
After the death of an elderly woman in Shaanxi, her husband ran to report the crime and accidentally revealed her true identity that had been hidden for 30 years

In the early 1980s, an old woman in rural Shaanxi died of illness.

The grief-stricken husband took out the letter his wife had given him on her deathbed. After reading it carefully, he was taken aback. The next day, accompanied by his children, he went to the local police station to report the crime, claiming to report his wife who had just passed away.

It turned out that his wife was not an ordinary person, but a beautiful female agent installed by the Taiwan side on the mainland. And she has been anonymous in rural Shaanxi for more than 30 years.

So how did a beautiful spy become an ordinary country peasant woman?

What's the implication?

After the death of an elderly woman in Shaanxi, her husband ran to report the crime and accidentally revealed her true identity that had been hidden for 30 years

This female agent's name was Zhang Chunlian, and she was one of the four beautiful agents of the military command who was once famous.

In an era of wars and strife, access to intelligence information often played a crucial role. In the previous Sino-Japanese War and the Russo-Japanese War, because they attached great importance to intelligence warfare, they ate sweet heads one after another, so that when they tried to invade China, they still wanted to repeat the same tricks and frequently sent spies to China to steal intelligence.

In particular, the beautiful agents they sent, although due to military discipline problems, they were helpless against the New Fourth Army and the Eighth Route Army, but for the national military government that was accustomed to spending a lot of time and wine internally, the blow brought by these beautiful agents was very serious.

After the death of an elderly woman in Shaanxi, her husband ran to report the crime and accidentally revealed her true identity that had been hidden for 30 years

After suffering several losses, Chiang Kai-shek studied Japan and began to attach importance to espionage warfare, so he vigorously supported his confidant Dai Kasa and established the so-called Investigation and Statistics Bureau of the Military Commission of the National Government, that is, military unification.

Dai Kasa was a talent engaged in intelligence, and under his cultivation, the military command produced many powerful spies, and his Mao Renfeng specially selected talents for him for a while. One day, Mao Renfeng went to the police school founded by the Nationalist Army as usual, and happened to notice that among the newly recruited group of women, there was a woman who was very attractive in appearance, figure, and temperament.

After the death of an elderly woman in Shaanxi, her husband ran to report the crime and accidentally revealed her true identity that had been hidden for 30 years

Mao Renfeng looked at her and couldn't help but blurt out: This woman was born to be a good material for being a spy.

This woman is Zhang Chunlian, who has just applied for the police school. She was not from a high birth, and her family lineage was not so good, because she entered the eyes of Mao Renfeng as soon as she entered the school, so she directly joined the military command and became a female secret agent.

Mao Renfeng both liked and appreciated Zhang Chunlian, not only gave Zhang Chunlian a very professional and careful training, but also developed her into his secretary and lover.

And Zhang Chunlian knows that she is from a lowly background, and if she wants to master her own destiny, she must learn to grasp the opportunity, so she did not waste time staying by Mao Renfeng's side, seized all opportunities, broadened her horizons, increased her knowledge reserves, and sharpened her ability.

Mao Renfeng liked Zhang Chunlian more and more, and spent a lot of effort to cultivate her into a female agent with both talent and appearance.

Just when Mao Renfeng was deeply satisfied with his "work", his boss Dai Kasa discovered the secret of his "hidden jiao". Zhang Chunlian is indeed a woman who is very attractive to men, and like Mao Renfeng, Dai Kasa was very moved at the first sight of her.

After the death of an elderly woman in Shaanxi, her husband ran to report the crime and accidentally revealed her true identity that had been hidden for 30 years

Dai Kasa and Mao Ren Feng

Mao Renfeng couldn't see Dai Kasa's thoughts anywhere. Although he was very reluctant about this carefully cultivated female agent, after all, Dai Kasa was his superior, and he was deeply valued by Chiang Kai-shek, and Mao Renfeng not only did not dare to offend him, but had to please him from time to time.

So without waiting for Dai Kasa to ask him for it, Mao Renfeng endured the pain and took the initiative to send Zhang Chunlian to Dai Kasa's side.

It wasn't the first time Dai Kasa had done such a thing. It is said that most of the female agents of the military command at that time had unclear relations with him. He has also maintained a non-rejection attitude towards beautiful women.

After coming to Dai Kasa, the clever and charming Zhang Chunlian was indeed favored by this military commander, and from Mao Renfeng's lover, she transformed into Dai Kasa's lover.

After the death of an elderly woman in Shaanxi, her husband ran to report the crime and accidentally revealed her true identity that had been hidden for 30 years

Images are for illustrative purposes only

Dai Kasa was more powerful than Mao Renfeng, and even once enjoyed the treatment of Chiang Kai-shek alone and above ten thousand people in the nationalist military government. Following dai Kasa's days, Zhang Chunlian also had a good life.

She has higher authority, more exposure to more tasks, and better and broader room to play.

Dai Kasa attaches great importance to cryptographic warfare, and has also deliberately established a "special technology research room," under his training, Zhang Chunlian has also become a talent in cryptographic warfare.

It is said that the Japanese attacked pearl harbor intelligence. It was Zhang Chunlian who cracked it out in advance. Dai Kasa also passed this information to the US military, but it was not taken seriously by the US military.

After the death of an elderly woman in Shaanxi, her husband ran to report the crime and accidentally revealed her true identity that had been hidden for 30 years

Attack on Pearl Harbor

Zhang Chunlian was also more appreciated by Dai Kasa.

However, there was one thing that Neither Mao Renfeng nor Dai Kasa expected that this woman who had been favored by them successively was actually kind-hearted and had always sympathized with the members of our party in her heart.

She was very disdainful of the Nationalist military government's instead of concentrating on resisting aggression, but was distracted from "suppressing the Communists," and then she even ignored the domestic voices, openly provoked a civil war, was unwilling to do harm to the nationalist military government, and often took advantage of her position to secretly release the arrested members of our party.

It's just that Zhang Chunlian did these things very carefully, but still let Dai Kasa, who was covering the sky with his hands in the military command, find out.

Dai Kasa was fierce and disgusted by the betrayal of him, and even if he was his beloved lover, he could make up his mind to punish him. However, before Dai Kasa could think about how to punish Zhang Chunlian, he was on a plane to Shanghai in July 1946 when he suddenly suffered a thunderstorm on the outskirts of Nanjing and crashed on the mountain.

After the death of an elderly woman in Shaanxi, her husband ran to report the crime and accidentally revealed her true identity that had been hidden for 30 years

After his death, Mao Renfeng took over his position in the military command, and Zhang Chunlian returned to work with Mao Renfeng again. It was only at this time that Mao Renfeng was already very jealous of Zhang Chunlian, and although he remembered her old feelings and transferred her back to his side, he no longer arranged any confidential tasks for her.

During that time, Zhang Chunlian was a beautiful vase in the national military government. However, there is no need to do things that hurt nature and reason with a clear conscience, Zhang Chunlian herself is quite satisfied with this, and she also enjoys the days of serving iron rice bowls in the national military government.

With the end of the Battle of the Crossing River, the elite troops of the Nationalist military government on the mainland were basically wiped out, and Chiang Kai-shek had to flee to Taiwan with his family and his men. As the current head of the military, Mao Renfeng naturally wants to follow.

But he felt that although Dai Kasa was dead, Zhang Chunlian was already a confidant of Dai Kasa, so he did not plan to flee to Taiwan with Zhang Chunlian, so he made a false promise to Zhang Chunlian to continue to lurk in the mainland and collect intelligence, and when the time came, he would arrange for someone to take Zhang Chunlian to Taiwan.

After the death of an elderly woman in Shaanxi, her husband ran to report the crime and accidentally revealed her true identity that had been hidden for 30 years

Mao Ren Feng

Although Zhang Chunlian did not believe Mao Renfeng's words, she could only act according to his arrangement. She came to the very remote countryside of Shaanxi as required, fabricated the identity of a widow for herself, and lived here.

It's just that Zhang Chunlian is too special in both appearance and temperament, and is very eye-catching in the remote countryside. In order not to reveal her identity, Zhang Chunlian thought about it again and again and decided to settle down completely.

It just so happened that there was an honest and down-to-earth bachelor in the village who wanted to pursue her, and Zhang Chunlian did not hate him, so she simply married him, gave him 8 children in a row, and in the days with him, she gradually got used to the life of sunrise and daily progress, and her skin became rough and dark, and she became a complete peasant woman.

After the death of an elderly woman in Shaanxi, her husband ran to report the crime and accidentally revealed her true identity that had been hidden for 30 years

Group photo with a local peasant woman

Her husband loved her, the children were well-behaved and obedient, and the young people in the village also respected her, and Zhang Chunlian felt that such a peaceful and peaceful old age was better than all the glory and wealth she had once had.

But as she got older, she felt more and more sorry for her husband. She did not want to hide her husband for a lifetime, so when she felt that her time was running out, she secretly wrote a confession letter and told her husband that he must not open it until after her death.

Her honest husband kept his promise, and it was not until the night after her death that he opened it and read it, knowing his wife's identity as an enemy agent, and was shocked and frightened.

After thinking about it all night, he finally decided to fulfill his obligation to go to the police station to expose his deceased wife in the company of his children.

But fortunately, after the investigation of the relevant departments, Zhang Chunlian did not do anything harmful to nature, and she could not collect in her rural days, nor could she pass on any useful information, not to mention that she was already dead, and confessed everything before she died, and the government department did not pursue this matter again.

After the death of an elderly woman in Shaanxi, her husband ran to report the crime and accidentally revealed her true identity that had been hidden for 30 years

Zhang Chunlian's life was bumpy and uneasy, although she was talented and a rare beauty, she did not meet a good person when she was young, nor did she get a stage to really display her talents.

Fortunately, she later washed her hands in the golden basin, changed her evil and returned to righteousness, and also met her husband who was willing to spoil her all her life, and spent a peaceful and happy old age in the countryside, which is really a blessing in misfortune.

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