
"2022, my 3 wish list~"

author:Yixin Notes
"2022, my 3 wish list~"

Author 丨 Yixin

Source 丨 Yixin Notes

"2022, my 3 wish list~"

During the holidays, I took the children to eat the steak that I had been thinking about for a long time, and I preferred the buffet in the restaurant to the steak, with desserts, fruits, ice cream, fried rice, fried noodles, and various dishes full of dishes. The child eats happily, and after eating, he plays games and plays with sand. On this day, the child had a lot of fun, looking at the child's happy smiling face, in addition to being relieved, he had to sigh, such a leisurely time is really rare.

On the way to the car, I used the time to listen to a book "Puppy Money", which is a financial and business book specially written for children, but in fact, it is also very suitable for many adults to read, and there is no financial foundation and you want to change the financial status quo.

The book tells the magical experience of 12-year-old ordinary girl Gia who reversed her fate through financial management, and with the help of her own efforts and financial predecessors, she changed the financial difficulties of her family, improved her life and her family, and won the respect of her family and friends. When talking puppy money money starts to guide Gia financial management, the first thing is to let him write out the 10 wish lists he wants to achieve, because the list is to sort out the real needs of our hearts.

"2022, my 3 wish list~"
"2022, my 3 wish list~"

In 2022, my biggest goal is to realize the realization of writing, for me who has no writing foundation at all, I don't know what the result will be, and the beginning is definitely difficult. Because time and energy are limited for me, but no matter what the result is, I still want to work hard and want to change. In order to achieve this wish, I also made 3 wish lists for myself to encourage myself.

1, life freedom, the second half of life hope to write for a living. No longer have to sacrifice their precious time for a meager income, no longer have to look at other people's faces to work, and no longer have to live a "swallowing" life. You can have more time to cook and do housework, like the clean and tidy look at home, don't have to wait for work and rush home to cook, you can practice drawing and writing freely, just to like.

2, spend more time with the child, the child's growth is only once. Every time I shut my child at home in order to go to work, looking at the child's expectant eyes, my heart is really uncomfortable. I hope to have more time and energy to accompany children to read and play, travel with children, see more of the outside world, increase life experience, and truly accompany children to grow up.

3. Change the status quo of the family and improve the life of the family. I want to be financially free to buy what I like and no longer have to think about the price. No need to stay up late, people reach middle age, the body is more and more likely to be tired, can not always stay up late.

"2022, my 3 wish list~"
"2022, my 3 wish list~"

These little wishes look inconspicuous, and perhaps many people live like this every day, or even a thousand times more comfortable than this. But these small things for me, is the initiator of my life anxiety, they can make a big difference in my life, maybe my future life is composed of such a small thing, very much look forward to!

This month joined the writing challenge camp, unconsciously this year has reached the 4th day, the group of friends are very active writing, constantly punching card exchange writing, it is very happy to write with everyone who loves writing in the first month of 2022, work together!

The rules of the Writing Challenge Camp are very user-friendly, and 12 days a month is considered to be successful. So that I don't have to chase hard without a writing foundation, there is enough time to write slowly and slowly develop habits. Thank you very much to the initiator of the Writing Challenge Camp, Miss Sister, who is kind and has made a special effort to be my role model.

In 2022, come on!

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