
Does IVF hurt? Come in and experience the whole process of the test tube and release the fear of the unknown

When it comes to IVF, many women feel strange and scared, with all kinds of doubts and concerns: both want to try and hesitate.

So clinically, we are often asked a question by patients: Doctor, is it very painful to do IVF? Isn't that a long time? .....

Below, Xiaobian will generally talk about everyone's doubts about test tubes:

1. Controlled super-ovulation induction

Does IVF hurt? Come in and experience the whole process of the test tube and release the fear of the unknown

We will develop different ovulation induction programs according to each person's situation, the ovulation induction process takes about 8-10 days, and many women who do IVF think that this is the hardest process!

In general, women only release one egg per month, and there is not enough nutrition to allow other follicles to mature and thus decay.

Clinically, in order to improve the use rate of eggs, a certain amount of drugs will be used to give the eggs enough nutrition so that the eggs that were about to die can continue to grow.

Physical feelings: need to inject every day, most of the fear comes from the female friend's resistance to continuous injections, in fact, it is not necessary, relax the mood.

2. Vaginal B ultrasound + blood draw

According to your situation, we will ask you to return to the hospital regularly to draw blood and do ultrasound.

Does IVF hurt? Come in and experience the whole process of the test tube and release the fear of the unknown

B ultrasound is to evaluate the ovaries, monitor the growth of follicles, and adjust the amount of medication according to the results of observation, when there are enough follicles to mature, eggs can be retrieved 36 hours after HCG injection.

Physical sensation: During the injection, some women will feel a swelling in the stomach, but it is not painful. Drawing blood is no stranger to everyone, and we can all tolerate the level of pain. Vaginal ultrasound not to mention, two words: painless.

3. Egg retrieval

Egg retrieval is a crucial part of IVF, but it is also the most feared part of IVF sisterhood.

In fact, many hospitals and reproductive centers nowadays have carried out anesthesia egg retrieval very humanely, and if you can't stand the pain of egg retrieval, you can choose anesthesia.

Does IVF hurt? Come in and experience the whole process of the test tube and release the fear of the unknown

Physical sensation: Because it is superficial intravenous anesthesia, there is generally no uncomfortable feeling, and occasional dizziness and nausea are present. Egg retrieval takes about 10-15 minutes to complete.

4. Embryo implantation

After successfully growing the embryo, if the physical condition is normal, it can be transferred.

What needs to be reminded here is that you need to drink water to hold urine before transplantation, which can smooth the angle between the uterus and the cervix, which will be more conducive to embryo implantation.

Does IVF hurt? Come in and experience the whole process of the test tube and release the fear of the unknown

Physical sensations: The transplant procedure does not require anesthesia, and a little discomfort is felt. The doctor will place the embryo in the ideal position in the uterine cavity under ultrasound monitoring. The process can be endured directly, no need to be particularly afraid, no need to be nervous!

5. Corpus luteal support after embryo transfer

Injections and oral medications can be used in combination, and 14 days after transplantation, blood is drawn to check for early pregnancy to confirm pregnancy. If pregnancy is confirmed, come back half a month later to do a B ultrasound to see the fetal heartbush and fetal buds. Medication needs to be continued until about 3 months of gestation.

Physical sensation: oral medication has no discomfort feeling, if you play progesterone, there may be people who will have locally non-absorbed indurgeted induration, and indeed some people will be very concerned.

Does IVF hurt? Come in and experience the whole process of the test tube and release the fear of the unknown

But persistence is victory, for the sake of the baby, come on!

The above several links, is the main process of test tubes, it seems that it is not as painful as rumored, in addition to the early stage of the promotion of excretion period needs to often draw blood to do B super plus injection medication, back and forth to the hospital more frequently, other are fine, so mothers can completely relax.

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