
In 2006, the collector donated a rusty saber, which became the treasure of the town hall, what is the origin of this knife?

In 2006, Mr. Jiang, a collector in the northeast, donated a rusty saber to the Anti-Lianhe Historical Facts Exhibition Hall, which immediately became the treasure of the museum.

Because the original two masters of this sabre were Yang Jingyu, the commander-in-chief of the Anti-Japanese League, and Mr. Jiang Guoen, a patriot.

In 2006, the collector donated a rusty saber, which became the treasure of the town hall, what is the origin of this knife?

(Jingyu saber length 1.04 meters, body length 0.90 meters, handle length 0.14 meters, knife width 00.3 meters)

In many documents, it is clearly recorded that Jiang Guoen supported the Anti-Japanese Alliance in four years and saved Yang Jingyu's life, so he received a medal from General Yang and a sabre from General Yang.

As the ghosts became more and more rampant, Yang Guoen hid the saber under the grinding plate, and the family's house was later set on fire by the enemy. Since then, the sabre has disappeared into the long river of history.

In the past few decades, although historians have searched in many ways, they have never found out the whereabouts of the saber, until Mr. Jiang donated the cultural relics of the Anti-Japanese League, and the anti-Japanese sabre used by General Yang Jingyu and Mr. Jiang Guoen re-entered the public's vision.

After being identified by experts and scholars and veteran soldiers of the Anti-Japanese League, this sabre is exactly the one that General Yang Jingyu has used for many years in Liaodong!

In 2006, the collector donated a rusty saber, which became the treasure of the town hall, what is the origin of this knife?

The historical content of this issue is the touching deeds of the patriot Mr. Jiang Guoen, who selflessly helped Yang Jingyu of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and why the sabre fell into the hands of the collector Mr. Jiang.

And all this must start from 1931, when the Japanese whale swallowed the three eastern provinces and, after years of operation, prepared to invade all of China.

General Yang Jingyu, on the other hand, led the anti-Japanese armed forces in the northeast in 1932, fought fiercely with the devils for many years, and was active in the "Waisanbao" area of Liaoning Province for a long time.

Located at the junction of The three counties of Benxi, Huanren, and Xinbin, this place is a place where the enemy's strength is relatively weak.

In The village of Xihezhang in Waisanbao, the core area of the anti-coalition forces, there is a patriot named Jiang Guoen in the village, and his family is halfway up the mountain, and there are dozens of houses.

In July 1935, when Yang Jingyu arrived at Xihezhang Village, Mr. Jiang Guoen saw that the commander-in-chief of the Anti-Japanese League had arrived, hurriedly opened the door to greet him, let the brigade enter the home to rest, and took out food to entertain.

It was also from that time that Yang Jingyu and Jiang Guoen fought side by side for several years and never bowed to the Japanese Kou.

By 1936, the Japanese invaders were already eager to move, coveting China's great rivers and mountains.

The anti-coalition armed forces led by General Yang Jingyu have grown from a small guerrilla group to more than 30,000 people!

On February 20, 1936, the Northeast People's Revolutionary Army led by General Yang Jingyu was renamed the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army, which was later commonly known as the Anti-Japanese Coalition.

In 2006, the collector donated a rusty saber, which became the treasure of the town hall, what is the origin of this knife?

Mr. Jiang Guoen resolutely resisted Japan, and provided his family's house to General Yang Jingyu free of charge for use, supporting the great cause of resisting Japan at all costs and never being a slave to the country.

The snow-capped mountains of the northeast are the natural guardian spirits of the Anti-League; the ancient woody forests are the natural shelters of the Anti-League; and Mr. Jiang Guoen's Jiang family compound has become one of the general headquarters of the Anti-League.

Because the Anti-Japanese Coalition has been active in this area for a long time, the Waisanbao area has become a red territory in the mouths of the common people.

The Japanese scolded Yang Jingyu, calling him "the cancer of public security in puppet Manchukuo", but Mr. Yang Guoen regarded Yang Jingyu as the hope of the nation.

The anti-coalition team is getting stronger and stronger, and with the grain in Mr. Yang Guoen's family, it is naturally unable to meet the needs of the team, so going out to collect grain has become a top priority.

In addition to Yang Guoen's difficulties in raising grain, it was also a huge problem to pass through the blockade of ghosts and traitors after getting the grain.

Food crises were always accompanied by the anti-coalition troops, and In order to bring food to General Yang Jingyu on the mountain, Jiang Guoen ground corn into fried noodles and hid them at the bottom of the trolley to deceive the ghosts and traitors.

In the vast white mountains and black soil, many people have risked their lives to support the Anti-Japanese Coalition, and Mr. Jiang Guoen is one of them.

When ordinary people deliver grain, in order to avoid the enemy's interrogation, they often use this "ant moving" method to support the Anti-Coalition with a small bag of grain.

Later, in order to deal with Yang Jingyu, the enemy gathered the masses to live, and there was a local commonly known as "Gui Datun" And the Japanese called it a "group tribe", but this is also an afterthought.

In 2006, the collector donated a rusty saber, which became the treasure of the town hall, what is the origin of this knife?

(Japanese invasion of China)

Mr. Jiang Guoen sent grain again and again, but after more times, the risk of exposure was increased... Day after day, the things he had been worried about happened.

The devils found out the fried noodles hidden under the carriage, and the fierce and vicious puppet army rushed up, grabbed Mr. Jiang Guoen, and imprisoned him in prison.

Jiang Guoen was tortured in all kinds, beaten and bloodied, and the scars that accompanied him for the rest of his life.

Regardless of how the enemy interrogated him, Jiang Guo'en did not reveal the secret of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and the enemy let the dying Jiang Guoen go because he could not grasp the evidence.

In the face of the enemy's guns, Yang Guoen was never afraid, and whenever General Yang Jingyu returned to the Jiang family compound, Yang Guoen personally went on patrol outside the village to strictly prevent the ghosts and traitors from approaching.

Because Jiang Guoen's secrecy work was very outstanding, and because of the support of the local people, the Anti-Japanese League gained great development in the Outer Three Forts and also gained a precious hiding place.

There are hundreds of young descendants in the village, following General Yang Jingyu, joining the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and fighting a bloody battle against the Japanese!

In 2006, the collector donated a rusty saber, which became the treasure of the town hall, what is the origin of this knife?

According to Jiang Guoen's recollection, General Yang Jingyu held several operational meetings in the Jiang family compound, such as the deployment of the "attack on alkali factory street".

Alkali Factory Street is located in the eastern part of Benxi, Liaoning Province, Yang Jingyu commanded more than 400 people, the soldiers rushed into Alkali Factory Street in two ways, personally led the troops to fight fiercely for four hours, killing more than thirty enemy people. Among them, Yu Dianzhong, the captain of our Second Self-Defense Brigade, died in this battle.

At first glance, only more than thirty enemies were killed, wasn't it very rare? However, the Northeast Anti-Japanese Alliance has killed 180,000 enemies in fourteen years through fierce battles again and again! Contained 760,000 Japanese troops!

Moreover, the above data is not our own statistics, but the Japanese statistics.

When Yang Jingyu was fighting in Liaoning, he commanded the famous Western Expedition to the rear of the Outer Three Forts.

In 2006, the collector donated a rusty saber, which became the treasure of the town hall, what is the origin of this knife?

(General Yang Jingyu)

The first meeting of the Western Expedition, and the second meeting, were held at Yang Guoen's home.

The Western Expedition is undoubtedly one of the important military operations of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and the general history of that glorious and magnificent Western Expedition is as follows:

In 1936, on the eve of the storm, the devils were about to invade China in an all-round way.

Mao Zedong, located in Yan'an, pointed out at the meeting the development of anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare, and after the meeting, the Party Central Committee began to strengthen its leadership and command over the anti-Japanese work in northeast China.

Peng Dehuai began to lead the Red Army's eastern crusade, and the devils quickly made adjustments, changed the deployment of the Great Wall area, and defended the Central Red Army to the west and the Anti-Japanese Alliance to the east, fearing that the two teams would meet the division.

Although Yang Jingyu in the northeast could not get direct contact with Peng Dehuai, he was able to learn from the enemy's newspaper that Peng Dehuai was leading the Red Army on the Eastern Expedition.

What the enemy is afraid of, what our army is going to do, Yang Jingyu hopes to command the Anti-League's Western Expedition and go to meet the Red Army of the Eastern Expedition, this is the historical background of the Anti-League's Western Expedition, and wants to connect with Peng Dehuai's Central Red Army and alleviate the predicament of the Anti-League.

The devils have long launched a frenzied siege of the anti-league, because the anti-alliance is active in the heart of the "puppet government of Manchuria", and every move will affect the nerves of the invaders and traitors.

In June 1936, since the Anti-Japanese League began its western expedition, it caused panic among the enemy, and sent dozens of times the strength of the Anti-Japanese League to begin to pursue and intercept.

The first western expedition of the Anti-Japanese League killed more than 140 enemies and a number of traitorous puppet armies, while Yang Jingyu himself unfortunately suffered from malaria because of the perennial southern conquest and the northern war.

The first western expedition was unsuccessful, but Yang Jingyu did not give up, summed up the experience, mourned the martyrs, chose to carry out the second western expedition in the winter, and achieved even greater results than the last.

During the two western expeditions, although the Anti-Japanese League did not connect with the Central Red Army, it greatly pinned down the Kwantung Army in the northeast and greatly eased the pressure of the Devils in the Outer Three Forts area.

On June 27, 1938, the western expedition was forced to end because of the rebellion of Cheng Bin, the commander of the 1st Division of the 1st Army of the Anti-Japanese Coalition, which worsened the situation.

In 2006, the collector donated a rusty saber, which became the treasure of the town hall, what is the origin of this knife?

If it were not for Cheng Bin's rebellion, the Anti-League would not have suffered such huge losses, and this person was one of the most shameful traitors in the anti-coalition team.

That is to say, from 1936 to 1938, Yang Jingyu often commanded the anti-coalition operations at the Jiang family compound in the Waisan Fort.

The devils were very afraid of Yang Jingyu's western expedition, but on the battlefield of real swords and real guns, they could not defeat Yang Jingyu. The devils began to attach importance to secret agent intelligence operations, bribing a large number of traitors of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and wanted to kill Yang Jingyu through sinister and despicable means.

In the case of the assassination, according to Jiang Guoen's recollection, when he saw several soldiers returning one night, he was carrying a pheasant in his hand and said that he wanted to stew chicken soup for Yang Jingyu to drink.

After the pheasant is cooked, it emits a smell of meat, and the courtyard smoke is wisps.

Jiang Guoen was originally a hunter in the mountains, and he found that the pheasant in the pot did not seem to be very normal in color, not like it was called from the mountains.

The more Jiang Guoen thought about it, the more doubtful he became, and there was always an ominous premonition, and he thought about it before and after in order to prevent danger from happening, so he went to Yang Jingyu and told him about the pheasant.

Yang Jingyu sent someone to check it out, and as a result, after peeling off the belly of the pheasant, the deadly poison inside was revealed, and if anyone ate this chicken, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Those fighters, who wanted to use pheasants to poison General Yang Jingyu, were captured by the anti-coalition guard squad when the evidence was conclusive.

This kind of insincere traitor, when confronted with interrogation, naturally answered whatever he asked, and confessed eighteen traitors.

Because Jiang Guoen saved Yang Jingyu's life, the two men have called each other brothers according to local customs since then.

Through traitors, the Japanese invading China learned of the Jiang family compound in the Waisanbao area, so they sent a large number of ghosts and puppet troops to find the main force of the Anti-Japanese Alliance.

In 1939, as the pressure of the enemy increased, Yang Jingyu had to prepare to withdraw from the Outer Three Forts, and before General Yang left, he gave his saber to Jiang Guoen, in addition to a silver medal.

These two things are general Yang Jingyu's gratitude for the help of the Jiang family compound and for the contributions made by Jiang Guoen to the cause of resistance against Japan.

Of course, that sabre is also a testimony to the friendship between General Yang Jingyu and Mr. Jiang Guoen, and the years of fighting side by side are precious.

Since the transfer of the Anti-Japanese League, in order to prevent being searched by the enemy, Jiang Guoen hid the medal on the beam of the West House. The saber, on the other hand, was hidden under the millstone.

Naturally, the devils would not let go of the Xihe palm village of the Outer Three Forts, and immediately sent a large army to "sweep" and set fire to the Jiang family compound.

In the winter, the Japanese army's Kishi Koryu ichiro led 40,000 people to surround Yang Jingyu, and Yang Jingyu only took more than 300 people and launched a series of bloody battles.

In 2006, the collector donated a rusty saber, which became the treasure of the town hall, what is the origin of this knife?

(Stills from the documentary "Northeast Anti-League")

Although Jiang Guoen escaped from the clutches of the enemy, the silver medals and sabers left by General Yang Jingyu disappeared into the long river of history.

Later, historians consulted the historical materials of the Anti-Japanese League, and although they found many records about the saber, they always found out where the sabre went.

In 2005, according to the instructions of the superior leaders, Benxi, Liaoning Province, built the Northeast Anti-Corruption League Historical Facts Exhibition Hall, located near the Benxi Water Cave, which was directly funded by the Central Propaganda Department.

In 2006, the collector donated a rusty saber, which became the treasure of the town hall, what is the origin of this knife?

The construction of this exhibition hall is not only to remember the heroes and martyrs of the ancestors, but also to use it as an important and patriotic education demonstration base.

The first phase of the Northeast Anti-League Historical Facts Exhibition Hall, which started construction in July, is the first anti-coalition theme memorial hall in Liaoning Province.

The staff of the museum, when they were young, have been listening to the old man tell about the heroic years of the Anti-League, and now they also have to tell the glorious history of the Anti-League.

More importantly, it is to find the relics and cultural relics of the Anti-League, and the saber recorded in the historical materials has become the focus of the staff to find the object. (I've been looking for years before)

Since the construction of the Anti-League Historical Facts Exhibition Hall, Liaoning has openly collected cultural relics from the whole society to enrich this patriotic education base.

Benxi is one of the most important activity areas of the Anti-Japanese Alliance, and two western expedition meetings have been held, and the blood of the martyrs of the Anti-Japanese Alliance has warmed this heroic land.

In 2006, the collector donated a rusty saber, which became the treasure of the town hall, what is the origin of this knife?

(Corner of the exhibition hall)

However, with the passage of time, coupled with the fact that the Anti-League has been active in the depths of the mountains, it has become very difficult to find the relics of the Anti-League.

Although nature can cover up the traces of war, it cannot repair the sad memories of those who witnessed it, and whenever there are veterans of the Anti-League, pointing out the ruins of that year, the government will send people to protect them.

Although the staff of the exhibition hall traveled through the ditches and forks of the county and collected more than a thousand cultural relics, they still could not find the saber of General Yang Jingyu and Mr. Jiang Guoen.

In early March 2006, when the staff was collecting historical information about the Northeast Anti-League, some people said that there was a collector named Jiang Guiqi who lived nearby, and once saw that mr. Jiang's home had a saber with a special origin, which was said to be the sabre of the Anti-League.

The staff immediately went to find Mr. Jiang, and after several twists and turns to find Mr. Jiang, they saw the anti-joint sabre.

The staff asked Mr. Jiang, where did the saber come from?

Mr. Jiang Guiqi said: "More than 20 years ago, in Xihezhang Village, the saber sold by the villagers there was found under a millstone in the old house of the Jiang family, and the villagers said that it was a weapon used by the anti-lian. ”

In 2006, the collector donated a rusty saber, which became the treasure of the town hall, what is the origin of this knife?

Mr. Jiang was well aware of the great righteousness, and learned that the Anti-Japanese Coalition Historical Facts Exhibition Hall was collecting cultural relics, so he donated sabers free of charge, because this anti-japanese cultural relics can only play a greater historical and cultural value if they are placed in the patriotic education base.

After finding the sabre, the staff rushed to Xihezhang Village to confirm whether it was the one of General Yang Jingyu and Mr. Jiang Guoen.

Immediately afterward, the staff went to visit local experts and scholars, Cao Wenqi, former director of the Xinbin Party History Office, and took the saber to carefully identify it.

Mr. Cao could not determine whether it was true or false, because the anti-coalition weapons at that time were various, and General Yang Jingyu used sabers forged by villagers? Or a saber captured from the enemy? This is not known.

Mr. Cao visited Jiang Guoen in his early years, so he asked the staff to go directly to Xihezhang Village to find the person concerned to identify.

Mr. Jiang Guoen was already buried as early as 1986, so the staff of the exhibition hall could only ask Jiang Guoen's son, Jiang Yuncai.

Jiang Yuncai was already an old man of seventy or eighty years old, he had seen General Yang Jingyu when he was a child, he was tall and big, with a Mauser gun pinned to his waist and a large saber on his shoulder, from a distance he was already majestic, and when he walked in front of him, the appearance of the horseback saber gave people a sense of security.

In 2006, the collector donated a rusty saber, which became the treasure of the town hall, what is the origin of this knife?

Jiang Yuncai clearly remembered that when Yang Jingyu held a meeting, his voice was like Hong Zhong Dalu, clear and calm, and when he took off his hat, his hair emitted white gas.

The staff of the exhibition hall asked Jiang Yuncai where the sabre presented by General Yang Jingyu was.

Jiang Yuncai said: "I heard my father say that the general gave the sword, but where the knife went, my father never told me." ”

When the staff took out the saber, after Jiang Yuncai's careful identification, it was the saber used by General Yang Jingyu, the commander-in-chief of the Anti-Japanese Coalition, which was a precious historical relic.

However, the above clues do not confirm that the sabre was the one used by General Yang Jingyu, so in 2007, the staff went to the Wanghua District of Fushun City to find an old man named Liu Xishun.

Liu Xishun was a veteran of the Anti-Japanese League, who served as a messenger at the side of General Yang Jingyu when he joined the army, and later became the head of the guard regiment.

Liu Xishun was more than ninety years old, and when he first saw the saber, he was very excited and hurriedly asked: "I am familiar with this saber, where did you get it?" ”

Only then did the staff tell the ins and outs of the matter, and Elder Liu said, "This is when I was serving as a messenger for General Yang, and I saw the saber he often brought!" Unexpectedly, after more than 70 years, I can still see the general's saber, which is my fate with General Yang! ”

After Liu Lao finished speaking, he began to sing the anti-coalition song, and he immersed himself in the arduous and glorious years and sang it three times in a row.

At the end of the article, it ends with the sacrifice of General Yang Jingyu:

In the winter of 1939, heavy snow fell in the northeast, and the cold wind was bitingly cold.

The First Route Army of the Anti-Japanese Coalition had entered a difficult period, and General Yang Jingyu was already covered with frostbite, but he lacked the necessary cotton clothes.

Under the extreme predicament of material supply, a large number of enemy troops never stopped looking for Yang Jingyu, so that the fighters of the Anti-Japanese League, sacrificing more and more, fell under the guns of devils and traitors.

The commander of the Japanese army, Kishi Koryuichiro, learned from the traitors that Yang Jingyu was holding a meeting on the northeast fork of Naerhun because of his lack of thick clothes.

Kishitani Ryuichiro gathered more than 40,000 people, and with the cooperation of aircraft and artillery, went to besiege Yang Jingyu, and they were followed by a large group of cars to transport grain.

According to the recollections of surviving veterans, the mountains and fields of that war were full of enemies, and the ditches were full of black oppressive devils and puppet troops.

Yang Jingyu first commanded the troops to move, while he himself took more than three hundred fighters to block the enemy from the front.

In 2006, the collector donated a rusty saber, which became the treasure of the town hall, what is the origin of this knife?

After his comrades had gone far, Yang Jingyu led the soldiers to forcibly tear open the opening from the front and led the soldiers to break through.

When he reached the top of the hardware, Yang Jingyu encountered more enemies than before, and after shaking off a group, he encountered a group in front of him.

People are sleepy, exhausted, running out of food...

Snowflakes wet the pants, and the pants were frozen into ice cubes, so every step of the way was doubly difficult.

The cotton shoes, which had long been torn, became ice lumps in the process of breaking through, and they could only shake off the cotton shoes and wrap elm tree strips on their feet.

Breaking through in the dense forest, Yang Jingyu's shirts were torn up by branches, and everyone was covered in frost and snow, like ice sculptures.

In the temperature of minus forty degrees in the northeast, the trees were frozen and crunchy, not to mention the fighters of the Anti-League.

And you can't make a fire, otherwise the flames and smoke will attract wolf-like enemies.

In 2006, the collector donated a rusty saber, which became the treasure of the town hall, what is the origin of this knife?

Everyone can only eat the bark of the tree, and Yang Jingyu encouraged everyone: "No matter how much difficulty you encounter, you will always win!" ”

In February 1940, Yang Jingyu said with a very calm expression: "Even if all of us have sacrificed, there will be people who will inherit our cause, and the revolution will always succeed." ”

On the afternoon of the 23rd, Yang Jingyu was surrounded by enemy soldiers in Sandaozi, Bao'an Village, Maojiang County, where there were a lot of twisted trees, and the cold seemed to be able to freeze nerves along the pores.

When the enemy was only fifty meters away from Yang Jingyu, he sent traitors and traitors to persuade Yang Jingyu to surrender.

Yang Jingyu shot back and never surrendered to the enemy, he had long ago put life and death aside.

According to the recollection of the traitor Zhang Xiufeng, there was a traitor named Zhang Xiruo at that time, but he was a machine gunner, and it was Zhang Xiruo who pulled the trigger of the machine gun, so that the evil bullet left the muzzle of the gun and hit the body of General Yang Jingyu...

In 2006, the collector donated a rusty saber, which became the treasure of the town hall, what is the origin of this knife?

(Zhang Xiruo)

General Yang Jingyu was martyred at the age of thirty-five. When the Japanese dismantled General Yang's body, it was Zhang Xiruo who took a knife and cut off the general's head.

The Japanese admired General Yang and praised: "Great hero! ”

After General Yang was killed, Zhang Xiruo took a group of traitors and traitors to drink, and Zhang Xiruo boasted about his killing of Yang Jingyu and bragged about the "Japanese reward" he had received.

Zhang Xiufeng, a traitor who was drinking at the same table, opened his mouth and scolded: "You bastard, you must not die sooner or later!" ”

At this point in the article, the author would like to say: heroic ancestors, the qi runs through the rainbow, the blood warms the earth, and the light of the soul shines for thousands of years! During the fourteen-year-long War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the benevolent men swore to the death to resist the war and shouted back to me.

General Yang Jingyu left us a lot of spiritual wealth, dared to show his sword and was not afraid of sacrifice when facing the enemy, and persisted until the last breath of life when facing difficulties...

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