
App Store Connect can now track and analyze in-app activity

Apple today announced that developers who create apps for the iOS and iPadOS platforms can now view analytics data for any in-app activity. Analytics data includes event page views, reminder and notification data, and the number of event-driven downloads and re-downloads. Each metric can be broken down and viewed by region, source type, device, and more, so you can better understand how in-app events are impacting your app's growth.

App Store Connect can now track and analyze in-app activity

In-app activity is announced in-app and on the App Store, which helps customers understand when they can participate in the event. In-app events cover everything from game competitions to movie premieres to live experiences. Apple's WWDC conference last June let you promote these events directly from the App Store.

For those who have never been involved in publishing apps on the App Store or Play Store, Apple and Google offer a wide range of metrics so that developers can try to figure out what drives app downloads and engagement, and then take action to further drive growth. App Store Connect provides a whole bunch of metrics, including App Store performance, app engagement and usage, campaign performance, number of paying users, and more.

If you're developing for Apple's mobile platform and want to learn more about in-app activity, check out the dedicated page on apple developer websites. If you want to learn more about App Store Connect, you can also do so on the Apple Developer website.

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