
Cuisine: Soba enema

author:Today's report on Anyang

Soba noodle enema is a traditional snack popular in QiXian County, Taigu, Yushe and Wenshui in Shanxi Province. It is suitable for cooling off, so together with Shanxi liangpi and cold powder, it is a food that Shanxi people like to eat in summer, and it can also be used as a snack, or directly as a meal. Shanxi enema production method is mysterious, mostly passed down from generation to generation by family. The taste is delicate and delicate, smooth and sharp, long to eat not greasy, simple to mix, eat as you eat, add secret marinade, the taste is better, although called enema but soba enema and general enema are completely different, without any animal internal organs.

Cuisine: Soba enema

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