
Psychology: Which bouquet of flowers you like at first glance, and measure who hurts you the most when you are old

Psychology: Which bouquet of flowers you like at first glance, and measure who hurts you the most when you are old


Psychology: Which bouquet of flowers you like at first glance, and measure who hurts you the most when you are old


Psychology: Which bouquet of flowers you like at first glance, and measure who hurts you the most when you are old


Psychology: Which bouquet of flowers you like at first glance, and measure who hurts you the most when you are old

A: Your family hurts you the most when you're old. When you were young, you worked hard for the family, you not only did your job well, you also took good care of your family, you have a gentle personality, a kind heart, a real person, approachable, you won the love and love of the family, you are old Your family hurts you the most, and your old age is very warm.

B: The person who hurts you the most when you get old is your child. When you were young, you worked very hard for the sake of your family, and since you had children, you have attached great importance to the care and cultivation of children. On the other hand, you treat the elderly well, respect the elders, and under the influence of your words and deeds, your children are sensible, filial and have a good life. If you have children to rely on in your later years, you will have a very comfortable life.

C: Your lover and children hurt you the most when you are old. You and your lover have gone through a difficult first half of life, kindness and integrity, a proud bone, hard work you, your old age has also ushered in a very big fortune, you are old not only healthy, prolong life, and your lover and children have a very painful you, your old age has endless money, there is endless happiness.

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