
What should women pay attention to forty?

author:Kind girl of nine

When a woman reaches the age of forty, she has a certain charm, has her own style, has her own opinions, has her own pursuit and planning for life, and is already a mature woman, but with the increase of age, women at this stage are also changing in all aspects.

So at the age of forty, what do women need to pay attention to?

1. Pay attention to good health

The body is the capital of the revolution, even if you can marry a good husband, you have a good family, you also have a good career, if you are not in good health, it will be difficult for you to enjoy those happy moments in the future.

So women must take care of themselves, experience it regularly, and stay healthy.

Regular screening of breast, gynecology and other chronic diseases affecting women's health, early intervention and prevention, and the potential factors are snuffed out in the cradle.

What should women pay attention to forty?

2. Learn to control emotions

In daily life and work, less anger, less temper tantrums, anger hurts the body, do not punish yourself with the mistakes of others.

Many diseases are not due to poor physical immunity, most of them are related to emotions.

Lead the whole body, so be the master of emotions, not be a slave to emotions.

Reasonable emotions are normally vented, do not suppress, extreme bad emotions should learn to control, otherwise it is easy to do something that makes you regret because of impulse.

What should women pay attention to forty?

3. Balanced nutrition

Eat less junk food, pay more attention to nutrition and health,

Women gradually lose collagen at this stage and eat some beauty products and foods.

Reasonable collocation, balanced nutrition, eat less and more meals, refuse to overeat, control oil, control salt and sugar, maintain body and health.

What should women pay attention to forty?

4. Do a good job of skin management

Regular skin care, keeping the skin healthy and elastic, you can do some medical beauty appropriately, increase personal charm.

There are some women who are obsessed with plastic surgery, some micro-plastic surgery is very successful, some are not as good as their original appearance, and there are many complications, and some are disfigured and killed.

Choose plastic surgery should be cautious, find a professional and qualified large hospital, have experience and reliable doctors, otherwise the consequences are endless.

What should women pay attention to forty?

5. Get enough sleep

Many women have different degrees of sleep distress, and there are many reasons for these troubles.

For example, long-term work leads to the neck and shoulder meridians are not connected, and insufficient blood supply to the brain affects sleep.

Staying up late for a long time leads to an irregular body clock

Because of all kinds of stress troubles

Own physical reasons, etc

Both can lead to poor sleep quality and affect physical and mental health

First of all, we must develop a good habit of going to bed early and getting up early

Secondly, before going to bed, you can do yoga, meditate, and listen to soothing music to relax your mind

Again, you can do some health massage, soak your feet, and promote metabolism

The main thing is to keep a good mood.

What should women pay attention to forty?

6. Pay attention to what you dress

The clothes in the wardrobe should be few and fine

Buy less stalls, buy some textured and tasteful clothes, and increase personal charm

Pay attention to cultivating temperament and aura

Learn to dress and match, let the clothes talk, and increase self-confidence.

Beautiful mothers will also make children more confident.

What should women pay attention to forty?

7. Pay attention to makeup

Light makeup is always appropriate, when you go out, put on a light makeup, pleasing yourself and pleasing to others, will also make yourself more confident.

Don't be lazy to be a yellow-faced woman, every day that face, anyone who can see enough of the day, try to upside down, add some freshness, let the husband look at you differently.

What should women pay attention to forty?

8. Both inside and outside

Be sure to learn to enrich yourself.

Learn more skills that can enhance your personal ability, enrich your mind, expand your horizons, and be a person with connotation and soul.

Good-looking skin bags are the same, interesting souls in case of one, often rich in thoughts and souls of people are more attractive.

What should women pay attention to forty?

9. Run a good marriage

Most women at this stage have experienced the well-known spell of 7 years of itch and 10 years of pain, so be sure to take a good look at their marriages.

Grasp the big and put the small, and put it away freely.

Treat your husband, that is, you can't completely control your wife strictly, and you can't let it go.

Instead, it is like flying a kite, the line is in hand, when to collect, when to put, to put away freely.

A good marriage is managed, and we must learn to be a wise woman

What should women pay attention to forty?

11. Handle the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law

Be friendly with your mother-in-law, respect your mother-in-law, and be filial to your mother-in-law

Because one day you will also become a mother-in-law, your words and deeds, the children are in the eyes,

How you treat your mother-in-law, maybe your children will treat you that way.

What should women pay attention to forty?

12. Pay attention to family education

Be sure to help children establish the correct three views,

Help your child develop good behavior habits

Focus on the child's all-round development

Focus on appreciation education

What should women pay attention to forty?

13. Pay attention to stay in shape

Most of the women at this stage are married, have children, and the figure is often out of shape, if you let it go, the figure is out of shape, not only is the dress not good-looking, the husband will become more and more disgusted

Therefore, insisting on a sport or doing a good job of postpartum recovery can not only maintain the figure, but also maintain health, and the charm is not reduced.

What should women pay attention to forty?

14. Give yourself some free time

Don't go around your husband's and children's stove all day

Give yourself some private space and relax

Cultivate your emotions and be a person with a taste in life and interest

Give yourself room to think, think about what you want, who you want to be, review, summarize, work hard, plan.

What should women pay attention to forty?

There is a song that goes like this: "Many things are always seen clearly later, but I can't find the way to come; A lot of things didn't feel bitter at all, even if it was bitter, I don't think I would care..."

40+ women carry too much too much, have long been smoothed out by life, have long been trained in an armor, let the wind and rain hit...

Age is just a number for them, each age stage has the charm of each stage, we must boldly bloom ourselves.

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