
Qualcomm shows the smart car "Family Barrel": full of screens!

The opening of the 2022 CES exhibition, in addition to various car manufacturers, there are many technology giants, Qualcomm is a very typical member.

At the exhibition, Qualcomm not only announced a total of 37 new partners including BMW, Ford, Audi, Tesla, Volkswagen, Honda, etc., but also unveiled the "family bucket" prepared for smart cars, including digital chassis, advanced driver assistance systems, car connectivity services and automotive cloud services.

Qualcomm shows the smart car "Family Barrel": full of screens!

The Snapdragon Digital Chassis consists of a complete set of open and scalable cloud connectivity platforms that leverage a unified architecture to bring greater security and immersive digital experiences, enabling next-generation vehicles to upgrade their capabilities throughout their lifecycle.

Automakers can choose from any or all of the platforms covered by snapdragon digital chassis in their product lines and provide a highly customized experience for their products through continuous upgrades in the cloud.

Qualcomm shows the smart car "Family Barrel": full of screens!

Snapdragon Ride Platform – An open, programmable platform that addresses the full spectrum of requirements from New Vehicle Evaluation Specification (NCAP) to L2+/L3 level driver assistance and autonomous driving (AD), with a scalable portfolio of system-on-chip (SoC) processors and accelerators for vision, central computing, and high-performance autonomous driving needs.

Based on Arriver's one-stop vision software stack, a complete suite of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)/Autonomous Driving features and flexible architectures, automakers and Tier 1 suppliers can leverage Arriver's Driving Strategy Solution to create their driving strategies, parking or driver monitoring software stacks and advanced navigation capabilities.

The platform also provides full support for advanced features, functional safety/expected functional safety (SOTIF), and system architecture capabilities.

Qualcomm shows the smart car "Family Barrel": full of screens!

Snapdragon Cockpit Platform – Empower automakers to seize the opportunity to transform in-vehicle experiences with new services that create multi-display, multi-camera, top-of-the-line audio, video and multimedia experiences through highly customizable and always-connected SoC and virtualization software solutions, as well as a mix of critical environments that securely meet the needs of consumers and security ecosystems at the same time.

Qualcomm shows the smart car "Family Barrel": full of screens!

Snapdragon Automotive Connect Platform – Empowers automakers to create powerful LTE and 5G connected services, cellular connectivity (C-V2X), Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and precision positioning capabilities to fully support secure connectivity between the car and the cloud, other vehicles and the surrounding environment, meeting the growing demand for a safer and more immersive driving experience.

Snapdragon Vehicle-to-Cloud Services – Provides automakers with a flexible feature portfolio and performance upgrades and new capabilities through pre-integrated software and service platforms designed for a new monetization model.

Qualcomm shows the smart car "Family Barrel": full of screens!

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