
How did Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition fight? Is it really more than Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition?

Zhuge Liang's six out of Qishan, Jiang Bo about nine cut down the Central Plains, this is the romance of the Three Kingdoms, liu Bei's death, the most wonderful, but also the most legendary story, to a certain extent, can show the Liu Chan era of the Shu kingdom, facing the crisis and opportunities. Although jiang wei and Zhuge Liang had both fought against the Cao Wei forces, and there were many times, from the perspective of quality and scale, Jiang Wei and Zhuge Liang were obviously not in a heavyweight.

How did Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition fight? Is it really more than Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition?

The crisis of the Shu state in the post-Zhuge Liang era

Zhuge Liang's death can be seen as a major earthquake in the political arena of the Shu state, and it also caused a vacuum in the power of the Shu state. Although Zhuge Liang recommended Fei Yi, Dong Yun, Jiang Wan, and others to take over his class, the prestige of these courtiers was not enough to deter the Shu courtiers. As for the military generals, they were even more withered away, and Jiang Wei, as Zhuge Liang's designated successor, did not establish enough prestige in the army like Zhuge Liang. Nor did it gain enough military power. As a result, the Shu state had a situation in which civilian officials balanced military generals.

In the civilian clique, there were also differences. The main disagreement was whether to continue to advance according to the route planned by Zhuge Liang, or whether to find another way to continue the national fortunes of the Shu state.

Fei Yi Dong Yun Jiang Huan can be regarded as Zhuge Liang's staunch fans, although their ability is not as good as Zhuge Liang, but they play their own strengths, it seems that they can also let the big ship of the Shu Kingdom not deviate from the track. But disagreements also arise here.

How did Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition fight? Is it really more than Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition?

Fei Yi Dongyun was a humble gentleman who was good at governing the country and the people, but he was not very good at military affairs. Although Jiang Huan was a civilian official, he had the style of a military general and was eager to make meritorious contributions at the border pass. This disagreement was reflected in the attitude towards Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition.

The first phase of the Northern Expedition

At first, Jiang Wei did not have much military power, Fei Yi did not fully support Jiang Wei, but Jiang Wei supported him as always. From the first year of Yanxi to the twelfth year of Yanxi, during these eleven years, Jiang Wei carried out four military operations. According to Jiang Wei's strategy, he chose to attack Longxi, connect Qianghu, and then map chang'an's offensive plan. During these four Northern Expeditions, the battlefields were all located in the Gansu area.

But Jiang Wei's strategy was not supported. Fei Yi was very conservative, and whenever Jiang Wei wanted a large-scale northern expedition, Fei Yi would always restrain him. Therefore, although Jiang Wei has carried out four military operations in the past eleven years, each time the strength of the army is about 10,000 people. Although a part of the Qiang people were contacted, a part of the population moved back to Shuzhong. But for the huge Wei state, it was difficult to have a real impact.

How did Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition fight? Is it really more than Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition?

The second phase of the Northern Expedition

Although the first stage of the Northern Expedition was not carried out in accordance with Jiang Wei's established line, the results were not rich, but after all, there were certain military merits, and these military merits and experience points made Jiang Wei's prestige and status in the army increase day by day. Also began to have their own iron fans and die-hards.

In the sixteenth year of Yanxi, there was a sudden change within the Shu state, and Fei Yi was assassinated. This was the watershed of Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition and the prelude to the collapse of the Shu state.

Although Fei Yi did not support Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition, he was very able to protect the country and the people, and under Fei Yi's governance, the Shu state was full of vitality and gradually recovered its strength. In the immediate scene, Fei Yi was inexplicably assassinated. The power of the Shu state once again appeared in a vacuum.

Fei Yi's death was sudden, and there was no time to find a successor, and in this sudden situation, the other two lurking forces gradually controlled the government. One was the eunuch forces headed by the eunuch Huang Hao, and the other was the Conservative Forces headed by Tan Zhou. Although these two forces could not compete with Jiang Wei, who was at his peak. But a few years later, it still made Jiang Wei extremely embarrassed.

At present, Jiang Wei is temporarily fine, and he begins to let go of his hands and feet to realize his dream of the Northern Expedition. This was the second phase of the Northern Expedition.

How did Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition fight? Is it really more than Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition?

In the second stage, from the sixteenth year of Yanxi to the twenty years of Yanxi, in just five years, Jiang Wei carried out five large-scale Northern Expeditions, and these five Northern Expeditions, compared with the previous four, were larger in scale and extremely rich in battle results. And every time Jiang Wei led the army, as many as tens of thousands of people, almost all the elite of the Shu Kingdom.

The battle results were also extremely impressive, the battle record was two victories, two draws, one defeat, moved back to several counties and civilians, especially in the Battle of Taoxi, defeated tens of thousands of troops under Wang Jing, and also won the biggest victory since the Northern Expedition. Such a record also caused Wei Guo extremely headaches, and had to arrange for top generals such as Guo Huai, Chen Tai, and Deng Ai to confront him. This lineup can be called the most luxurious lineup in the late Three Kingdoms period. It can also be seen that Jiang Wei's deterrent power of these five Northern Expeditions.

Jiang Wei was constantly growing, and people such as Zhou Huanghao and others within the Shu Kingdom had also grown rapidly in the past few years, so powerful that they could already compete with Jiang Wei. As a result, Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition was dragged into the third stage.

The third stage of the Northern Expedition

The third stage of the Northern Expedition, starting from Jing Yao's fifth year to Jing Yao's sixth year, was only two years, but it became Jiang Wei's most troubled two years. In the fifth year of Jing Yao, Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition was defeated by Deng Ai, completely losing the prestige in the army, and Huang Hao and others began to counterattack. On the outside, he was defeated by Deng Ai, and inside he was pit by Huang Hao and others. Therefore, Jiang Wei decided to change from passive to active and went north again.

In the sixth year of Jing Yao, the last Northern Expedition began. It is not so much the Northern Expedition as it is to avoid disasters, this sixth Northern Expedition is more of a strategic defense, Deng Ai has already fought through the national border and directly pounded the Sword Pavilion. Zhong Hui copied Jiang Wei's flank, making the Sword Pavilion an isolated city, followed by Deng Ai smuggling YinPing, and then the Shu kingdom died. It can be said that in the third stage of the Northern Expedition, both wars were lost, and then, the country was destroyed.

How did Jiang Wei's Northern Expedition fight? Is it really more than Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition?

Jiang Wei is actually very difficult, Zhuge Liang has a general view of the military and political power, there is no worries, but Jiang Wei, not only to fight with the enemy, but also to deal with his own people, now carried out eleven military operations, and finally ended with six draws, two victories, three defeats, this record is not dazzling, but in this environment, it is difficult to achieve such a result.

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