
The same is to serve in the army for her father, and in ancient times, Hua Mulan became a national hero; female soldiers in the Kuomintang army complained about the history of blood and tears

The same is to serve in the army for her father, and in ancient times, Hua Mulan became a national hero; female soldiers in the Kuomintang army complained about the history of blood and tears

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the Northern Nomadic Rouran people continued to harass the Northern Wei and invade the Territory of the Northern Wei. The Northern Wei regime mobilized the whole country to resist foreign invasions, stipulating that each family should send a male soldier to the front to participate in the war. At this time, mulan's family had only two boys, one was an elderly and frail father, and the other was his own younger brother, still young, and these two men could not go to the battlefield as soldiers. However, the imperial court had an order not to disobey, not to mention that it was to resist the invasion of foreign enemies, and PiFu had a responsibility, so Mulan decided to join the army for her father, and from then on began her military life for more than ten years.

Hua Mulan experienced hardships in the military, that is, to hide her identity, to train soldiers and learn martial arts, and also to recruit and kill the enemy, and after decades, she completed her mission and returned home triumphantly. For thousands of years, Mulan has not only been an ancient hero respected by Chinese, but her heroic deeds have also spread all over the world. In 1998, the American Disney Company adapted the story of Mulan into an animated film, which was welcomed by the world.

The spirit of Mulan inspires thousands of Chinese sons and daughters to defend the country, and they can sing and cry.

The same is to serve in the army for her father, and in ancient times, Hua Mulan became a national hero; female soldiers in the Kuomintang army complained about the history of blood and tears

However, during the reign of Chiang Kai-shek of the Kuomintang, there was also a matter of a woman serving in the army for her father, which was not as praised by the world as Mulan, and for the parties concerned, it was a history of blood and tears.

In 1946, Chiang Kai-shek of the Kuomintang provoked a civil war, and the battlefield was gradually defeated. In order to make a dying struggle, the Kuomintang frantically grabbed Zhuangding to replenish the troops and sent them to the front line for combat. Ordinary people have evaded this method of recruiting soldiers and opposed the Kuomintang fighting a civil war.

In the northeast Fuxin Zhizu Mountain, there is a peasant girl named Qiu Fengxiang, a family of five, two boys, father and brother, and a mother and sister. In order to escape the Kuomintang's capture of Zhuang Ding, the younger brother has been hiding outside. One day, the Kuomintang troops came to the village again to arrest Zhuang Ding, and they knew that qiu Fengxiang had two men in his family, and this time they said that they had to go to one person to serve as soldiers. The young ones are not at home, so they will take the older ones and go to the army as a brother-in-law. Qiu Fengxiang hid in the house and saw the soldier grabbing his father's hand and not letting go, so he hurriedly disguised himself in the house and walked out to the soldier and said, "Let go of my father, I will go with you"! In this way, Qiu Fengxiang charged his father's army and came to the 267th Regiment Of the 89th Division of the Rehe Kuomintang as an artillery company as an artilleryman.

The same is to serve in the army for her father, and in ancient times, Hua Mulan became a national hero; female soldiers in the Kuomintang army complained about the history of blood and tears

In a battle, qiu Fengxiang's 267th regiment of the Kuomintang 89th Division was wiped out by the People's Liberation Army, and Qiu Fengxiang became a prisoner of our army.

In the prisoner camp of the People's Liberation Army, Qiu Fengxiang felt the difference between the Communist army and the Kuomintang army, and knew that the People's Liberation Army is a unit that fights for the interests of the people and is the people's army.

Qiu Fengxiang complained about her history of blood and tears when she was arrested.

When Qiu Fengxiang first arrived in the army, she tried her best to dress as a man, because she was afraid that if she revealed that she was a woman, she was afraid that the Kuomintang would arrest her brother or father to charge the army. She always slept with clothes at night, and others felt strange, so she said that her stomach was sick and she was afraid of cold, and she had always slept with clothes at home. It's been like this for months.

One day, she participated in training to jump the trench, the trench is more than one person deep, it is planted with pointed wooden stakes, others are one step can jump over, but she is a woman after all, the steps are small, once did not jump over, fell down, the foot was punctured by the wooden tip of the blood, for a long time can not get up, and then dragged up by several soldiers, the squad leader did not say a word, he used the leather whip to fiercely smoke dozens of whips. That night, she lay in bed and cried bitterly, and unconsciously fell asleep. In the haze, she came to menstruate, and the blood stained the veteran's quilt red. At that time, the Kuomintang troops had a rule that after the new recruits arrived in the unit, they must share a bed with the veterans and be supervised by the veterans, for fear that the recruits would escape. At this point her identity was revealed.

The same is to serve in the army for her father, and in ancient times, Hua Mulan became a national hero; female soldiers in the Kuomintang army complained about the history of blood and tears

After Qiu Fengxiang's identity was exposed, he begged the company commander to let her go back, but this was a matter that the company commander could decide, and the company commander assigned her to the groom class to feed the horses, and from then on, she fed the horses with the two elderly grooms during the day, and at night she had to accept the company commander's "training" sexual harassment from time to time. Often threatened, if he did not obey, he was recalled to the platoon to sleep in a bunk with the soldiers and handed over to everyone to clean up.

In this way, Qiu Fengxiang lived a life of fear and fear every day, living like a year.

What pained Qiu Fengxiang even more was that shortly after her identity was exposed, her brother was arrested by the Kuomintang as a soldier again. She was so sad and desperate that she had sought short-sightedness, but she was saved by the kind groom.

Qiu Fengxiang said that she was not alone in the Kuomintang troops like her who filled the army for men. What she knew was that in their regiment, there was also a female soldier surnamed Chen, who was charging the army for her husband, because she was pregnant, she did not jump over the wooden horse during training, she was beaten by the official, she was also bullied, and finally she committed suicide by hanging beams.

The same is to serve in the army for her father, and in ancient times, Hua Mulan became a national hero; female soldiers in the Kuomintang army complained about the history of blood and tears

In ancient times, Hua Mulan joined the army to defend the country and become a national hero, and heroic deeds have been passed down through the ages; Qiu Fengxiang in the Kuomintang period and another female soldier surnamed Chen were forced to fill the army and were bullied in the Kuomintang reactionary army, forming a history of blood and tears, which is in sharp contrast with the comparison of flowers and trees in ancient times.

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