in the ancient Mediterranean region, and they were also the absolute main force that could control the Mediterranean at that time. (Some of the pictures come from the Internet)

The "god ship" in ancient Greek mythology - the Argo

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