
In the Battle of Weixian in 1948, Xu Shiyou led 26 regiments to attack the city without success, and a squad leader suggested that the war be turned around


When talking about General Xu Shiyou, most people think of his alcohol, heroism, and military talent. However, heroes will also have shortcomings, and there are always their own deficiencies. Xu Shiyou has fought countless battles and conquered countless battles in his life. He made outstanding contributions to the founding of New China, but once Xu Shiyou led his troops to attack a county town, which took 16 days without breaking through. When he was anxious and had no way, a small squad leader actually gave Xu Shiyou a good idea. As a result, the siege was a rapid success, and the siege was finally won. Afterwards, Xu Shiyou was amazed by this.

In the Battle of Weixian in 1948, Xu Shiyou led 26 regiments to attack the city without success, and a squad leader suggested that the war be turned around

General Xu Shiyou grew up in a poor family. It is understood that when he was 8 years old, he became interested in martial arts and was determined to practice martial arts. After asking someone to teach him boxing and some leg and foot kung fu, Xu Shiyou came to the Songshan Shaolin Temple, where he began a new life and also here, began his teenage years.

Later, Xu Shiyou did not want to be a monk and left the Shaolin Temple. The reason for leaving the Shaolin Temple is because he is a very filial piety, he always thinks of his mother in the Shaolin Temple, and he hopes to be able to return home to filial piety to his mother. Although he left the Shaolin Temple, he was still a Shaolin disciple.

In addition, Xu Shiyou is a capable and confident revolutionary fighter. Throughout his life, he served the country and the people and made many military achievements. He likes money and luxury to enjoy life, he is very backbone, dare to be angry and dare to speak, and never bow to the powerful. His spirit has been admired by too many people, and too many people have remembered this hero. However, such heroes often have difficult times, what is going on?

In the Battle of Weixian in 1948, Xu Shiyou led 26 regiments to attack the city without success, and a squad leader suggested that the war be turned around

Picture | Xu Shiyou

In 1948, the Liberation War entered the middle and late stages, the Kuomintang army was at a disadvantage, and many parts of the country were liberated. At that time, most of Shandong Province, except for some cities such as Jinan, Qingdao, and Weixian, was occupied by the People's Liberation Army. In this regard, our army formulated a battle plan for conquering the remaining cities in Shandong Province.

If our army liberates Weixian County, the connection between the Chiang Kai-shek clique in Qingdao and Jinan will not only be cut off, but our army will also connect the three strategic points of communications, bohai sea, and Luzhong, so it is of great significance to conquer Weixian from this aspect.

Xu Shiyou, then commander of the Shandong Corps, began to make preparations for attacking Weixian County, and he was determined to launch the "Weixian Campaign" to cut off the "back road" of Jinan and Qingdao and win opportunities for our army. However, at the beginning, everything did not go so smoothly, the attack on Weixian was not as easy as expected, and both sides fell into a state of anxiety and tension. In fact, this is also related to the geographical location of Weixian County.

In the Battle of Weixian in 1948, Xu Shiyou led 26 regiments to attack the city without success, and a squad leader suggested that the war be turned around

Pictured| soldiers of our army

The so-called "Weixian County", which is now Weifang City, Shandong Province, has been the center of economic development since ancient times. Weixian not only has developed transportation, but also has a very important geographical location, and the transportation network is all around, which is an important military point. Therefore, Weixian has built strong walls since the beginning of the Han Dynasty.

Since ancient times, the weixian city wall has been continuously strengthened, and gradually formed a copper wall and an iron wall, it can be said that this city is simply easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is said that no army can forcibly open the gates of Weixian county by force.

When the Kuomintang army occupies such a favorable position, it is natural to give full play to its role.

At that time, the Nationalist defenders in Weixian county had a total strength of more than 47,000 troops, and set up 3 defensive lines outside the city, planted mines, and various traps, and built more than 20 miles of defense facilities here.

In addition, there is a moat of more than 5 meters in length and width on the outside of the Weixian city wall, and many cover objects are set up next to it. All of this has formed a strong and stable defense system in Weixian County, which has caused headaches for PLA soldiers.

In the Battle of Weixian in 1948, Xu Shiyou led 26 regiments to attack the city without success, and a squad leader suggested that the war be turned around

Figure | the battle map of Weixian County

On April 2, 1948, the Battle of Weixian officially began, and Xu Shiyou served as the commander of this campaign.

Given the difficulty of attacking the city, the PLA sent 54 regiments and nearly 120,000 troops to participate in the operation.

In order to prevent the Kuomintang from reinforcing Jinan and Qingdao, Xu Shiyou planned to use 22 regiments to attack the Kuomintang reinforcements.

In addition, Xu Shiyou left 6 regiments as reserves, and the remaining 26 regiments were all thrown into siege battles.

It can be said that the Kuomintang's defense system is very perfect, and our army's attack system is even more far-sighted. Both armies were well prepared, and the fighting was extremely fierce. Unfortunately, our army's attack progressed very slowly.

Xu Shiyou ordered his troops to attack the Nationalist forces outside the city, and at the same time, he also asked the soldiers to pay more attention to the distribution of these traps. In the case of these traps, the PLA's advantage is not great.

In the Battle of Weixian in 1948, Xu Shiyou led 26 regiments to attack the city without success, and a squad leader suggested that the war be turned around

In the end, after half a month of fierce fighting between the two sides, our army finally completely annihilated the enemy outside the city, but due to the loss of many troops and materials, there was no victory overall. Subsequently, our army planned the next siege battle, and if the walls were not broken, it would be difficult to continue.

The battle lasted for 16 days, most of the siege troops of the 26 regiments were exhausted, and the military supplies such as artillery shells were significantly reduced, making it impossible to continue the strong attack. At first, the siege force adopted the method of fighting by digging tunnels to break through the city walls, but the vanguard troops had to give up after being attacked by enemy shells. Later, the warriors tied explosives to wooden sticks and sent them to the city walls and blew them up at the head of the city.

However, the height of weixian's city walls was close to 13 meters, and the warriors' wooden pillars could not reach their height and had to be abandoned.

Moreover, at this altitude, the explosion time will definitely become longer, and the probability of exploding in the air is high, so the effect of the explosion is not good. After many attempts and failures, the warriors were even more tired. If you continue to attack blindly like this, the result will be only futile.

Therefore, Xu Shiyou took into account the overall situation of the troops, simply ordered the interruption of the siege campaign, let the team rest, use a period of time to explore the method of siege operations, and finally, launch the siege campaign.

In the Battle of Weixian in 1948, Xu Shiyou led 26 regiments to attack the city without success, and a squad leader suggested that the war be turned around

Figure | our army is fighting

During the period when the team rested, Xu Shiyou not only sought siege methods from the soldiers, but also asked the surrounding villagers about the combat aspects and explored the way to attack the city. At this time, the whole army and the masses of the people were united and jointly explored the way to attack the city.

Of course, although many opinions have been made, many of them are unrealistic, either without taking into account the special defense system of the city walls, or the effect is remarkable, and the probability of realization is high. All of this was rejected by Xu Shiyou one by one.

Finally, a small squad leader of the 26 regiments came up with an ingenious idea of his.

This man's name was Song Wenwen, and he was not well known among the siege forces. Almost no one knew about him except for a few soldiers of the troops.

In the Battle of Weixian in 1948, Xu Shiyou led 26 regiments to attack the city without success, and a squad leader suggested that the war be turned around

Picture | our army to attack the city

Surprisingly, such an "insignificant" small squad leader proposed a siege method, which greatly promoted the progress of the Weixian Campaign.

Song suggested installing pulleys on wooden sticks that bound the explosives, and using the speed of the pulleys to quickly deliver the explosives to the head of the city, eventually blowing them up.

So to speak,

This not only cleverly solves the problem of explosive package explosion in advance, but also achieves low cost and high efficiency by using pulleys.

This method was soon appreciated by Xu Shiyou, and he immediately ordered the siege forces to adopt this method.

Subsequently, Xu Shiyou ordered the troops to make "pulley explosives", and the officers and men of the troops conducted many drills before the formal siege operation, all of which were successful, and Xu Shiyou praised this.

In the Battle of Weixian in 1948, Xu Shiyou led 26 regiments to attack the city without success, and a squad leader suggested that the war be turned around

Picture | Wei County

Not long after, Xu Shiyou ordered a siege operation, and under the dual action of pulleys and wooden poles, the explosive pack quickly reached the top of the city wall, giving the enemy a fatal blow.

Under these circumstances, the Kuomintang army was not yet ready, and it broke out before it had time to deal with it. In the siege battle that followed, under the action of wooden poles and pulleys, the explosive packs exploded one by one towards the city wall, and in an instant, the "most beautiful" music sounded between heaven and earth. After about 1 hour, the defense system of the kuomintang army's city wall was basically destroyed, and the ability to resist our army was completely lost.

The large-scale firepower of the Kuomintang army was suppressed by the soldiers of our army, and they lost the ability to counterattack, and could only passively defend. The PLA fighters, supported by artillery fire, began to blast the city wall, and finally, a large amount of mud filled the moat, and the entire river became flat. The enemy army in the bunker immediately lost its resistance, surrendered, and laid down its weapons.

In the Battle of Weixian in 1948, Xu Shiyou led 26 regiments to attack the city without success, and a squad leader suggested that the war be turned around

Picture | the tomb of the martyrs of the Battle of Weixian County

The soldiers of the People's Liberation Army took advantage of the situation to attack the bunkers and bunkers under the city walls, and defeated the enemy to the point of collapse. The Nationalist defenders saw this and had to flee. Our army continued its offensive and soon reached the city gate. After that, the People's Liberation Army began to enter the city, climbed the city tower, and announced to the world the complete victory of the battle. The soldiers of the People's Liberation Army have proved to the people of the world that the masses of the people cannot be defeated, and the Kuomintang reactionaries will certainly pay a price for their actions!

Song Wenwen became a hero in this battle, and his idea was very good, and flexibly applied this method on the battlefield, which not only reduced the losses of our army, but also made the enemy lose a mess.

In the Battle of Weixian in 1948, Xu Shiyou led 26 regiments to attack the city without success, and a squad leader suggested that the war be turned around

Pictured| Xu Shiyou and his wife


When the first red flag was planted on the weixian city tower, Xu Shiyou wept with joy, after all, the victory in this battle was not easy to come by, and the liberation of Weixian also indicated that the complete liberation of Shandong was coming. After this battle, the 79th Regiment, which made great contributions to the battle, was awarded the honorary title by the East China Bureau of the Central Committee.

And Song Wenwen himself was also praised and praised by Xu Shiyou. To this day, people should thank these soldiers who sacrificed and dedicated themselves to the founding of New China, without their efforts, there would be no beautiful and happy life today!

We must study hard, constantly accumulate experience, take the revolutionary martyrs as an example, and build our great motherland into a more prosperous and strong country; only in this way will the blood of the revolutionary martyrs not be shed in vain, and their every attack will be meaningful!

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