
Behind the order to demolish 39 buildings on Hengda Flower Island: After being punished many times before, the relevant departments still completed the EIA procedures for them

author:Red Star News

On December 30, 2021, a copy of the Decision on Administrative Punishment (Demolition within a Time Limit) issued by the Danzhou Municipal Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau of Hainan Province was circulated online.

The decision ordered Danzhou Xinheng Tourism Development Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Evergrande Tong World Group, to demolish 39 illegal buildings on No. 2 Island of HaihuaDao within 10 days. If the demolition is not carried out within the time limit, the Enforcement Bureau will organize the demolition according to law.

Late on the night of January 3 this year, Evergrande Tong World Group responded that the decision only targeted 39 buildings in plot 2-14-1 on Island 2, and did not involve other plots on Haihua Island, that is, it did not involve the plots and buildings of 60,567 acquired and 628 unseen owners. Evergrande said that it will actively communicate and properly handle it in accordance with the guidance of the decision.

Behind the order to demolish 39 buildings on Hengda Flower Island: After being punished many times before, the relevant departments still completed the EIA procedures for them

↑ Infographic. Sea Flower Island

The staff of the local real estate company told Red Star News, "When the 39 buildings were built, they were built in violation of the law, and in the first half of 2020, they were stopped because they involved some ecological and environmental protection issues." At that time, the building was just capped, and it has been rotten until now, which also affects the beautification of the city. ”

HaihuaDao is known as the world's largest artificial island, and Evergrande Tong World Group said it has invested about 81 billion yuan. Red Star News noted that 39 illegal buildings had been completely suspended for a year and a half ago, and had been punished many times before, but the relevant departments still completed the EIA procedures for them. The pre-sale area of 39 buildings reached 310,000 square meters, a total of 2839 units, and Evergrande has terminated 328 housing purchase agreements with all owners. In addition, the Danzhou Municipal Government has set up a special account for the ecological restoration of Haihuadao, and it is expected that 177 million yuan will still need to be invested in ecological restoration, and Evergrande Haihuadao Company has paid 5 million yuan.

The 39 buildings have been punished many times before, and the relevant departments are still completing the EIA procedures for them

On December 30 last year, a "Decision on Administrative Punishment (Demolition within a Time Limit)" issued by the Danzhou Municipal Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau in Hainan Province was circulated online. According to the decision, Danzhou Xinheng Tourism Development Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Evergrande Tong World Group, has built a total of 39 buildings in the third (sixth) phase of the project of Haihuadao No. 2, Baimajing Town, Danzhou City, with a total construction area of 434,941.46 square meters. If the demolition is not carried out within the time limit, the Enforcement Bureau will organize the demolition according to law.

Behind the order to demolish 39 buildings on Hengda Flower Island: After being punished many times before, the relevant departments still completed the EIA procedures for them

↑Danzhou Municipal Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau "Administrative Punishment (Demolition within a Time Limit) Decision Letter"

Late on the night of January 3, Evergrande Children's World Group (formerly Haihuadao Industrial Group) released a "Letter to the Owners of Haihuadao" at the "Haihuadao Tourist Resort" to confirm that the decision was true. According to the letter, on December 30, 2021, the Danzhou Municipal Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau issued the "Decision on Administrative Punishment (Time-limited Demolition)" (hereinafter referred to as the Decision) for 39 buildings on Haihua Island, which attracted the attention of the majority of owners. The decision is only for 39 buildings in Plot 2-14-1 on Island 2 and does not cover other plots on Flower Island, that is, the plots and buildings of 60,567 acquired and 628 unsolicited owners. Evergrande said that it will actively communicate and properly handle it in accordance with the guidance of the decision.

Behind the order to demolish 39 buildings on Hengda Flower Island: After being punished many times before, the relevant departments still completed the EIA procedures for them

↑ "A Letter to the Owner of Sea Flower Island"

Red Star News noted that HaihuaDao No. 2 Island has been administratively punished by the local government for not approving the construction of the first place, and was officially suspended in May 2020.

Danzhou Municipal People's Government issued the "Announcement on the Completion of the Rectification Task of Implementing the Special Rectification Plan of General Secretary Xi Jinping's Important Instructions on the Protection of the Ecological Environment in Hainan Province" issued on December 27 last year, mentioning that Danzhou City has issued a suspension order for 39 residential buildings on May 10, 2020, and the project has been completely suspended; and 2 construction permits for 39 residential buildings have been temporarily withheld in accordance with laws and regulations. On May 11, 2020, the pre-sale permits for 39 residential buildings were withdrawn, and the project was completely suspended; and 5 pre-sale permits for 39 residential buildings were revoked in accordance with laws and regulations.

Behind the order to demolish 39 buildings on Hengda Flower Island: After being punished many times before, the relevant departments still completed the EIA procedures for them

↑Announcement of the completion of relevant rectification tasks in Danzhou City

Staff at the local real estate company also told Red Star News that the 39 houses in The 2-14-1 plot of Haihua Island are located at the tip of the island in the northeast corner of Island 2, separated from the downtown residential complex by a large undeveloped construction site and a kilometer or two of dirt roads, occupying less than 10% of the area of Haihua Island.

The staff member introduced, "When the 39 buildings were built, they were built in violation of the law, and in the first half of 2020, they were stopped because they involved some ecological and environmental protection issues." At that time, the building was just capped, and it has been rotten until now, which also affects the beautification of the city. ”

Danzhou Municipal People's Government issued the "Danzhou Municipal Implementation of the Central Third Ecological environmental protection supervision group supervision report rectification plan" released on December 31, 2020, showing that although Danzhou City punished illegal acts such as not approving the construction between August 2017 and June 2018, it allowed the enterprise to continue construction.

Behind the order to demolish 39 buildings on Hengda Flower Island: After being punished many times before, the relevant departments still completed the EIA procedures for them

↑Danzhou City released the relevant rectification plan in December 2020

Behind the order to demolish 39 buildings on Hengda Flower Island: After being punished many times before, the relevant departments still completed the EIA procedures for them

Red Star News found that the relevant departments are still completing the EIA procedures for it after knowing that it has not been approved. The above-mentioned rectification plan pointed out that in response to the problem of Evergrande Haihuadao Company using tourism infrastructure construction land for real estate development, Hainan Province asked Danzhou City to adjust and optimize the construction plan, but as of the time of inspection, the planning revision had not yet been approved, And Hengda Huadao Company continued to build 39 new residential buildings in Haihuadao in 2018, and the Danzhou Municipal Ecological environment department also completed the EIA procedures for it.

Regarding the fact that Building 39 of Haihua Island was not approved for construction but is still going through the environmental impact assessment procedures, on January 4, the person in charge of the Danzhou Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment said that it was inconvenient to disclose too much, and he was not managing this business, and the relevant business needed to consult the Danzhou Municipal Environmental Protection Inspector rectification office.

The pre-sale area reached 310,000 square meters, with a total of 2,839 units

Evergrande has terminated the purchase agreement for 328 units with all owners

Red Star News has learned that since the construction of 39 buildings on No. 2 Island of HaihuaDao in 2018, many owners have subscribed. After half a year of suspension, the online signature filing registration system of 39 buildings was also shut down by the Danzhou Municipal Government, and Evergrande Haihuadao Company and all owners terminated the purchase agreement for 328 sets.

On November 20, 2021, the People's Government of Hainan Province issued the "Rectification of the Implementation of the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspector in Hainan Province", which mentioned that Danzhou City closed the online signature filing and registration system for 39 buildings on October 25, 2020, and Evergrande Haihuadao Company has terminated 328 sets of purchase agreements with all owners. Recovered the pre-sale permits for 39 residential buildings (39 buildings on Haihua Island have processed pre-sale construction area of 312220.86 square meters), with a total number of 2839 units (2716 residential units and 123 shops).

The above-mentioned staff also said, "Xu Jiayin, the person in charge of Evergrande, also proposed to treat this piece as a resettlement house, but in the end there was no agreement, and the government's current decision is to directly demolish, we are also surprised, but the demolition of the rotten tail building is still good for beautifying the cityscape." ”

Behind the order to demolish 39 buildings on Hengda Flower Island: After being punished many times before, the relevant departments still completed the EIA procedures for them

↑ Infographic. The administrative penalty decision involved 39 residential buildings in plot 2-14-1 of Haihua Island.

Red Star News noted that previously, the government had set up a corresponding follow-up disposal plan for 39 buildings on Haihua Island. The above-mentioned rectification situation mentioned that all 39 residential buildings recovered were converted to the project owners for their own use, and all the listings must not be used for sale. Evergrande Haihuadao Company has formulated a follow-up disposal plan for 39 buildings on Haihuadao, and determined the transformation into four models: hotel operation, office leasing, staff dormitories and talent apartments.

In response to the disposal measures of 39 related buyers of 39 buildings on Hengda Flower Island, on January 4, the Red Star News reporter called the danzhou Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau office, and the person in charge said that the refund matter was responsible for by the management section, but the management section was fully staffed in the field, so it could not answer.

Subsequently, Red Star News called the Danzhou Municipal Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau, and the person in charge said that the specific time of the demolition order should be based on the notice of the Publicity Department of the Danzhou Municipal People's Government, and the relevant person in charge of the Publicity Department said that it was necessary to wait for the release of information.

On January 3, the head of the relevant department of the Danzhou Municipal Government also said in an interview with the media, "Whether the demolition of the illegal building will be carried out within 10 days depends on the reaction of Evergrande. If Evergrande applies for administrative reconsideration, there may still be a period of time to go through the process. ”

The person in charge also pointed out, "According to the information I have, almost all the buyers who bought those illegal buildings have received refunds from the developer." ”

Ms. Zhang, who settled on No. 1 Island of Haihua Island, told Red Star News that after the demolition order was introduced, many residents went to the scene of the 39 buildings to take video photos, and the property staff has closed the road leading to the 39 buildings and cannot enter and exit at will. Ms. Zhang also said that she had a relative who subscribed for real estate in the 39 buildings involved, and a year ago the developer had proposed a disposal plan such as check-out payment and compensation according to wealth management products. As far as she knows, her relatives have successfully received their refunds.

The local real estate staff also confirmed the above statement. "A year ago, Evergrande's capital chain was still relatively sufficient, and some owners subscribed before the 39 buildings of the 2-14-1 plot, but the negotiation has now ended."

A special account for ecological restoration funds of Haihua Island has been set up

Ecological restoration still needs to invest 177 million yuan

It is understood that the 39 buildings on No. 2 Island of Haihua Island were ordered to be demolished within 10 days because of the inspection and rectification tasks involving the environmental protection of the local sea area. Haihua Island is located in the coastal waters of Baimajing Town and Paipu Town, as of November 2020, the population of the two towns is about 89,000 people, and the ports near the sea are mainly Yangpu Port, Baimajing Fishing Port and Paipu Fishing Port. Before the Sea Flower Island project entered, the area's infrastructure was backward and environmental regulation was lacking.

Behind the order to demolish 39 buildings on Hengda Flower Island: After being punished many times before, the relevant departments still completed the EIA procedures for them

↑Tuyuan Danzhou Natural Resources Management Service Center issued a "Environmental Impact Report on the Restoration Project of the Shore Beach Around Haihua Island in Danzhou City, Hainan Province" issued in December 2021

In 2012, a letter from the People's Government of Hainan Province on Agreeing to Adjust the Scope of the White Butterfly Shell Provincial Nature Reserve was issued, on the grounds that "the resource density of the White Butterfly Shell has not reached the density of promoting population expansion", the total area of 239 square kilometers of the sea area of the Sea Flower Island Planning Area was transferred from the scope of the protected area, and the Sea Flower Island Project invested and developed by Evergrande Group was thus legally reclaimed in the sea area of Danzhou City.

According to the public information of Evergrande Group, on October 14, 2010, the Danzhou Municipal Government signed the "Framework Agreement on Investment and Development of the Baimajing Reclamation Project in Danzhou City, Hainan Province" through investment attraction; on August 30, 2012, the State Oceanic Administration organized experts to review the "Special Topic on marine environmental impact planning for the construction of the Baimajing Haihuadao Tourism Complex in Danzhou City"; on December 3, 2012, the Marine Environmental Protection Department of the State Oceanic Administration issued the "Special Topic on marine environmental impact of the marine environment planning for the construction of the Baimajing Haihuadao Tourism Complex in Danzhou City"; on December 3, 2012, the Marine Environmental Protection Department of the State Oceanic Administration issued the "Special Topic on marine environmental impact of the marine environment planning for the construction of the Baimajing Haihuadao Tourism Complex in Danzhou City"; on December 3, 2012, the Marine Environmental Protection Department of the State Oceanic Administration issued the "Special Topic on marine environmental impact of the sea use for the construction of the Baimajing Haihuadao Tourism Complex in Danzhou City"; on December 3, 2012, the Marine Environmental Protection Department of the State Oceanic Administration issued the "Special Topic on marine environmental impact of the marine environment planning for the construction of the Baimajing Haihuadao Tourism Complex in Danzhou City"; on December 3, 2012, the Marine Environmental Protection Department of the State Oceanic Administration issued the "Marine Environmental Protection Department of the State Oceanic Administration" On December 14, 2012, the State Oceanic Administration approved the "Danzhou Baimajing Haihuadao Tourism Complex Regional Construction Sea Use Planning"; as of August 28, 2013, Evergrande has obtained all the "Sea Area Use Right Certificates"; since 2015, Evergrande has successively obtained land use rights through public bidding, auction and listing, and started development and construction.

After more than six years of construction, HaihuaDao has invested about 81 billion yuan, has more than 60,000 owners, and has received more than 5.5 million tourists since January 1, 2021.

However, over the past six years, Evergrande Haihuadao has received rectification opinions from the State Marine Supervision Group many times due to the damage caused by land reclamation to the marine ecological environment. According to the "Environmental Impact Report on the Shore Beach Restoration Project around Haihua Island in Danzhou City, Hainan Province" issued by the Danzhou Natural Resources Management Service Center in December 2021, the State Marine Inspection Group (Group VI) pointed out that "in 2013, Evergrande Haihua Island caused damage to the marine ecological environment, and required Hainan Province to carry out rectification and ecological restoration of the marine ecological environment caused by the damage".

Large areas of coral reefs and white butterfly shells are the main natural resources that have been damaged. In December 2017, the Fourth Central Environmental Protection Supervision Group gave feedback to Hainan Province on the inspection situation, pointing out that "the Danzhou Municipal Government and the marine department have reduced the number of violations to approve the Reclamation Project of Haihua Island, and the construction of the project has caused the destruction of large areas of coral reefs and white butterfly shells". Article 22 of the Hainan Provincial Government's "Rectification Plan for the Implementation of the Feedback of the Fourth Central Environmental Protection Supervision Group of the Central Committee" also pointed out that the construction of the "Haihua Island Reclamation Project" caused the destruction of large areas of coral reefs and white butterfly shells" by the Hainan Provincial Government.

The above rectification situation also mentioned that the ecological restoration work has been further accelerated, and as of November 8, 2021, the ecological restoration of coral reefs has been completed, and a total of 90 coral nurseries have been built and 4800 coral seedlings have been cultivated. A total of 8221 corals were transplanted by bottom sowing, including 8139 corals transplanted by riveted bottom sowing and 82 corals transplanted by bio-reef method. There are 2,300 coral branches left in the nursery.

Evergrande Tong World Group also said on the evening of January 3 that since 2017, Evergrande has been unswervingly and actively rectifying according to the requirements of environmental protection and marine inspectors for marine ecological restoration and culvert bridge rectification on Haihua Island.

However, the road to ecological restoration is still obstructed and long, and the ecological restoration of HaihuaDao needs to continue to invest 177 million yuan. Red Star News noted that on December 21, 2021, the Danzhou Municipal People's Government issued the "Announcement on the Completion of the Rectification Task of the Third Central Ecological Environmental Protection Inspector", which mentioned that in 2020, the mid-term assessment of the ecological restoration of Haihua Island has been completed, the pre-restoration funds have been put into audit, and a special account for the ecological restoration funds of Haihua Island has been established. According to the audit results, 177 million yuan needs to continue to be invested in the ecological restoration of Haihuadao, and Evergrande Haihuadao Company has paid 5 million yuan.

Red Star News reporter Pan Junwen Intern reporter Cai Xiaoyi Intern Wan Xiaotong

Edited by Zhang Xun

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Behind the order to demolish 39 buildings on Hengda Flower Island: After being punished many times before, the relevant departments still completed the EIA procedures for them

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