
How long does the third generation IVF process in Suzhou take

The cycle of going to Suzhou for three generations of test tubes is generally about a month, and patients need to do the required documents and basic examinations in China, and then wait to go to Suzhou.

Heng Jianhai pointed out that generally in the woman to suzhou when the menstrual leave, arrived in Suzhou on the 2nd and 3rd day, according to the appointment time to see the doctor - sheng, the same day the woman drew blood test 6 items of sexual kin-hormone, B- ultrasound examination of the ovaries, check the basic follicles, after the examination into the test tube process, women use ovulation induction needle yao.

How long does the third generation IVF process in Suzhou take

On day 6, the 5th day of the injection-ejection injection needle, the sex kintin, uterine examination and ovarian B-ultrasound are performed to check the effect of follicle development, and according to the examination data, see if it is necessary to adjust the yao or dose, and continue to inject the injection-injection ovulation injection.

On day 9, the injection-ejection injection is 8 days, and the follicles are again performed for sexual kinesin, uterine examination and ovarian B-ultrasound monitoring of follicles, and if the result of uneven follicle size, injection-ejaculation is required to protect the eggs to avoid premature rupture of the follicle. If most of the follicles are above 1.6cm, arrange injection-shot hCG injections (night injections) at 8:00 p.m. on the same day. On the 10th day of rest, you can go out and relax.

Sperm retrieval and egg retrieval are performed on the 11th day, and the number of hand retrievals is carried out 34-36 hours after HCG injection. Egg retrieval is performed in general anesthesia and fasting states under B-ultrasound guidance. On the day of egg retrieval, the man takes the jing liquid, and after the jing liquid is separated and screened, the ICSI intracytoplasmic sperm injection-ejaculation is carried out to fertilize it. On day 12, the first day after the egg retrieval, the lab will notify the fertilization to see how many embryos have developed successfully, while supporting yao with the luteum every day.

On day 14, the 3rd day after egg retrieval, couples who have PGD tests, laboratory reports, can perform PGD tests on embryos. On day 15, couples who do PGD, the lab notifies the embryonic PGD results. On the 16th day, blastocyst transplantation is performed, which requires holding urine, which helps the uterus to open and facilitate the transplantation, and the transplant does not require anesthesia. The middle break time can go to Suzhou to have a good time, but pay attention to rest, do not exercise strenuously. 10 days after transplantation, blood is drawn to test HCG and progesterone. After the successful pregnancy test, the doctor gave birth to the fetus and went home happily with the baby.

How long does the third generation IVF process in Suzhou take

The above is the time required to go to Suzhou to do the whole process of test tubes. So, if a patient goes to Suzhou to do IVF leave, how long does it take to ask for leave?

Compared with the test tube process in Suzhou, it may take longer, the patient needs to carry out the preliminary conditioning and preparation of documents, make an appointment with the hospital and doctor-student, check the body, etc., and the conditioning of the body can still be carried out during the work, but the test tube must be taken off, and the specific leave time needs to be determined according to the individual's situation.

Secondly, after transplantation, patients engaged in physical and other labor also need to ask for leave, after ivy transplantation or to avoid more intense activities, will affect the implantation of test tubes. Therefore, it is better not to go to work immediately after transplantation and try to rest for a period of time.

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