
Olive chicken soup adds one more step fresh and not turbid, phlegm, suitable for all ages, even drinking for a week is not greasy the dosage of ingredients specific methods

author:Wood with feeling

During this time, the weather is hot and cold, the climate is dry, the temperature difference between morning and evening is large, not to mention children, even adults are easy to catch a cold. No, I myself felt a little cold two days ago, a little sore throat, good to see a doctor in time, now basically better. In fact, in addition to taking some medicine, these days have been boiling this olive chicken soup for the family to drink, the taste is delicious and sweet, the husband and the baby are very fond of it, every time a large pot of soup can be drunk, continuous drinking for several days is not greasy.

Olive chicken soup adds one more step fresh and not turbid, phlegm, suitable for all ages, even drinking for a week is not greasy the dosage of ingredients specific methods

Tell us about the nutritional value of this olive chicken soup. Olives are rich in nutrients, containing minerals such as protein, vitamin C and calcium, iron and phosphorus. The taste is bitter at first, but the more you chew, the more fragrant it becomes. Chinese medicine believes that olives can clear heat and detoxify, reduce pharynx swelling, quench thirst, reduce phlegm and other effects, and eat in winter has a throat-moisturizing effect.

Olives are also high in calcium, which is conducive to children's bone development and can be consumed appropriately by infants and young children. However, because olive is a kind of hard flesh, it needs strong chewing ability, it is generally not recommended that infants and the elderly eat it directly raw, and can be eaten in soup or decoction water, and the effect and taste are also excellent.

Today I will share with you the practice of olive chicken soup, a nutritious soup that my family has drunk for several days.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > food dose</h1>

Chicken thighs 400g, green olives 250g.

PS: The reason for choosing chicken soup this time is mainly that the chicken is warm, rich in protein and amino acids, and the soup is much less greasy than the rib soup, which is easier to digest and can reduce the burden on the body during the cold.

Olive chicken soup adds one more step fresh and not turbid, phlegm, suitable for all ages, even drinking for a week is not greasy the dosage of ingredients specific methods

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > specific approach</h1>

1, put the green olives into the basin, add a spoonful of table salt, wear gloves, wash the salt and olives evenly, and then wash them with water 2-3 times, so that the stains on the olives can be removed better.

Olive chicken soup adds one more step fresh and not turbid, phlegm, suitable for all ages, even drinking for a week is not greasy the dosage of ingredients specific methods

2: After washing the chicken, put it in the pot, add an appropriate amount of water (just enough to pass the chicken), bring to a boil on high heat and stir well with a spoon, cook for half a minute, turn off the heat.

PS: After the chicken is blanched, not only the blood water is removed, but most of the greasy substances in the chicken are basically boiled out initially, and the subsequent soup water can be fresh and not turbid, moist and not greasy. This step is important and cannot be omitted.

Olive chicken soup adds one more step fresh and not turbid, phlegm, suitable for all ages, even drinking for a week is not greasy the dosage of ingredients specific methods

3: Put the washed olives into the saucepan, put the spacer pad, and then put the chicken evenly and add the appropriate amount of water (must not have chicken).

PS: The amount of water cleared depends on the number of people to drink, generally 4-6 people drink no problem.

Olive chicken soup adds one more step fresh and not turbid, phlegm, suitable for all ages, even drinking for a week is not greasy the dosage of ingredients specific methods

4: Add the right amount of water to the outer pot of stew and put the saucepan inside.

PS: The main reason for choosing water-separated stew this time is that the soup water produced by its stew is more fresh and sweet, and it is not easy to catch fire. If there is no water stew at home, you can also replace it with an electric saucepan or pressure cooker.

Olive chicken soup adds one more step fresh and not turbid, phlegm, suitable for all ages, even drinking for a week is not greasy the dosage of ingredients specific methods

5. Cover the lid of the inner and outer pots with water, select the soup cooking procedure, and adjust the simmering time for 2 hours.

PS: The specific simmering time is adjusted according to the actual saucepan brand.

Olive chicken soup adds one more step fresh and not turbid, phlegm, suitable for all ages, even drinking for a week is not greasy the dosage of ingredients specific methods

6: When the time comes, open the lid, use a spoon to skim off the thin layer of oil on it, and add a small amount of salt to taste.

PS: 1) Because this soup has a little salty and salty sweet taste, if it is a baby to drink, if the taste is not picky, you can drink it without adding salt. 2) Adults drink, if you want to taste more delicious, you can add a little more chicken essence.

Olive chicken soup adds one more step fresh and not turbid, phlegm, suitable for all ages, even drinking for a week is not greasy the dosage of ingredients specific methods

7, put out the bowl and let it cool, a bowl of fragrant meat tender, nutritious, throat and dry olive chicken soup is ready.

PS: Because the olives were previously placed under the partition pad, the soup that came out could not be seen, and it also improved the convenience of drinking the soup.

Olive chicken soup adds one more step fresh and not turbid, phlegm, suitable for all ages, even drinking for a week is not greasy the dosage of ingredients specific methods

This soup is simple, high nutritional value, winter drink can also be pharyngeal phlegm, suitable for all ages.

And the olives during this time are also cheap, 10 yuan and 3 pounds, which is worth preparing for the family.

I am Mu Mu Parenting Mother, National Intermediate Nursery Teacher. A post-80s undergraduate, because of two cute babies, also fell in love with the field of parenting and baby family meals.

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May you and I make progress together and raise happier and healthier babies!

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