
Legend of Chongqing Specialties (590) | Cross the bridge: Dipped in the saucer of the seasoning and eaten, it is like crossing the bridge

author:Upstream News

Speaking of Snacks in Chongqing, there are countless chutneys, hand-pickers, cold noodles, oil tea, glutinous rice balls, white cakes... What do you love the most?

Legend of Chongqing Specialties (590) | Cross the bridge: Dipped in the saucer of the seasoning and eaten, it is like crossing the bridge

Among them, everyone has eaten, I don't know if you have ever eaten a bridge scribe?

Cross the bridge and are known for their unique approach to eating. When eating, the bowl copy hand is sandwiched into the flavor dish, dipped in the saucer and eaten, just like crossing the bridge, so it is called the bridge copy hand.

Legend of Chongqing Specialties (590) | Cross the bridge: Dipped in the saucer of the seasoning and eaten, it is like crossing the bridge


500g of pork, 200g of shrimp, 500g of hand skin


2 shallots, garlic juice, ginger juice, sesame oil, chili oil, pepper noodles, salt, pepper powder 1 spoon each, 2 spoonfuls of soy sauce, 1 egg, 10g of seaweed, 5g of sesame seeds, stock to taste


1: Wash and stack the pork into minced meat, add eggs, salt and pepper and mix well.

2: Wash and cut the shrimp into small cubes.

3: Add shrimp and green onion to the mixed minced meat, then add an appropriate amount of water, and stir the meat in one direction with chopsticks until the minced meat absorbs all the water.

4: Take a copy of the skin and wrap it in an appropriate amount of meat filling.

5: Mix sesame oil, chili oil, soy sauce, salt, green onion, sesame seeds, ginger juice and garlic juice to make a dipping sauce.

6: Take another bowl and add soy sauce, sesame oil, seaweed and broth.

7: Boil water in a pot, boil the water and add the wrapped scribe, cook until it floats on the water, and cook for another minute.

8: Fish out the copier and put it in a soup bowl.

Pick up a hot, fragrant copy and eat it with dipping sauce, it is called an incense!

Source: Food planning WeChat public account, Chongqing eat and drink WeChat public account

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