
Eat less? Don't eat? How to eat dinner?

Many people "taboo" dinner in order to lose weight.

But people who insist on not eating dinner will slowly find that

Not only did the weight not decrease,

And the resistance is getting worse and worse.

Eat less? Don't eat? How to eat dinner?

So in order to lose weight, can you eat dinner?

How should I eat it?

It is not practical to want to lose weight by simply skipping dinner, and not eating dinner will not only fail to lose weight, but also have an adverse impact on physical health.

Three meals a day in line with the normal dietary laws of the human body, if you violate this law, can not take in enough energy on time, it will make the body's metabolism slower, the body's energy consumption is reduced, but it is not conducive to weight loss.

Moreover, the operation of the human body needs energy support, if you do not eat dinner for a long time, then the food calories eaten at breakfast and lunch will automatically be converted into fat, so that the weight will increase. And once the diet is resumed, the weight rebound rate will be very fast.

So what should we do if we want to lose weight?

The correct way to lose weight should mainly control the two "quantities", the amount of exercise and the amount of intake. Only by reasonably controlling these two things and maintaining a healthy physical state can weight loss be more effective with half the effort.

Eat less? Don't eat? How to eat dinner?

How to eat dinner is correct?

1. Do not overeat

Usually people are not as busy at night as during the day, and dinner time is relatively abundant, so they will eat a lot and it is easy to eat. In fact, a healthy dinner should not eat too much, should try to eat as little as possible, eat too much, eat too much, the intake of energy exceeds the standard can easily lead to obesity, resulting in other related diseases.

2. Do not eat too late

Because of the busy work, many people often work overtime hungry, eat late for dinner, and go to bed after eating.

When people are in a state of sleep, the blood flow rate will become slower, the urinary excretion will also be reduced, and the calcium salt in the diet in addition to being absorbed by the human body, the rest must be excreted through the urine, people in sleep can not be discharged in time, it is easy to suffer from urethral stones.

Eat less? Don't eat? How to eat dinner?

3. It should be light

Dinner should be eaten less, but not eaten, and should be based on light food. If dinner is too greasy and the calories are too high, the excess oil intake will cause increased blood lipids, which will lead to arteriosclerosis and coronary heart disease, which is also very harmful to people with liver and kidney disease.

4. Staple foods should be eaten

Some people feel that staple foods contain a lot of starch and carbohydrates, so eat only vegetables and fruits for dinner. However, the nutrition in vegetables and fruits is relatively simple after all, and in order to satisfy the feeling of fullness, they will eat more, which will eventually lead to nutritional imbalance.

In fact, no healthy diet can be without staple food, and the staple food for dinner can be mainly dilute.

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