
Is there any faith in Chinese?

author:Sha Yufei

Is there any faith in Chinese?

First question: What is faith?

Believe and admire, believe in the long time to be respectful, faith is to look up. This includes ideas (values), culture and religion.

The second question is: What is the use of faith?

Faith is a ballast stone of the spirit that can achieve a stable balance within the heart, both belonging to the spirit and guiding action.

The third question: Do Chinese have faith?

To say that Chinese no faith is a benchmark for religious belief, and religious belief is not the whole of faith, but only a type of faith. For example, communist belief is not a religious belief, but it is also a belief. At least 1w of China's people (CPC members) are believing, do you think Chinese have faith?

If in addition to specific ideological beliefs, Chinese is there any faith? The answer is yes. This leads to the fourth question -

Fourth question: What do Chinese believe?

Chinese are numerous, 56 ethnic groups, and distributed in the east, west, south, and north, and the scope of faith includes three major parts of thought, culture and religion, so some people in China believe in Buddhism, some people believe in Taoism, some people believe in Islam, some people believe in Christ, and some even believe in a sentence of their ancestors. Since faith is the belief and admiration of the heart, the believer can be a person, a group of people, a nation. Therefore, we cannot measure the number of people Chinese have faith or not. Faith has nothing to do with numbers. If we have to say whether an ethnic group has faith in terms of the number of people, or if what the majority of the majority of people in a country believe in is called faith, then the faith of Chinese is very common and unified. What is it? It is cultural beliefs, not ideological beliefs and religious beliefs.

The so-called culture, the elegant interpretation is the indoctrination of wenzhi, and it is custom to say that it is popular. Where there are people for a long time, there are customs, and customs are culture. In the family, it is called family culture, in the enterprise, it is called corporate culture, and in the nation, it is called national culture. Customs are good or bad, and culture is the same, all depend on the dominant custom, that is, culture, what is recognized, that is, values, that is, what is most concerned in the heart.

the cultural beliefs of Chinese should be traced back to the composition of Chinese culture. Chinese culture is like a vast sea of smoke, and in the final analysis, it is nothing more than the five categories of Confucianism, Taoism, and Xuanli, and the classics in the five categories are called classics, and the classics are reason. There are thousands of reasons, put together, you can pick out two words condensed: family reason. That is, the core of Chinese cultural beliefs is home and reason.

First of all, Chinese cares most about the family, believes that the family is the most important, believes that the family is the closest, this is the natural trust code of the bloodline, and no external force can "crack" this belief. Moreover, looking at social activities outside the family and family, Chinese to deal with people cares about a "reason" word, and when people and reason are combined, they are convincing people with reason. If the "reason" is kneaded into a "love" word, it is reasonable, this is the best, and it can make Chinese convinced.

Home is a combination of relatives, naturally there is also a family culture, south "sweet" north", "salty" east, "spicy", "spicy" west "sour", "family has a difficult scripture", are different manifestations of family culture. Home is so important to Chinese because the psychological perspective of Chinese is to observe and understand the outside world from the "window" of home, and to do things from the "gate" of home to go out, break into the world, make a contribution, and not lose the face of the ancestors. But no matter where you go to the end of the world, your heart is always led by a thread, and the other end of the line must be home. Therefore Chinese often say that to start a family, we must also put the family in the first place, and then talk about going out to find a living livelihood. Tired, they will say how good it is to go home and rest; when they are bitter, they will say that it is difficult to go out at home for a thousand days; when they are wronged, they will say that it is not for this home; if they fail, they will go home to the harbor; the New Year is a thousand miles away from home.

The family is stable, and it is only when you go out to do things. But the road after going out is to take it yourself, how to go steady and far, the key depends on how big the individual's ability is. Skill and skill should be two concepts - skill is understanding, and skill is skill. Comprehension is to first know yourself, correct yourself, and then enrich yourself and be a good person, which is called self-cultivation. Self-cultivation is also a reason, that is, morality, virtue is to talk about the three principles and five constants,—— no matter what, this is the principle that has penetrated into the bones of Chinese for thousands of years - it is also the highest realm of self-cultivation. In China, whoever has virtue, no matter how big or small, is also a gentleman; if anyone lacks morality, no matter how big the skill is, he is also a villain, and he will also be despised and far away by people. Near gentleman far from villain, "pro-virtuous subject far villain", this is the reason.

From starting a family to establishing a career, there is also an order implied in it, that is, self-cultivation, family unity, governance of the country, and peace in the world. This order has cause and effect and is also reasonable, that is, the body is cultivated and the family is united, and the country is governed and the world is peaceful. This order has a direction, that is, from the inside to the outside, from home to country. The connection between home and country also has the concept of home country.

If you make a metaphor for "repairing Qi Zhiping", it is like a big tree: self-cultivation is the root, Qi family is dry, and governing the country and the world is the branches and leaves. Home is the core, self-cultivation is the foundation of the home, and zhiping is the extension of the home. "Home country" is always inseparable, and the position of the family in the heart of the Chinese can be seen.

Excuse me. Reason is reason, and it is the code of conduct of Chinese. Chinese reasoning, reasoning, and obedience. Reason goes all over the world, and it is difficult to walk without reason. If you don't believe it, how can you live in this world? Speaking of reason, what is the reason for Chinese believe? This principle is not the principle of one person and one thing, but each has its own reason, and it should be divided into what occasions. In the family situation, filial piety and harmony are discussed; in interpersonal situations, it is discussed with benevolence and righteousness; in emotional occasions, it is discussed with love and respect; in intellectual occasions, it is true and false; in legal occasions, it is right and wrong; in religious occasions, it is good and evil; in economic occasions, it is about gain and loss; in military occasions, it is about victory and defeat; in political occasions, it is about right and wrong.

Chinese most agree that everything is reasonable, and the most objectionable thing is that it is both unreasonable and unreasonable. From this we will ask, what is the love of union and dissociation? If reason is the value judgment criterion of behavior, then emotion is the criterion for evaluating the human nature of behavior. Human nature is in line with nature, it is in line with nature, and it is reasonable to conform to natural nature. For example, at first sight of the widow's compassion for entering the well is reasonable, for example, pity for the weak is reasonable, such as seeing the pain of the same kind and fear is reasonable. Of course, if we continue to subdivide and encounter reasonable and unreasonable people and things, what should we do? Believing in the wisdom of Chinese, there will be public opinion.

In short, Chinese have faith, but also a big faith.

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