
The facial features of this terracotta warrior are unique, and no one has been able to understand them so far, and it is forbidden to go abroad for exhibition now!

Through archaeology, we can understand the previous dynasties more thoroughly, although there are many film and television works now about the past, but the content of these film and television works can not be fully believed, in order to attract the audience, the director may make some modifications to some storylines, the best way to understand the history is to carry out archaeology.

Qin Dynasty is now more than two thousand years old, speaking of the Qin Dynasty many people will first think of qin shi huang's tyranny, but despite this, qin shi huang's life is still particularly legendary, he did a lot of practical things to benefit the people, busy quelling the rebellion, Qin Shi Huang's ambitions are particularly large, want to become the first person in the world, for the country's major events he did pay a lot.

The facial features of this terracotta warrior are unique, and no one has been able to understand them so far, and it is forbidden to go abroad for exhibition now!

The Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin is huge in scale and shows the wisdom of the ancients

When Qin Shi Huang was still on the throne, he set about building a huge mausoleum for himself, which covered a total area of 56.25 square kilometers, which was equivalent to 78 Forbidden Cities.

The Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang is in the Lishan-Weishui area, with an east-west length of about 250,000 meters and a north-south width of about 7,000 meters, and there are large and small funerary pits and tombs around the Qin Tombs, and more than 400 have been discovered.

At that time, it took 39 years to build the Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum, and in ancient times, there were many tomb robbers, and the Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum was also destroyed by many tomb robbers, but the Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum was huge in scale, and there were many places where the preservation was very complete.

The first time Chinese archaeologists inspected the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang was in 1962, when the level of science and technology was not high, and the tools of archaeology were not advanced, so the progress was very slow, and two years later, archaeologists discovered the Terracotta Warriors of Qin Shi Huang.

This is a major discovery in the history of our country, it symbolizes the wisdom and artistic talent of the ancient working people of our country, and the duty of these terracotta warriors is to protect Qin Shi Huang.

The facial features of this terracotta warrior are unique, and no one has been able to understand them so far, and it is forbidden to go abroad for exhibition now!

The Terracotta Warriors are exquisitely made, but the surface changes after being excavated

These terracotta warriors vary in form and size, and the production is very realistic, you can clearly see the expression on the faces of these soldiers, in addition to the soldiers, there are also some clay figurines such as horses and cars.

Now there are some exhibitions of the Terracotta Warriors of Qin Shi Huang, many people come to visit the Terracotta Warriors of Qin Shi Huang, everyone sees the Terracotta Warriors and Horses are gray, in people's impression of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses is gray.

But in fact, these pottery figurines were all colored when they were found, with more than a dozen colors such as jujube red, medium yellow, and vermilion, as if they were real people.

After the excavation, the material on the surface of the terracotta warriors and the oxygen in the air reacted chemically, so that the color of the terracotta figurines themselves slowly faded, becoming the gray like dirt that everyone sees now.

The facial features of this terracotta warrior are unique, and no one has been able to understand them so far, and it is forbidden to go abroad for exhibition now!

When experts carry out archaeology, they have to use some tools to dig up the soil, although they have been very careful, but sometimes they will destroy the cultural relics, and excavating tombs is not an easy task.

These artifacts have been buried underground for many years, and if they are dug up, they can easily deteriorate, so experts did not continue to excavate after digging up some of the terracotta warriors.

Now the state has also promulgated relevant laws, stipulating that private mining of tombs is not allowed, in the archaeology must put the protection of cultural relics in the first place, if there is no technology to protect cultural relics, then do not mine tombs.

Although we would like to explore the mysteries of antiquity, we should not damage these treasures because of curiosity.

The origin of the "green-faced" terracotta warriors is curious

In 1999, experts found a very strange terracotta warrior in the kneeling army formation in the northeast of the Second Pit of the Terracotta Warriors of Qin Shi Huang, this terracotta army is different from other terracotta warriors, his face is green, later known as the "green face figurine", but in addition to the face, the other parts of the body are the same as other terracotta warriors.

If the green color of the face is presented because of a chemical reaction, then the other parts of the terracotta army are still normal, which does not make sense.

The facial features of this terracotta warrior are unique, and no one has been able to understand them so far, and it is forbidden to go abroad for exhibition now!

We all know that there are three kinds of people in the world: yellow, black and white, and we have not heard of green people, so why did this terracotta army make it green? After this matter broke out, many netizens also had a sudden whim, and some people said that people at that time were particularly feudal, believing in the theory of ghosts and gods, and painting this terracotta army green, perhaps to suppress ghosts and evil.

There are many other conjectures, some speculate that it was a prank by the workers; some speculate that the worker who painted the terracotta warriors may be colorblind and miscolored; some speculate that the Chinese terracotta warriors may be a symbol of ethnic minorities; some speculate that this terracotta army may be like a field unit of our current army or a sentry, with some other colors painted on its face; some people speculate that green may represent peace, a talisman.

In addition, some people say that this is just a work of craftsmanship of the workers' whim, but at that time, the workers did not have such a boldness, and if the work was wrong, they would be severely punished. These are just speculations, and the Terracotta Warriors have been verified.

The facial features of this terracotta warrior are unique, and no one has been able to understand them so far, and it is forbidden to go abroad for exhibition now!


Now the experts have not come to an accurate conclusion, perhaps the reason why this terracotta army was made green can only be answered by Qin Shi Huang himself. Among the many terracotta warriors, only one green-faced terracotta warrior appeared, because of its special characteristics, this terracotta army was also forbidden to go abroad for exhibition.

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