
A small number of winners in the automotive supply chain dilemma: Bentley's sales in 2021 bucked the trend and a hot stock

On January 6, local time, high-end automaker Bentley said that despite the impact of the new crown epidemic and chip shortages, Bentley's car sales in 2021 hit a new high for the second consecutive year. In mid-2021, Bentley sold more than 14,600 units, up nearly one-third year-on-year.

As a luxury car brand, bentley cars sell for an average of hundreds of thousands of dollars a unit. Over the past year, Bentley's sales have grown in both the UK and foreign markets, with annual sales growth of 39% in its largest market, the United States.

During the COVID-19 epidemic, due to lockdown policies and travel restrictions, some consumers have shifted their budgets originally planned for travel to goods such as cars, which has promoted car sales to a certain extent.

In addition, compared with large car companies, high-end automakers are less affected by the chip shortage problem. Because some large car companies have been forced to concentrate their chips on producing the most profitable models, while high-end car companies with fewer models have avoided this problem.

Bentley said consumer demand for its new hybrid models was also one of the drivers behind the record results. The company has previously announced that it will fully realize the electrification transformation by 2030.

A small number of winners in the automotive supply chain woes: Bentley's sales bucked the trend in 2021. Click on the video to see for yourself!

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