
How good was Myanmar at its peak? If it were not for China, it might have unified Southeast Asia

Myanmar, located in southwest China, is a rich but economically backward Southeast Asian country. As a second-rate country, Myanmar has little sense of international presence, and perhaps the biggest impression of this neighbor is that it is poor and backward. But this humble country was once brilliant in history, once becoming the hegemon of Southeast Asia, and even almost allowed him to unify Southeast Asia. So how good was Myanmar at its peak?

How good was Myanmar at its peak? If it were not for China, it might have unified Southeast Asia

Historically, Myanmar has been a relatively developed region in Southeast Asia. Myanmar is adjacent to the two major civilization zones of China and India, and is the meeting place of the two major civilizations. Influenced by the two major civilizations, Myanmar has a high degree of civilization and civilization, and is one of the most civilized regions in Southeast Asia. Around the 11th century, the Bagan dynasty initially unified Burma, laying the foundation for burma's rise. In the 13th century, the Toungoo Dynasty arose, and after a long war, the Toungoo Dynasty unified most of Burma in the 16th century. At the beginning of the 18th century, the Dongwu Dynasty gradually fell apart and was eventually replaced by the Gongpung Dynasty.

How good was Myanmar at its peak? If it were not for China, it might have unified Southeast Asia

The first monarch of the Gongpung Dynasty, Yong Zhiya, was a very talented monarch. He not only unified Burma, but also managed It in an orderly manner, making Myanmar's national strength flourish. Myanmar is not only very developed in agriculture, but also prosperous in overseas trade. In fact, as a country with a large area and a large population in Southeast Asia, Myanmar's development potential is very huge. When the country is unified and a promising monarch emerges, its potential will naturally explode quickly. Through the efforts of three generations of Burmese kings, Myanmar's national strength has reached its peak. With its strong national strength, Burma invaded everywhere and expanded everywhere, not only annexing the Kingdom of Manipur in northeastern India and Laos in the central Indochina Peninsula, but also occupying Thailand, another great power in Southeast Asia, and controlling most of the Indochina Peninsula. At that time, Myanmar had become a veritable number one power in Southeast Asia.

How good was Myanmar at its peak? If it were not for China, it might have unified Southeast Asia

After Burma annexed Thailand, its national power reached its peak, and no country in the whole of Southeast Asia was a rival to Myanmar. Neither Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaya, nor the scattered Indonesian archipelago countries in the south are Myanmar's rivals. If this momentum follows, it is only a matter of time before Myanmar unifies Southeast Asia. But Burma was overwhelmed by the victory, and its ambitions and self-confidence soared, and they not only attacked Southeast Asian countries, but even started the idea of China. Because Myanmar continues to wage wars of aggression, the cost of war is very large. In order to make up for the deficit, Myanmar went so far as to reach into China and impose heavy taxes on toastmasters in China's border areas. Myanmar's behavior has provoked strong resentment from China. At that time, the Qing Dynasty was also at the peak of its national strength, and naturally it would not be used to him. The Qianlong Emperor sent troops to conquer Burma four times, but what made people speechless was that the Qing army was defeated in four battles, and the strength of Burma was evident. However, although the Qing government did not win the war against Burma, the ongoing war overwhelmed Burma, and Burma was forced to ask the Qing government for peace, and finally both sides gave a step and ended the war decently.

How good was Myanmar at its peak? If it were not for China, it might have unified Southeast Asia

After the Qing-Burma War, Burma's national strength was greatly damaged, Thailand seized the opportunity to become independent, and Burma's national strength was much worse than before. But even so, it took the British decades to completely wipe out Burma. In the First Anglo-Burmese War, Burma actually hit Britain hard, causing tens of thousands of British casualties, and the British did not slow down for a long time. If Burma had not had ambitions to inflate and provoke the Qing Dynasty, but to develop in Southeast Asia with peace of mind, it might have really unified Southeast Asia. Even if reunification is not achieved, it can carry more years and make Britain and France suffer more in Southeast Asia.

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