
No kidding, the nutritional value of soaking "goji berries" is really quite high

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Drink water to eat goji berries, nutrition is still in the goji berries.

Boiling water to soak goji berries will reduce the nutritional value of goji berries.

Adding a tablet of vitamin C when soaking goji berries can not only maintain the bright red color, but also retain more antioxidants.

Eat no more than 10g per day.

Nutritional value of goji berries

Goji berries have been known as "red treasures" since ancient times, and that little bit of pure and immaculate bright red has been given many sacred meanings by traditional medicine.

From the perspective of modern science, the more vivid the color of natural food, the more it is often rich in natural pigments, and most of the natural pigments have antioxidant effects and are beneficial to the body.

No kidding, the nutritional value of soaking "goji berries" is really quite high

"Lustful" makes sense

Take the red color of goji berries as an example, it is mainly β carotene in play, and β carotene as a precursor to vitamin A, which can prevent the deficiency of vitamin A, which is very suitable for staying up late.

In recent years, the more popular black goji berries are because they are rich in anthocyanins, and anthocyanins, as a type of flavonoids, are generally believed to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer activities, and are also related to the prevention of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity.

Reminder: Black goji berries soaking water will "fade", the color of the drop is not the same, does not mean that you bought the "stained" fake goji berries.

First of all, anthocyanins are easily soluble in water, soaking water with black goji berries, and the anthocyanins dissolved in water will naturally change the color of the water.

Secondly, the black goji berries soak in water, the color of the water is not the same, the main reason is in the water. Anthocyanins can be said to be the acid-base indicator of nature, different pH environments, the color is different, in the face of alkali blue, in the face of acid purple red.

Goji berries also contain some "atropine" substances that can be used as natural "stimulants".

"Polysaccharides" have value

In addition to carotene and anthocyanins, the polysaccharides in goji berries are also "precious".

It is said that sea cucumbers are good, what special substances are there in sea cucumbers? It's nothing more than collagen and sea cucumber polysaccharides. Collagen is a non-high-quality protein, as long as there is enough vitamin C and some amino acids in the body, it can be synthesized by itself.

Sea cucumber polysaccharides are the really valuable thing – there are many reports that "polysaccharides" can lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar, regulate the body's immunity and even reduce radiation damage (in this case, ionizing radiation, the normal use of electromagnetic radiation from household appliances is harmless to the human body).

Do you know that a better goji berries are almost 40 yuan a pound, half two goji berries boiled into soup is also 2 yuan, a bowl of sea cucumber soup?

No kidding, the nutritional value of soaking "goji berries" is really quite high

How to eat better?

After knowing the nutritional value of goji berries, how to eat goji berries has become a problem.

Common, and according to China's pharmacopoeia as a medicinal material is dried goji berries, if it is a qualified product is indeed directly edible, but often mixed with some stems, leaves, dust.

However, dried goji berries are relatively hard, less easy to chew, fully absorbed by the human body, and long-term chewing of such hard and dry food Temporomandibular joints are also susceptible to wear, so it is not recommended.

To say that the most convenient and simplest is to soak goji berry water.

No kidding, the nutritional value of soaking "goji berries" is really quite high

However, there are also a few tips here, first of all, to remind everyone that after soaking goji berries, the real nutrition is still goji berries instead of soaked water, so don't just drink water and don't eat goji berries.

Secondly, the advantage of soaking goji berries in hot water is that you can soak the goji berries in a short time, but the disadvantages are also obvious, that is, it is easy to make the goji berries discolored.

As mentioned earlier, the color of goji berries is formed by natural pigments, discoloration also means that the pigment components are destroyed and the nutritional value is reduced, so it is also important to protect the bright red, it is recommended to soak the goji berries with warm water.

In addition, the red pigment of goji berries will be destroyed in an alkaline environment or by oxidation, and the simplest way is to put a vitamin C tablet in the water, vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid, which can regulate acidity and prevent oxidation.

Is it risky?

For healthy people, eating about 10g of goji berries a day will not be harmful.

In addition, remind: goji berries are rich in sugar, some gastrointestinal function is weak, especially people with rectal intolerance to monosaccharides are prone to exhaust symptoms!

In short, goji berries are a very healthy food, if you like, often make yourself a cup of goji berry tea.

This article is reprinted from nutritionist Gu Zhongyi (ID: yy4gz1) with permission, if you need to reprint it for the second time, please contact the original author.

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