
After Japan surrendered, the U.S. general asked the emperor: Why don't you cut your belly? He said 4 words shamelessly

People often say that "evil has evil retribution", and those who do evil will one day be punished, and bad people will not have a good end. People's life is not long, life is particularly precious, and it is not allowed to be maliciously harmed. But from ancient times to the present, there have been many wars, people have been brutally slaughtered, in the eyes of the devil, they regard life as grass and mustard, and they are extremely cruel. During World War II, our country was brutally slaughtered by Japan, and although our country won the victory in the end, World War II has always been a scar that we cannot erase.

After Japan surrendered, the U.S. general asked the emperor: Why don't you cut your belly? He said 4 words shamelessly

In 1931, the ruthless Japanese launched a war of aggression against our country, thinking that the initial non-resistance made the Japanese army think that the Chinese was very weak, so they began to rise up unscrupulously, and threatened to occupy China for three months. During the invasion of China, Japan did many cruel things, killing people like a demon without blinking. In the end, countless revolutionary martyrs in our country threw their heads and spilled their blood to fight the Japanese army to the death, and finally ushered in the victory of the War of Resistance, and the Japanese army was also driven back to their hometown.

After Japan surrendered, the U.S. general asked the emperor: Why don't you cut your belly? He said 4 words shamelessly

After the surrender of the Japanese Emperor, our country also ushered in the dawn of victory from the brutal battle, and those who launched the war of aggression against China in Japan were also punished as they deserved. The Japanese believed in Bushido, and after the end of the war, many people could not accept the fact of defeat, felt sorry for the party-state, and finally chose to kill themselves. Later, the American general also asked the emperor: Why don't you kill yourself by cutting your stomach? The emperor simply said 4 words, which was shameless!

After Japan surrendered, the U.S. general asked the emperor: Why don't you cut your belly? He said 4 words shamelessly

When the Emperor faced the questions of the American generals, he behaved very calmly and sneered: "It has nothing to do with me!" He also said that the war was not initiated by himself, but was decided by the ministers, and he had advised him, but it did not play any role. I have to say that the emperor's ability to throw the pot is really powerful, and such shameless words can be said in order to live. However, in order to control Japan, the U.S. military let the emperor return home safely, but he was already an emperor in name only.

After Japan surrendered, the U.S. general asked the emperor: Why don't you cut your belly? He said 4 words shamelessly

People are watching the sky, and bad people are doing the wrong things, and sooner or later they will be punished. Emperor Hirohito never confessed to his crimes after he injected capital, but this history will be forever nailed to the pillar of shame, so that Japan's crimes will always be remembered by the world. It has been several decades since the end of the War of Resistance Against Japan, but we will still remember history and never forget this humiliating history

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