
After the age of 50, the risk of cancer is significantly increased, to prevent cancer, please do 4 things for yourself

If the doctor tells you: You have cancer. These few words are believed to be a thunderbolt on a sunny day for most people. Whether it is yourself or your family, once someone has cancer, the psychological impact and fear effects are not brought about by other diseases.

Although the development of medicine to today, a variety of new anti-cancer drugs continue to emerge, and even in the treatment of some cancers, some special drugs can make some patients achieve complete remission, but there are still some cancer types and cancer patients, there is still no particularly good treatment, and even some cancer treatment will reduce the quality of life of patients, but also do not help prolong life.

After the age of 50, the risk of cancer is significantly increased, to prevent cancer, please do 4 things for yourself

Therefore, for cancer, long-term prevention is far more important than seeking a better treatment after cancer. This is especially true for middle-aged and elderly people. Today's popular science article will introduce 4 precautions for reducing cancer risk in the daily life of middle-aged and elderly people.

After the age of 50, as you age, your cancer risk gradually increases

Perhaps many friends do not know that there is a curve relationship between cancer risk and age, before the age of 20, whether male or female, the incidence of cancer is very low, and in the forties, after the age of fifty, the incidence of cancer will rise significantly (the curve suddenly becomes steeper), and in the new cases of cancer, the proportion of elderly people in their sixties and seventies is the highest, a statistic shows that the median age of diagnosing cancer is about 66 years old. A statistical data in China shows that the average age of cancer onset in Chinese is about 63 years old.

After the age of 50, the risk of cancer is significantly increased, to prevent cancer, please do 4 things for yourself

When people reach middle age, the risk of cancer will be higher, which can also be explained from the physiological mechanism. All kinds of cancer, are in the process of cell metabolism, cell division mutation, and mutated cells if uncontrolled rapid proliferation, and invade normal cells and lead to health problems in the body, this is the occurrence of cancer, with age, the stability of the body's cells will decline to a certain extent, and the body's immune system immune capacity, for the ability to clear the mutated cells, has also declined, which causes the elderly with age, the incidence of cancer will gradually increase.

After the age of 50, the risk of cancer is significantly increased, to prevent cancer, please do 4 things for yourself

Therefore, for middle-aged and elderly people, they should pay more attention to the prevention of cancer and try to keep themselves away from the risk of cancer.

Middle-aged and elderly people to prevent cancer, it is important to do 4 things well

Many friends have heard that cancer is a personal physical problem, and has a close relationship with heredity, it is true that genetic factors will increase the risk of a variety of cancers, but most experts believe that genetic factors are not the decisive risk factors for cancer, its impact ratio is less than 20%, and the remaining 80% is what? More important than uncontrollable genetic factors are important influences on the way we live and the environment in our daily lives.

After the age of 50, the risk of cancer is significantly increased, to prevent cancer, please do 4 things for yourself

If we want to do a good job in cancer prevention, first of all, we may wish to start with changing our mentality, if we can change our mentality from "I can never get cancer" to "how can I better prevent cancer", this positive attitude will help us make changes and better do a good job in life conditioning intervention to prevent cancer.

How can you control your cancer risk? Today we focus on 4 things.

1. Choose food like a drug

Many friends are always very cautious when dealing with the problem of taking medicine, afraid of unnecessary health risks caused by taking the wrong medicine, but they do not care much about the diet they have to contact every day. In fact, in terms of diet, we should also have a sense of awe, choose potato chips or oranges, may affect our health and cancer risk, good and healthy diet and eating habits, is to ensure our physical health, but also to help us control the risk of cancer is the top priority. Regarding a healthy diet to prevent cancer, we may wish to do the following:

After the age of 50, the risk of cancer is significantly increased, to prevent cancer, please do 4 things for yourself

Minimize your intake of red meat, sugars, and ultra-processed foods, including snacks, processed meat products, and more.

Pay attention to increasing the intake of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

Meat should be based on fish, and eating it 2 to 3 times a week is good for health.

Pay attention to hydration, boiled water is good, you can also drink sugar-free or low-sugar coffee and tea, but be careful not to drink before going to bed.

Pay attention to the cooking method, try to use frying, grilling and other ways to cook as little as possible.

2, adhere to exercise, more sweat is good

Exercise helps to improve physical fitness and immunity, delay aging, protect cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health, enhance blood circulation and metabolism, and is also a very important aspect for cancer prevention. Regarding sports, the following two aspects of the proposal are worth noting.

After the age of 50, the risk of cancer is significantly increased, to prevent cancer, please do 4 things for yourself

The first is to do a good job of long-term persistence, for healthy people, no less than 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week, in order to be able to play a better health benefit, middle-aged and elderly people combined with their own situation, step by step exercise, and do a good job of long-term persistence, especially important, want to do this, must have strict self-discipline, and willing to pay for it.

Second, we must pay attention to the diversity of exercise methods. For middle-aged and elderly people, aerobic exercise such as walking and jogging is very important for physical health, but if you can pay attention to strength training, body balance training, and pay more attention to diversified training, it will bring more health benefits, and it will also help improve the overall health level of the body and better control cancer risk.

3, maintain a good night's sleep, is the top priority

Modern people's life is becoming more and more abundant, and the sleep time at night is also being squeezed out, whether it is young people or middle-aged and elderly people, sleeping less and less has become a normal state for many people. Sleep deprivation can put more stress on our bodies, which in turn increases the risk of disease, and getting quality sleep is critical to the overall health of the body and the control of cancer risk.

After the age of 50, the risk of cancer is significantly increased, to prevent cancer, please do 4 things for yourself

For the elderly, maintain good sleep habits, do not carry out strenuous exercise before going to bed, do not drink alcohol, drink coffee, drink tea and other irritating drinks before going to bed, go to bed regularly, do not look at mobile phones, tablets and other electronic products in bed, pay attention to the conditioning of related diseases that affect sleep, avoid taking drugs that affect sleep, etc., these aspects are helpful to maintain quality sleep, and it is important to sleep for 7 to 8 hours a day.

4. Recognize the connection between physical and mental health and maintain a positive and optimistic attitude

I often advise some friends to open, do not worry, depression, sullen all day, but many times, only by truly recognizing the close relationship between mental health and physical health, and having a reverence for physical health, can you really make changes, adjust some negative emotions and accumulate mentality.

After the age of 50, the risk of cancer is significantly increased, to prevent cancer, please do 4 things for yourself

We may not be able to "avoid cancer" completely, but if we can maintain a positive attitude towards life and achieve happiness, we can help reduce the pressure on the cells, thereby reducing the risk of cancer. Wanting to do this, learning to smile, exercising positively, maintaining a sense of purpose in life, learning to be grateful, doing more good deeds, and actively socializing, all help us maintain a good attitude, which brings more physical health benefits.

The above 4 aspects are some "small things" in daily life, but if we can start from little by little, and maintain a healthy lifestyle that is not remarkable in daily life, but is closely related to our health, it can help our health more, and also help us control the risk of cancer.

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