
Walk with me into the history of the purple clay pot

author:I am serious about making purple sand pots

Purple sand pot is gradually developed in the process of pottery making, has a history of 800 years, in the process of its development, purple sand pot from ordinary tea set transformation into a work of art with infinite charm.

Purple sand pot originated in the Northern Song Dynasty, in the poetry of the Song Dynasty, you can see many "purple mud" descriptions, such as Mei Yaochen's "Yi Yun and Du Xiang Gong Xie Cai Junmo Send Tea": Xiaoshi Cold Spring left early taste, purple mud new product Pan Chunhua, this is the earliest record of purple sand pot becoming a member of tea culture so far.

Purple sand pot in the Song Dynasty only emerged, not in today's form of purple sand pot, nor reached the status of today's purple sand pot, until the Ming Dynasty, Yixing appeared a landmark figure in the history of the development of purple sand pot - Jinsha Temple monk, Zhou Gaoqi in the "Yang Envy Tea Pot System" called him "the founder of the purple sand pot."

Jinsha Temple is located 20 kilometers southeast of Yixing, there is an old monk named Zhijing in the temple, now known as "Jinsha Temple Monk", he is idle and quiet, often with the surrounding steel urn owners and potters to communicate, so familiar with pottery skills, when the tea drinking habits are changing to the pot bubble type, it is rumored that jinsha temple monks like to use purple sand clay to make a large capacity of round pots, neither leave money, nor stamp, only with fingerprints, because its works are not signed, so it is difficult to determine whether there are works passed down to the world, Jinsha Temple monks' pot making skills are very high, at that time has been famous, Later, he was revered as the ancestor of the purple sand pot.

Purple sand pot created by the monks of Jinsha Temple, it has entered a period of vigorous development, there have been many outstanding artists, such as for spring, Shi Dabin, etc. Since then the trend of purple sand pot art historical stage, during the Ming Dynasty, the three major pot types of purple sand pot (flower goods, light goods, tendon bags) have been basically laid, and all have excellent works came out, so that the purple sand pot has accumulated more cultural connotations and literati atmosphere, this period is the first heyday in the history of purple sand pot art.

Walk with me into the history of the purple clay pot
Walk with me into the history of the purple clay pot

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