
In order to avenge himself, The King of Yue ruled the country diligently and frugally for 20 years, eating without meat

In order to avenge himself, The King of Yue ruled the country diligently and frugally for 20 years, eating without meat

In the Battle of Wuyue in 494 BC, the State of Wu won a great victory, and the King of Yue was not only defeated, but also forced to go to the State of Wu as a slave, endured humiliation and burdens to be released, and then slept on straw, tasted bitterness to sharpen the mind, and finally destroyed Wu in one fell swoop after 20 years. Many people saw that the Yue King had practiced the strong will of "lying down and tasting the guts", but they did not know that he had also taken many measures in order to destroy Wu.

In order to avenge himself, The King of Yue ruled the country diligently and frugally for 20 years, eating without meat

Superficial surrender, paralyzing Wu Guo

In order to actively create a good external environment, in its foreign policy, Vietnam has pursued the principle of "forming a unity, pro-Chu, attaching to Jin, and Hou Wu" and actively developing friendly relations with other countries. In order to confuse the State of Wu, the State of Yue, on the one hand, constantly gave generous gifts to the King of Wu to show their deference, and secretly bribed Wu Chen to win their sympathy and help; On the other hand, it bought wu grain at high prices, causing its internal grain prices to rise, causing supply difficulties, thus undermining the economic foundation of Wu.

In order to avenge himself, The King of Yue ruled the country diligently and frugally for 20 years, eating without meat

Govern the country diligently and frugally, and treat the people kindly

In order to appease the people's hearts, he committed the crime of committing the following edict: the widow does not know the inadequacy of his strength, and he has a vendetta against the great power, so as to expose the bones of the people in the Central Plains. At the same time, Gou Jian ordered "bury the dead, ask the wounded, the health care, hang the worries, the congratulations have joy, the senders, the ushers, the people who go to the people's evil, and make up for the people's deficiencies." He cultivates himself, weaves his wife, eats without meat, does not wear heavy clothes, folds the knots of the wise, meets guests generously, relieves the poor and hangs himself, and works with the people." Inspired by his spirit of self-encouragement and the preferential policies for the people, the whole country, united as one, fought against the enemy, and made spiritual preparations for winning the war.

In order to avenge himself, The King of Yue ruled the country diligently and frugally for 20 years, eating without meat

Integrate the army with the people and rectify the armaments

When Yue Wang Gou Jian had just been released from the State of Wu, he was faced with a mess that was already on the verge of collapse. At that time, due to the large number of soldiers of the State of Vietnam who had died in large numbers, they needed to be compensated; a large number of weapons and bronze products made of weapons were confiscated by the State of Wu, and the State of Vietnam was even stretched to eliminate the bandits. In order to accumulate war potential, the Vietnamese buried their flags in time and transformed the army into a people's rest and recuperation. At the same time, the organization of military service organizations, the regular training of young and middle-aged people, the army and the people, and the manufacture of weapons, training of sailors, through the military Fan Li painstaking management, the Vietnamese army gradually became a well-trained, well-founded, brave fighting elite division.

In order to avenge himself, The King of Yue ruled the country diligently and frugally for 20 years, eating without meat

Reward farming and increase the population

In view of the people's livelihood at that time, the Yue King, with the assistance of the Doctor's literature, reduced taxes and formulated various policies to reward the people for reclaiming wasteland, supervising nongsang, increasing production, and actively preparing enough materials for the restart of the war. In order to supplement the shortage of reserve soldiers after the war, it is stipulated that the common people have rewards for boys and girls, give birth to two sons, the government will raise one, give birth to three sons, and raise two on behalf of others, and at the same time train children aged 6 to 8 in the country to actively reserve reserve forces.

After 20 years of painstaking management, Vietnam's national strength has rapidly recovered, and it has won a great victory. In 473 BC, the State of Yue destroyed Wu in one fell swoop and took revenge on the shame.

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