
Wealth itself is not a bad thing, what matters is how people perceive and seek wealth

In ancient times, it was said that gentlemen loved wealth, wealth, and nobility. If you are an official, you will be destroyed, destroyed. This tragedy has been repeated for thousands of years, but it has never gone away. It has its roots in the weakness of human nature. Greed makes people lose their minds, and ignorance makes people blindly obedient. People can take advantage of it. The two weaknesses of human beings, greed and ignorance, make us aware that the objects of greed of others are diverse, greedy, greedy, greedy.

Wealth itself is not a bad thing, what matters is how people perceive and seek wealth

Kashgar can be greedy, greedy, greedy.

When blinded by greed, a sane person becomes a slave to desire. Morality, law, and conscience justice are also left behind, and his sole purpose of survival is to obsess over taking every step to satisfy his desires.

Wealth itself is not a bad thing, what matters is how people perceive and seek wealth

When people can't become their own masters, Bian can become a tool for others to operate at any time.

People always want to have as many things as possible. There were 1,000 ideas and 10,000 ideas, and there was a small house in the car. Greed is endless, pain is endless. There is no end, there is greed. If you are crazy, you will inevitably chase life, wandering your desires, like the grass in front of the mouth of the ball, always longing for something out of reach, invited by the herbivores to go far away. Advice to greedy people, think about it, people have entered the world naked.

Wealth itself is not a bad thing, what matters is how people perceive and seek wealth

Can you get half a dime naked for decades? Have you ever wondered what you have left behind in this world?

The weakness of a person's character can be manifested as a defect in a person's overall quality. Most tragic figures in history have their own quality flaws. At the end of the Qin Dynasty, Chen Sheng was the leader and great hero of the first peasant uprising in Chinese history.

Wealth itself is not a bad thing, what matters is how people perceive and seek wealth

Brave and erudite, stand up and lead the rebellion, just like the Qin Dynasty declared war. At that time, the world was overcast and easy to win.

The demotion of the Qin Dynasty was crumbling in the storm of this peasant uprising and began to disintegrate, but the final destruction of the Qin Dynasty was not sacred, with Xiang Yu and Chen Shengji as kings.

At first there was a storm, but soon it would become dusty and smoke would come out and water would flow out.

Wealth itself is not a bad thing, what matters is how people perceive and seek wealth

Half a year later, it lost its combat effectiveness

Chen Zion himself was stopped by a jockey who drove the car, rewarding Hata Jun as a hero who destroyed the earth. Why didn't he succeed?

Wealth itself is not a bad thing, what matters is how people perceive and seek wealth

There may be many reasons why it does not work, but Chengsheng's subjective flaws cannot be ignored.

Wealth itself is not a bad thing, what matters is how people perceive and seek wealth

Chen Sheng's biggest shortcoming is that he looks down on people and forgets that he was born poor when he was a child. He often works with a group of poor peers, helping people work and farm. He was very dissatisfied. This poor life.

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