
Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, is only 6 months old and has been discharged from the hospital

On January 5, the good news came from Xi'an Chest Hospital, a designated hospital for new crown pneumonia, and the child who was only 6 months old was discharged from the hospital, which was the youngest patient admitted to Xi'an Chest Hospital.

Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, is only 6 months old and has been discharged from the hospital

According to the director of the ward and the pediatrician in charge, the child was admitted to the hospital with the diagnosis of the mother, and the condition was relatively mild, and there was no obvious respiratory infection symptoms such as fever, cough and runny nose. After admission, aggressive treatment measures were given, such as prone ventilation, a reasonable feeding regimen for young children, and the mobilization of corresponding milk powder and dietary nutrients under controlled conditions.

In order to better care for the children, the First Affiliated Hospital of Jiaotong University has specially selected an experienced head nurse of the neonatology department to be responsible for the nursing work in the ward. "Treating such a small baby in the ward, our nursing team should take extra care of it." The head nurse said that everyone has been paying close attention to the progress of the child's condition and dare not relax. From eating and drinking water to defecating and defecating, everything is big and small.

Isolation gowns cut off the disease, the separation is constantly thick and true, and the front-line medical staff act as the "temporary mother" of the children with heartfelt love and patience and careful care. The milk powder brought by the two "isolated babies" in the ward was about to be eaten, and after the chief nurse of the obstetrics and gynecology jurisdiction of the First Affiliated Hospital of Jiaotong University knew, he mobilized his family and colleagues overnight to look for the child who also ate the same brand of milk powder, and delivered the milk powder to Xi'an Chest Hospital the next day after several trips in line with the epidemic prevention regulations. At 8:00 a.m. on January 3, the head nurse entered the ward with this warm and full milk powder and handed it to the baby's mother.

According to the head nurse of the pediatric department, infants and young children are susceptible groups, and they should wash their hands frequently, ventilate frequently, strengthen environmental hygiene, exercise often, enhance resistance, pay attention to psychological changes in time, give guidance and relief, and achieve the purpose of physical and mental treatment.

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