
Original | Maple Leaf's unknown life is in the early waking time

Original | Maple Leaf's unknown life is in the early waking time

Material prosperity, social convenience, upside down black and white days, early rise has become a miracle of life, a breakfast of exquisite, a piece of book fragrance, a music of refreshing spleen, at your disposal, cleaning, exercise, playing with flowers and plants are the joy of life, meditation meditation is the upgrade of the spirit, making a plan is the beginning of the day, the unknown life is in the early rise of time.

The poet Tao Yuanming once said: "If the golden year does not come again, it will be difficult to get another morning." Timely encouragement, the years do not treat people. ”

The early morning of each day is the most important start of the day.

The "Zhu Zi Family Training" has a saying: "Rise at dawn, sweep the courtyard, and be clean inside and out." "Cleaning, wiping dust, cleaning up clutter, tidying up the room, cleaning every part of the house clean and spotless. Some people feel that it is too hard to engage in hygiene, unwilling to do it, and do not know that "if a house is not swept, why sweep the world". The living space is clean and tidy, people's hearts will be comfortable and open-minded, and you must have a clear sense of order in your heart. You love life and are good at creating your own comfortable space in a complicated world.

Fast-paced life, let many people run all day, not to mention breakfast, may be busy to a day, only a meal. Not only is it hungry, but an irregular diet can also cause a very large burden on the stomach and intestines. Skipping breakfast is not only a great health hazard, but also costs us a wonderful breakfast time. Those who are willing to get up early to prepare breakfast deeply understand that breakfast is the button to turn on vitality. A bowl of hot porridge with an omelette, a glass of milk and a few slices of bread, or a handmade dumpling dumpling pickle... As long as the family sits around the table and shares breakfast, they can start a good life in the fireworks. People who can get up early to make breakfast value health and cherish every moment in life. Can be kind to every morning, eat every breakfast, warm heart, strong sense of happiness, always be able to perceive the inadvertent small luck in life.

Life is in motion, and exercise can both improve mood and energy. Those who insist on getting up early to exercise not only have good physical fitness, but also have a tough and optimistic attitude. People who exercise early for a long time are energetic, bold, positive, younger than their peers who do not exercise, full of positive energy, and they are self-disciplined long-termists.

Original | Maple Leaf's unknown life is in the early waking time

Insist on reading in the morning, in the quiet study, read a book you like, and absorb spiritual nourishment. The Han Dynasty classicist Liu Xiang said: "Books are medicine, and good reading can cure stupidity." "In life, everyone's wisdom is limited. Reading books can make up for the lack of wisdom, cultivate the mind, increase insight, and enhance ability. "Reading more books will change a person's habits of thinking and thus give themselves the best supply." People who can insist on getting up early to read are all practitioners of lifelong growth. They have a strong internal drive, prompting them to continue to learn and become a better version of themselves through reading.

While getting up in the morning, enjoy a favorite music to stimulate the still sleepy brain and start a new day. People who like to listen to light music are usually meticulous and meticulous people. They are meticulous, calm and calm, gentle in character, but not losing their opinions. The heart is full of passion, informal, the personality is bold and atmospheric, and can live a vigorous and free life. People who like to get up in the morning and listen to music are people with emotions, they can find the fun of life, know how to please themselves, and release emotions. Heavy feelings, understand romance, is a rare temperament of people.

In the morning, I fiddled with the flowers and grasses at home, or trimmed the branches and leaves, or watered and fertilized, and kept the flowers and grass full of life. Looking at the lush green plants, I was full of joy. Under the eastern fence of the chrysanthemum, you can leisurely see the South Mountain. Flowers and plants are the finishing touch in the reinforced concrete world, not only improving the home environment, but also bringing the aura and vitality of nature to the home. It's green and refreshing.

Wake up and sit quietly in the morning, no one disturbs, empty all the noisy consciousness in the brain, focus on your own breathing, realize your thoughts and thoughts, calmly accept reality, better manage your emotions, and control your attention. Many of the big guys we know are fans of meditationism. For example, Apple founder Jobs, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, etc., they all have the habit of meditation. People who can get up early to meditate and meditate are more peaceful and stable, and they do not like things or be sad with themselves. Live easily and enlightenedly, and be more willing to accept your imperfect but true enough self.

Everything is predetermined, and if it is not predetermined, it is abolished. When we're going to do something, it's important to plan ahead. Every morning, arrange the schedule of the day, when to practice in the morning, read, and when to meet and travel. Big and small events, priorities... Good planning is half the battle. Make a good plan, the direction is clear, reduce blindness, can improve the efficiency of doing things, improve the quality of life. Plan and then move, know and have.

How to start the day, where you spend your time and energy, where your character and future are hidden. Get up early to exercise, make a hearty breakfast for your family, plan your day, get up early to read, meditate quietly, or listen to music, clean up, take care of flowers... No matter what kind of person you are, what kind of choice you make after waking up early, and if you have a good morning, you can live a good life.

Original | Maple Leaf's unknown life is in the early waking time

One Point Maple Leaf Anthology

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