
Japanese disabled writer Ototake Yoko: Admitted to a famous school, wrote and taught people, and was actually cheated on by 5 people in a violent marriage

author:Red Chronicler

In 1976, in a Japanese hospital, a doctor held a newborn child with a very worried expression, because the baby was born without hands and feet, medically called "congenital limb amputation", the doctor was worried about whether the child's mother could accept this cruel fact.

But to everyone's surprise, the baby's mother lovingly caressed the child's face and young body and said softly, "My lovely obedience." She didn't care if her child had limbs or not, she just knew it was her child.

And this baby is the famous Japanese inspirational writer Yoshitsune Ototake.

Born handicapped, but brave by nature

When Ototake Yoko was born, because he did not have limbs, he often provoked relatives and friends to come to visit him, and looking at these adults coming and going, young Ototake Yokoku did not understand the gap between himself and other children. As the days passed, in the blink of an eye, Owu Yangkuang also reached the age of kindergarten, and it was reasonable to say that disabled children should go to a special disabled infant kindergarten, but Ewu Yangkuang's parents did not do this, and they all hoped that their children could live a normal life.

Japanese disabled writer Ototake Yoko: Admitted to a famous school, wrote and taught people, and was actually cheated on by 5 people in a violent marriage

After discussion, Ototake Yoko's parents had a heated discussion with the head of a kindergarten in Japan, and in order to let Ototake Yoko successfully enroll, he was specially brought to the front of the head of the kindergarten, and saw this lively and cute child in front of him, full of vitality like the sun, and finally the head of the kindergarten agreed to let Ototake Yokokumi enroll.

After going to kindergarten, Otobu Yoko instantly became the object of study by other children with his lively personality and a body different from others, and they were very curious about why Otobu Yoko was different from them. If it is replaced by ordinary people, they may feel inferior and sensitive, and even cry, but Owu Yangkuang still has a smiling look, and the teacher on this side has repeatedly told many children to take care of Owu Yangkuang and not to bully him.

Time passed quickly, Ototake Yoko was old enough to go to elementary school again, and as before, Ototake's parents did not choose to send their children to a special school, but let him go to school normally. It was in elementary school that Yoshitsune Ototake met his first mentor, Mr. Takagi.

Japanese disabled writer Ototake Yoko: Admitted to a famous school, wrote and taught people, and was actually cheated on by 5 people in a violent marriage

Takagi sensei is very strict with his students, including Ototake Yoko, even if he is a disabled child, Takagi sensei will let him complete some difficult tasks, in Takagi's eyes as if everything is possible. At first, Ototake Hiroaki used to rely on a wheelchair to move when he went to school, but Takagi-sensei asked Ototake to get rid of the wheelchair and walk on his own strength.

For a disabled person, the wheelchair is like his second leg, especially Ototake Yoko is still a child, but Takagi sensei said: "There are some things he must do by himself, and he will have to survive on his own in the future, and he has to prepare for the future, which is also my task." ”

Little Ototake Yoko from the very beginning of the reluctance to the last choice to try hard, no wheelchair life is very difficult, can only rely on the stump legs and upper body muscles on the ground to move, although the clothes on the body are specially sewn by Obu Yoko's mother, thicker than the general clothes, but Owu Yoko can still feel the temperature of the ground, cold in winter and hot in summer, but the harvest is also obvious, Owu Yoko gradually became accustomed to life without relying on wheelchairs, he felt that this life was happier than before.

Japanese disabled writer Ototake Yoko: Admitted to a famous school, wrote and taught people, and was actually cheated on by 5 people in a violent marriage

Life coach to promote student growth

In the past, when he saw his friends jumping up and down on the playground, Otobu Yoko was very envious in his heart, but without a wheelchair, Otobu Yoko was also able to take physical education class, of course, others needed to run a full lap, Otobu Yoko only needed to reach the position specified by the teacher.

Once Ototake Yoko's class wanted to carry out mountaineering activities, Ototake Yoko also wanted to participate, but the mountain path was very curved, and there was a lot of gravel, Otobu Yoko could only sit in a wheelchair again and climb with his classmates, Takagi sensei was very worried about Ototake Yoko, so he tried to accompany Otobu Yoko. At first, Owu Yangkuang was able to rely on a wheelchair to walk independently, but later the mountain road became steeper and steeper, and Owu Yangkuang could only rely on the help of teachers and senior students to walk.

Japanese disabled writer Ototake Yoko: Admitted to a famous school, wrote and taught people, and was actually cheated on by 5 people in a violent marriage

Whenever encountering a strange rock slope, Owu Yangkuang is even difficult to control the direction, then the teacher and classmates will vigorously set up Owu Yangkuang's wheelchair, and when they finally reach the top of the mountain, Owu Yangkuang's teachers and classmates are sweating, and Owu Yangkuang feels some guilt.

But the joy of successfully reaching the top soon diluted the sorrow of Otobu Yangkuang, and when Ototake Yangkuang's good friend took Ototake Yoko's hand and said, "Succeeded, Otomu Yoko...", Owu Yokozumi felt very excited. The mood of the teenager always comes and becomes fast, Ototake Yoko is not a person who likes to be sad, and has friends to accompany him, so his student time is basically spent in joy.

From the first grade to the fourth grade of elementary school, Mr. Takagi served as his class teacher, and although Mr. Takagi was very strict, Otobu never thought that one day the class would change to a new class teacher. Entering the fifth grade, Ototake Yokuma is still as lively and playful as before, but Takagi's departure once made him feel a little sad, fortunately, the new class teacher, Mr. Oka, is also very responsible for Ototake Yokuma.

Japanese disabled writer Ototake Yoko: Admitted to a famous school, wrote and taught people, and was actually cheated on by 5 people in a violent marriage

In order to help Otobu Yoko to explore his potential, Mr. Oka encouraged Owu Yoko to learn to do what he could, Otobu Yokoku thought for a long time, and finally decided to start from learning computers, from slow typing to the final printed file, Mr. Oka would hand over the lecture notes of the class to Ototake Yoko every time to print, Otobu Yokokumi was very happy that he could do something for the class.

The exercise of elementary school not only improved the self-confidence and ability to do things, but also made Owu Yangkuang more full of expectations for the future. In the eyes of his parents' expectations, Owu Yangkuang smoothly entered junior high school, although Owu Yangkuang has a disability, but his heart is unusually firm, and his study is also very good, so he is unanimously affirmed by teachers and classmates, and even becomes a member of the student council.

Pursue your dreams and move forward with confidence

Junior high school has more in-school entertainment than elementary school, and the variety of ball games makes Ototake Yoko's heart flutter, and he also wants to compete with others on the field. In fact, Ototake loved sports and played football since he was a child, and eventually he joined a basketball club.

Japanese disabled writer Ototake Yoko: Admitted to a famous school, wrote and taught people, and was actually cheated on by 5 people in a violent marriage

At first, the coach was not optimistic about Ototake Yokoku, because he thought that dribbling was too difficult for Owu Yoko, but to everyone's surprise, Owu Yoko was not only able to use his body to dribble skillfully, but also became the core figure in the team, and even had his own must-kill skills, making the onlookers scream every time he shot.

Ototake Yokumatsu gradually became a prominent figure in the school, and he also enjoyed such a life, but people always grow up, Ototake Yokumatsu also has his own considerations for the future, he wants to enter Tokyo Metropolitan Ritsutoyama High School, because there is an excellent football team there, Ototake Yokumatsu is very eager to enter.

In 1992, at a time when everyone was nervous about the list, Ototake Yoko was successfully admitted to Toyama High School. In high school, Yotsumi Ototake excelled in various sports, even as a director, and shot the short film "Water of Life" with his classmates. As a "celebrity" at school, he met many new friends, but also began to be a little rebellious, at least not as good in his studies as he was in junior high school.

Japanese disabled writer Ototake Yoko: Admitted to a famous school, wrote and taught people, and was actually cheated on by 5 people in a violent marriage

Ototake's parents were often worried about this, but fortunately, Ototake eventually woke up, and with his excellent memory and tenacious will, he was admitted to wased at waseda University, a famous school in Japan, and entered the Department of Political Science and Economics, which is notoriously difficult to test.

In college, Ototake Yangkuang gave full play to his potential, joined various clubs, even participated in English speech competitions, and won the first place, and called on teachers and students to pay attention to the disabled, improve school facilities, and let the disabled walk more freely on campus.

Japanese disabled writer Ototake Yoko: Admitted to a famous school, wrote and taught people, and was actually cheated on by 5 people in a violent marriage

Regardless of the strange eyes of others, Ototake Yoko did what he thought was right, and after graduation, due to Ototake Yoko's outstanding performance at Waseda University, he successfully entered a television station and published his own book "Five Bodies Not Satisfied", in Japanese culture, "satisfaction" has the meaning of "perfect", "five bodies are not satisfied" means that the body is imperfect, this is Ototake Yoko's autobiography written according to his own template.

Happy marriage, but cheating after marriage

Since the publication of the book "Five Bodies Not Satisfied", Otobu Yokozuna has completely caught fire, has many fans, and later met his wife Renmei, Who is the university sister of Otobu Yoko, and is also a fan of Otobu Yoko, and the two were blessed by many people when they got married.

Japanese disabled writer Ototake Yoko: Admitted to a famous school, wrote and taught people, and was actually cheated on by 5 people in a violent marriage

After marriage, Owu Yangkuang and Renmei have a good relationship, in 2007 Owu Yangkuang turned to the education industry and began to teach and educate people, and Owu Yangkuang in the school is very popular with students because of his inspirational deeds. In 2008, Otomu Yoko's first child was born, which made him very happy, and in the following years, Otobu Yoko's second and third children were also born, fortunately they were all on all fours and in good health.

Because Otobu Yoko had many fans in his early years, and loved to write, he often sent some articles to his own social platform, so whenever Otobu Yoko's child was born, he would receive a large wave of gifts, and many Japanese people said that Ototake Yoko's life was very inspiring, and his love with his wife could also be sung and wept, after all, few women would choose a person with a disability as their husband, Renmei also overcame all difficulties and persuaded the family to be with Owu Yokoku.

Japanese disabled writer Ototake Yoko: Admitted to a famous school, wrote and taught people, and was actually cheated on by 5 people in a violent marriage

However, in March 2016, there was a news broke that Otobu Yangkuang cheated on 5 women in 15 years after marriage, and even had pictures as evidence, which caused an uproar in Japan, and the spearhead of public opinion was directed at Ototake Yoko, and even some anonymous netizens pointed out that Otobu Yoko liked to make female friends when he was in college.

Under the oppression of everyone, Otomu Yoko, who was initially rumored to be artificial, finally admitted to cheating on the five people, which was a huge blow to Otomu's wife, Renmi, and in September 2016, despite Otomu Yoko's pleas, Renmei chose to divorce, and this marriage that had been blessed by countless people has since come to an end.

On the day of the divorce, Renmei also posted that her husband cheated on him, he was at fault, but he also had responsibilities, because taking three children has occupied all his time, sometimes he can't take good care of her husband's emotions, and now her feelings are weak, and she only hopes for a peaceful divorce.

Japanese disabled writer Ototake Yoko: Admitted to a famous school, wrote and taught people, and was actually cheated on by 5 people in a violent marriage

Once admired by the people, Ototake Yokozumi has become the object of the Japanese people's complaints, for which Otobu Yokoku has also repeatedly issued articles to express his apologies to his wife Renmei, remembering that he once said that his mother and wife were the two most important women in his life, and now the oath has been denied by reality, and Ototake Yoko has become the person who hurt his wife the most.

Japanese disabled writer Ototake Yoko: Admitted to a famous school, wrote and taught people, and was actually cheated on by 5 people in a violent marriage

After the divorce, public opinion about Otomu Yoko gradually subsided, until two years later, Owu Yoko was rumored to be intimate with a young 22-year-old mixed-race beauty Iwazawa Naomi, as if in a relationship, netizens once again complained, sharply accusing Owu Yoko, and at the same time, the question of whether Owu Yangkuang would remarry has become the object of public discussion.


Qu Hui. Yiwu Yangkuang: The five bodies are not satisfied, and the mind has no boundaries[J].March Wind, 2011,(05):48-49.

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